Xia Yan still let the voice play three times and then put it away.

"Now I'll redeem meatballs for everyone. Customers who have flyers in their hands come and line up in front."

She opened the lid of the thermos bucket, took out a full spoonful of dark brown meatballs, put them one by one into the small round holes in the dinner plate, and picked up a plate to signal to the staff.

"Go deliver it to customers."

The employee picked up the plate, walked around the shrinking red square, walked to the first customer, and asked: "Please give me a flyer for your meatballs."

The man was stuffing rice randomly into his mouth when he saw her coming over to protect the plate in her arms. She turned her body to one side and fumbled in her pocket for a long time with the hand holding the chopsticks before taking out a folded piece of paper.

"Thank you," the employee took it, tilted the plate in his hand, and the meatballs rolled and fell into his plate, "please enjoy."

Surprise burst into the man's eyes. He pushed it up with his fingers and put it into his mouth. He chewed it randomly and swallowed it. Maybe he thought it tasted good. He smacked his lips and couldn't help but lick the soup on his fingers.

People outside can’t stand it.

"Made, Zhu Bajie eats ginseng and wastes things."

"You've never eaten good food in your life, and you're still licking your fingers. Look at what you can do! It's shameful."

"What should I say? This B's food tastes really good. It makes me want to eat someone randomly."

"Stop beeping, the door is opened wider this time. Which of you can go in and take a look?"

After hearing this, everyone stepped back with a rare look of fear on their faces.

Just kidding, I didn’t even look at what was going on inside. No one was missing, and all the crystal cores were robbed. Is this an atypical case of gangsters taking advantage of gangsters?

Where's the note?

No matter?

A group of people looked incomprehensible, frowning almost unconsciously and looking around.

Xia Yan let them look at her, thinking she would wait for a long time. Unexpectedly, she saw a group of them approaching in a blink of an eye, and they lined up in front of the door. She took out the flyer with her hand and shook it above her head to make sure she saw it before she started again. Step into the safe zone.

"You can get meatballs just by doing this, right?"


"Ang, we have always followed the rules, we just want to have a meal——"

Xia Yan understood and answered: "We naturally live in peace."

"Hey, it's a good relationship. Pay first and then eat, right? I understand. Do you think how many things can this crystal core buy? We each pay our own way."

The man winked and handed over a bag of crystal cores, his eyes looking directly at the lunch box and meat next to him, and he made swallowing sounds one after another.

Xia Yan opened it and poured it into the tray. There were a total of fifty pieces, all of which were first-level crystal nuclei.

She smiled and gestured to Xiong Xiong: "Arrange a luxurious lunch for our customer, with less bones and more meat."

"It's better to bring some fat! I love eating!" The customer was overjoyed and made a small request regardless of his fear.

"According to the customer's instructions," Xia Yan put away the crystal core and asked, "One portion of soy bones is 12, and one portion of meat and vegetable box lunch is 23. There is still something left. Do you want a bottle of cold beer? Plus a small plate of boiled water. Peanuts and five-spice edamame have a total of 51 cores. The missing core will be free of charge for you.”

The customer was originally hesitant, but after hearing the last sentence, he made an immediate decision.

"That's it! Just do what the boss says!"

The bear next to him moved faster. As soon as he finished speaking, he prepared everything on the big tray, waved his paws and called people: "003 is here to help the customers with the food!"

003 walks vigorously, holds the tray on his head like an acrobatic, leads the customers to sit down at the table, and announces the names of the dishes while serving them.

Finally, she held the beer bottle with fine water droplets hanging on it and asked, "Open it for you?"



Thick bubbles surged up instantly, passing through the narrow neck of the bottle, and white flowers overflowed.

The customer moved faster than his brain and immediately put his mouth up. His throat slid up and down. The cold liquid slid through his esophagus and flowed into his stomach. Gas surged up. He opened his mouth and burped.

"Gan! This is the smell!!"

He stared and smiled involuntarily. Only when the hand holding the bottle felt a real touch did he wake up completely. He turned his eyes and took a deep breath into his lungs.

Meat! meal! cold dish! Cold beer!

They were all placed in front of him and exuded a charming fragrance!

A dream day!

Have a meal--! !

He picked up his chopsticks and tried to pick them up. After comparing them for a long time, he didn't know which one would be better to eat first.

"Eat the sauced bones, listen to me, it smells delicious." The first customer passed by and gave him some advice.

A word from an outsider is really useful when you are indecisive.

He could no longer bear the longing for meat in his heart, so he threw away the chopsticks, grabbed it with his upper hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

The moment I put it in my mouth, I lost my mind.

He was like a meat-gnawing machine, biting and swallowing ferociously, the soft fat exploding between his teeth, his mouth was filled with the rich aroma of fat, and his face was covered with oil.

He strained his neck to swallow, then picked up the beer and shook it until small vortexes swirled in it, stuffed it into his mouth and drank it in a few sips.

"Ah - so cool!!!"

Xia Yan raised his head when he heard the sound, glanced at the empty bottles on the table, and motioned to the staff to ask if they wanted a few more bottles.

“Boss, I’ll have the same thing as him!”

The customer at the back said anxiously, throwing a bag of bulging bags into the tray and urging her to count them quickly.

Xia Yan put it away after checking, "Can I get you some beer for the extra money?"

"Catch! Just hurry up!"

The bear's spoon can fly up in the air, and his hand is still precise, never scooping in more than one piece.

The customers sat at the tables near the dining counter, lowering their heads and busy eating. They didn't have time to let the expected snatching of food happen.

There was only one word left in their minds, eat.

"Nothing happened."

The people outside licked their lips again and again, swallowed their saliva countless times, and twisted their toes to approach secretly.

Suddenly someone shouted: "They are all liars! Don't be fooled!"

Everyone looked over, and a complex emotion surged in their hearts, a twisted hatred.

Right? How could it really exist? It must be a bait, just to trick them in to kill and rob.

Whoever believes it, who——

"Don't worry, I'm smart, let me go in and try her!" After saying that, the man rushed in, and imitated the previous person, waving the flyer, "Boss! I have a flyer! I'm here to get the meatballs! Leave a piece of big meat for me!"


Everyone suddenly woke up.

"Damn, I got cheated!"

"This guy wants the boss to give him a bone with more meat!"

"Boss! I have flyers too! I want big meat too!"

"I have money, I'm a big customer, leave three pieces, and I must bring fat!"

The faster the group left, the faster they came back, and they even crossed each other in a zipper-like manner in front of the door.

So civilized.

If Jing Wenbin saw this scene, I'm afraid his teeth would fall out.

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