I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 508 Serving the Food

Jing Yimai rolled up his sleeves, revealing a strong arm that was no less powerful than the other man's.

"I'll go out and take care of him?"

Xia Yan looked at the man's back as he left and shook his head.

"No, finish the task at hand first, he will come here for dinner."

"I see."

Jing Yimai moved the table and passed by the hotel gate. He felt a figure turn his head and looked at a person who looked very similar to him.

"Tsk - Jing Yimai, you have fallen to this point, and you have to do hard labor to make a living?" The depression on Jing Wenbin's face disappeared, and he raised one corner of his mouth and laughed mercilessly.

He looked at the changed safe zone and clapped his hands sarcastically, "Good work, keep up the good work."

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Jing Yimai sneered: "Sure enough, you are still weak, you complain about moving a few tables, really don't need me to buy you some medicine? We are all men, don't be embarrassed."

"Ahem." Chu Wanfu coughed twice, "I'll go outside to take a look, you guys go ahead."

Jing Wenbin glared at Jing Yimai fiercely, turned his head and blocked Chu Wanfu and said: "Let me take you on a tour , there is a group of second-generation masters in this city who are fearless and can do anything, and they prefer to torture new faces. They usually give me some face. It is safer with me in General Chu's side. "

Chu Wanfu brushed his hand away, and his tone was light but unquestionable: "I am afraid that they are not enough. President Bin's worry seems to be mocking me?"

Jing Wenbin tried to smile: "I dare not."

Chu Wanfu patted his shoulder and raised his chin to indicate: "Besides, Boss Xia is still waiting for you, I won't bother you."

What does Boss Xia want to do with him?

Jing Wenbin frowned and looked over.

Xia Yan: "Hey, is President Bin eating well?"

"Very good." He said a few perfunctory words, and when he turned around, he saw Chu Wanfu gathered his group of soldiers who were making trouble everywhere, sat in the armored vehicle brought out by his men, and drove away with a rumble.

Jing Wenbin exhaled heavily, pulled his confidant over roughly, whispered a few words in his ear, and watched him leave.

Hua La Hua La.

It was the sound of the box shaking when Xia Yan took it out.

Jing Wenbin looked around and couldn't figure out what it was, so he asked, "Do you want to talk to me about something?"

Xia Yan was putting on disposable gloves, "Of course I have something to do. When will Mr. Bin let me take Chen Juqing away? I spent ten four crystals to buy him. You'd better not play tricks on me."

She angrily tore off the tape on the seal.

"Don't worry, I still have some integrity." Jing Wenbin curiously leaned over to take a look.

Good guy, it's all crystal cores, and there are quite a few five crystals. You're still crying poor? ! Rich people are stingy about this, but not him, Jing Wenbin.


"Xiongxiong, bring two basins of clean water. I'll wash these crystal cores." Xia Yan shouted and continued to say to him, "Tell me a specific time. I'm anxious."

Jing Wenbin's expression was intriguing. He thought, "Then tonight."

Xia Yan pointed to the big sailboat, "That building, right? Which floor? I'll go myself."

"No, I'll send someone to pick you up."

Xia Yan gestured OK, poured all the crystal cores into the basin and rubbed them. The clear water suddenly became turbid, and the pickled things floated to the surface.

Jing Wenbin looked at it solemnly and turned to leave.

After he left, Xia Yan took off his gloves and called the staff, "Wash the crystal cores twice more. They are too dirty."


The dining chairs in the safe area were basically placed. Xia Yan asked Xiongxiong and Jing Yimai to take the cart and go to the second floor to transport the prepared stir-fried dishes down.

She placed two six-grid fast food insulated carts in front of the hall, with 304 stainless steel plates piled up underneath, and they were thickened.

When Xiong Xiong and the other man brought the insulated bucket, Xia Yan asked them to pour the dishes into the grids, mix them evenly, and then put a large steel spoon in.

The first three grids were vegetarian dishes, the back were meat dishes, and the insulated carts next to them were all snacks, peanuts, fried fish, etc.

"Boss, make way!"

Xia Yan hurriedly made way, and saw Xiong Xiong holding a one-meter-wide stainless steel basin, and put it on the long dining table with a Duang sound. The basin was full of braised pork bones and shook heavily, and the soft and rotten meat shook three times.

The little taste went straight to the head, and the greedy people were almost drooling.

The group of people who were watching this place with binoculars in the distance could not sit still, and stood up excitedly one by one.

"Meat! Meat! It's really meat!"

"Hiss-ah, I smell the fragrance of protein."

"Fuck, this meat is cooked to perfection, the meat is full of soup, it falls off the bone with a light bite, and the mouth is full of fragrance! And the bone marrow is the most delicious, it's slippery and fragrant!"


After hearing the description, everyone couldn't help but drool, their stomachs growled with hunger, and they wanted to rush over right now, but they looked down at the shadow to estimate the time and got angry.

"It's not time yet! Shut up first!!!"

This side.

Xiongxiong and Jing Yimai grunted and brought two super large thermos buckets, and lifted them off the car together.

Xia Yan opened the lid and took a look, it turned out to be white rice and big steamed buns.

"Just put it aside." She instructed the two.

Xia Yan walked around the dining table and always felt like something was missing.

Suddenly she clapped her hands, "Bring four more people, go to the cafeteria and bring out the cold beer."

Xiongxiong came over, "Boss, do you need to prepare cups?"

Xia Yan: "Let them drink from the bottle."

She looked across, at the periphery of the safe zone, where hundreds of people were sitting or standing, staring at the dining table in unison, their eyes green as wolves, their saliva flowing two miles away.

Especially when she saw the iced beers piled up behind her, she felt hungry and thirsty from the inside out, her throat was almost dry and smoking, and she was just waiting for a bottle of beer to save her life.

There was also a group of people who simply took off the water bag hanging around their waists, unscrewed the lid, and directly poured out the precious water resources, leaving an empty bottle waiting to be filled with beer.

At this time, Jing Yimai brought the last bucket, Xia Yan opened it, and there were full of meatballs floating in the rich soup.

The group of people outside sniffed their noses fiercely.

"What's the smell?"


"Open for business soon! What are you waiting for?!"

"Hurry up, we can't wait anymore!!"

The group of people roared wildly, and the power superpowers among them kept pounding the ground excitedly, splashing the mud, looking very manic.

Being able to hold back until now without taking action is already a great honor for her.

Jing Yimai put away the cart, stepped forward with a cold expression, and stood in front.

Xia Yan:?

"What are you doing?" She thought about it and added, "Be kind to our customers, they are all big guys who come to create sales for the store."

Jing Yimai was stunned.

The store manager Xiongxiong ran to the protective shield, put his hands on his abdomen, and smiled just like Xia Yan in the past.

He thought about it, raised the corners of his mouth a few times, and finally stopped at what he thought was the most appropriate and official angle.

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