I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 509 You will be responsible for the consequences

After all, he is also an employee of the store now, so it is better for everyone to be on the same page.

When the people outside saw them preparing to open the door, they all rushed forward excitedly.

"Xiongxiong, you come back to serve the food."

Xia Yan called it back and gave Jing Yimai a look of preparation for work. She stood behind the cashier, looking at the dense crowd outside the protective shield, and muttered:

"It seems that there is no need to set off fireworks to publicize and remind people, but it saves crystal cores."

She took out the little bee and turned it to the maximum volume.

"Everyone line up to come in, fighting is prohibited, and damaged items must be compensated at the original price, otherwise the consequences will be borne by yourself."

Xia Yan raised it high and repeated this sentence three times.

The group of people outside waved their fists in dissatisfaction, clamoring to go in for dinner.

Just when Jing Yimai thought she would leave the little bee there and keep reminding her, she put it away directly.

Xia Yan ignored those people and opened a passage in the protective shield in the backstage that could only accommodate two people walking side by side.

The people who were constantly crowding in the front suddenly lost their balance and fell into the room.

But in a blink of an eye, they smelled the rich aroma of rice and saw the braised pork ribs close at hand. They realized that they had broken in. They excitedly used their fingers to support the ground to buffer the inertia and then rushed to the dining table.

"The door is open! Rush in quickly!!"

A shout came from the back, and the shoving became more serious.

"Don't push, the door is not here! Push to the right!"

"Move faster in front, don't block the way in front, be careful, I'll punch your head!"

The power man waved his huge fist, the veins on his neck were exposed, and he kept cursing. Seeing that the person didn't move at all, he pushed the back of the person in front of him hard, urged his power, and tried his best to move forward.

This unlucky guy instantly bumped into the person in front of him. It happened that the person was also a power man, and his body was as hard as a rock. One pushed from behind, and the other pushed from the front. He was sandwiched in the middle, and his ribs creaked.

There were people on both sides, no way to escape, and he didn't want to leave the position closest to the door. If he went out, it would be unknown when he could come back in.

He could only scream: "Go inside quickly! I'm going to be squeezed to death!"

Jing Yimai looked at the four people who were crowded at the door and refused to give way to anyone, and was speechless.

He overestimated the IQ of these people.

"Xiao Jing, help them." Xia Yan said.

He nodded, walked over and grabbed the arm of the person who came in with the largest area, and pulled with all his strength as if he was playing tug-of-war.

"Ah! Fuck!" The customer who was helped screamed.

Jing Yimai said that he absolutely did not have any personal feelings, and was as ruthless as a robot in a buffet restaurant.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze and slapped the back of the hand of the person who grabbed the big bone without paying.

"You can only take it after paying the crystal core."

The beaten man's eyes glowed green, "How much do you want?! Tell me!"

"12 crystal cores for a piece of braised bone."


"Is it expensive?" Xia Yan pointed to the door, "If you think it's expensive, get out."

The man stared at the braised bone and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Hearing someone coming from behind, he hurriedly took out a handful of crystal cores from his pocket and started counting.

"Come on, come on, give me the biggest piece of meat!"

"Okay~" Xiongxiong took out the dinner plate and really picked up a big piece of meat with the tongs.

Xia Yan glanced at his palm, took the crystal core, and changed his attitude 180 degrees. He smiled and asked, "Do you want a box lunch? It's not expensive. It's only 18 crystal cores per serving. If you want all meat, it's 23 crystal cores. If you don't want rice, you can get two big steamed buns. It's absolutely affordable."

Xiongxiong was also very cooperative. He immediately took out the plate, scooped up a spoonful of the protruding vegetables, and said, "Don't worry, customer, my hands will never shake!"

The man was holding the plate and eating meat. When he raised his head, his mouth was full of oil, his cheeks were bulging, and his voice was very clear.

"Then give me one."

Xia Yan took the crystal core with oil on it without any disdain, counted the number with his eyes, and threw it into the basin. There was detergent in the water to remove oil.

Xiongxiong swung the big spoon and skillfully served the dishes. His hands really didn't shake. Every spoonful he served was just right, and the edges were clean without a trace of oil.

It said, "Rice is the default. If you need it, please let me know in advance!"

As soon as the voice fell, a painful scream sounded, and the crowd at the door was relieved. A group of people immediately filed in.

The hurried steps knocked over the tables and chairs randomly, and the harsh friction sounds came one after another.

It was like a group of locusts passing through the border, aiming at the tender green leaves and flying over in a black mass, waving their mouthparts to feast on them.

But they were aiming at the various delicious meals in front of them.

"They are all mine! No one is allowed to grab them!"

"The captain of the Tiger Team is here. You are so bold. If you don't want to die, get out of the way."

"Wrong, wrong, these are all Mr. Bin's. How dare you grab food from the boss? Are you rebelling?"

"Bullshit, aren't you a little rascal? You are not even worthy of carrying Mr. Bin's shoes."

In a blink of an eye, these people rushed to the insulated car, with their hands stretched out, almost like zombies who had lost their minds.

"Xiao Jing." Xia Yan said lightly.

Jing Yimai: "Got it. Capture! Capture them all!"

He looked expectant--

A group of people jumped up on the spot, punching the heads of those in front of them, twisting their necks with their hands, their faces grim and their mouths full of swear words, their eyes full of determination to get the food.

But, their movements stopped here, maintaining the jumping posture, like a paused movie scene.

Then, everyone turned around until their heads were facing down and began to shake at a high frequency.

The crystal cores hidden in their pockets and chests fell down with a crackling sound, and a colorful rainstorm began.

However, the crystal cores did not fall directly to the ground, but instead outlined a flat bottom in the air.

The people standing outside the safe zone who could not rush in widened their eyes.

So many superpowers...

Among them was the powerful captain of the Tiger Team, more than a dozen members of the Taotian Team, and all the members of the Viper Team... But they were caught and beaten without any ability to resist? !

What kind of superpower can control dozens of people in an instant?

Impossible, this is completely impossible!

But the next second.



"All turned into blood, blood mud? Mist? Water?"

"So many people, all gone in an instant?! Mr. Bin! Help!"

The crowd scattered like birds and beasts, one or two people rushed to find Jing Wenbin to report the death, and the rest slowly stepped back, fearing that they would be spotted by the man who looked like Mr. Bin and rushed out to fight with them.

The fear of unknown abilities reached its peak at this moment.

"Everyone line up to come in, no fighting, damage to the original price of the goods to compensate, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

The voice was not only familiar, but also carried a unique electric pulse.

It turned out to be the little bee that the female boss had played before, and it was taken out again at this time.

But this time, they heard it clearly.

"Those people who violated the rules just now have already borne the consequences. As long as you behave like him, I guarantee that you will enjoy your meal."

The man Xia Yan pointed to was the first man who rushed in to order meat.

At this moment, his mouth was full of rice and vegetables, his eyes were blank, and he continued to chew mechanically.

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