A long queue suddenly formed in front of the ordering counter.

A group of ferocious men kept looking forward, sniffing fiercely, looking at the fewer and fewer pots and wanting to take action.

Every time at this moment, Jing Yimai would appear with ghostly steps, his cold eyes full of the attitude that if you dare to touch me, I will touch you.

"Boss, I just dusted him off, don't get me wrong." The strong man chuckled and pursed his thick lips, "Huh - it's all dust, it's really annoying."

Jing Yimai's flash of disappointment did not escape the other party's eyes.

A group of people are more honest.

Nothing is more important than eating. If you are not hungry for a while, take a step back and have a beer.


Watching people walking by with plates in their hands, and smelling the aroma of meat and beer coming from the table next to them, someone finally couldn't hold it back and grabbed it while the other person wasn't paying attention, then stuffed it into his mouth and bit it. Take a big bite.

"You! Dare to steal my food?!" The other party stood up and shouted violently.

The man threatened vaguely: "Shut up, be careful if the old paper does something to you when you get out, isn't it just a piece of paper——"

"Isn't it just a piece of meat? That's the meat I bought! Why do you eat it?"

The man who had been robbed was so angry that he pushed away the stool and was about to grab his collar. But his outstretched hand touched a hard piece ten centimeters away from him, as if it was poked on marble.

He realized something and took two steps back suddenly, raising his hands above his head.

"I didn't do anything! He was the one who came to cause trouble first!"

There was a sound of wind behind my head, and then someone passed by, "I know, sit down and eat."

He breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the dinner plate and walked away. He looked angrily at someone chewing away a large piece of bone. His nose twitched, feeling aggrieved as never before.

The imprisoned people over there had been shaken upside down, and the crystal cores fell down with a crackle. Finally, they gathered together, flew over everyone's heads, and landed in plain white hands.

Then there was a click, and a small red square flew over and landed next to it.

He didn't see it, so he picked up the bone again and began to chew it carefully, not missing the thin layer of milky white cartilage on the bone.

At this time, a plate of meat much smaller than his hand was pushed in front of him. He raised his head in surprise, "I didn't order..."

The boss looked indifferent and uttered two words: "Compensation."

"Huh? Actually..."

He was shocked, excited, and a kind of joy shrouded in the light of justice surged in his heart.

"Boss, I swear, every crystal core I dig out from now on will be spent here! I will be your loyal fan from now on."

Jing Yi stepped forward and saw Xia Yan nodding and praising him with satisfaction. With a flick of his finger, the small square flew accurately into his pocket.

Jing Yimai turned around and smiled sincerely.

“You are always welcome at the resort hotel.”


"Mr. Bin, someone came to report about the resort hotel, saying it is very urgent."

Jing Wenbin continued to hold the telescope and look into the distance, "Let him come in and talk."

There were two different steps when he came back. The one at the back was messy and uneasy, and he felt a sudden pain in his temples just listening to it.

If nothing else, why am I so unlucky today...

"Mr. Bin!"

Okay, I have a headache, and I’m here to complain again.

In the lens of the telescope, the armored vehicle that did not belong to him was blocked by the buildings and disappeared. Jing Wenbin let go of his hand and pinched the bridge of his sore nose.

"Say something quickly." His patience was running out.

"Yes, the female owner of the resort hotel killed dozens of us at one time."


Jing Wenbin's head buzzed, "How dare she? Tell me the specific story. If you tell a lie, I will let you participate in tomorrow's competition."

His hands were trembling and he didn't dare to hide anything, so he spoke clearly every word.

By the time he heard the last word, Jing Wenbin's face was already extremely dark, and he opened his mouth and spat out two words.

"Deserved it."


Logically speaking, as a leader, would he really say these two words after hearing this news?

His subordinate slapped him on the forehead. How could he forget that the boss had dinner in the hotel? The relationship between the two must be unusual.

"I've told you the rules in advance. If you don't fight me one by one, rush forward. If not you, who will I take? Are you coming to me? Is it possible that I was just toilet paper in my previous life, and now I am reduced to wiping your butts?!"

Jing Wenbin kicked him bitterly, "You deserve it, get out."

He picked up the telescope again, his chest rising and falling violently.

A row of roofs appeared in the camera. He moved slowly along the route he expected the other party to take, identifying the specific location of the other party through the gaps between the rooms.

It doesn't matter if you can't find it now. The three armored vehicles he dispatched will fire a signal flare every five minutes to prompt location information.

Jing Wenbin's camera went in the opposite direction, passing by the dark buildings that had been burned down to only their frames, and looked at the city wall that appeared in the farthest corner.

After such a long time, such a small hole should have been repaired long ago. Otherwise, based on the urine of those people, they would have started making trouble in his place.

Jing Wenbin put down the telescope again and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But in a blink of an eye, he remembered what his subordinates had just reported. When he thought about so many people with powers dying, he couldn't help but frown.

Invite her to the site tonight. Although it has not been fully debugged, it can be used as a test...

"Help me prepare my clothes, I'm going to the laboratory."


Word spread that you could eat at the resort hotel, and soon there were so many people here that there weren't even enough tables.

The employees were so busy that they kept their feet on the ground, carrying trays and walking back and forth in the crowd.

Xia Yan sat on a high stool and put the counted crystal cores into the system grid, "A deluxe set meal, right? I've registered it for you. Go to the side and line up to get the meal. The next person goes forward. Everyone prepare the crystal cores in advance. Don't waste each other's time~"

There was also a long line behind the insulated car next to it. Holding the number plate, holding their stomachs and waiting anxiously.

Finally, Xiong Xiong rushed out of the hall pushing a big bucket.

"Be careful of the heat, order later."

The freshly baked hot dishes were poured into the grid. After the last bucket of rice was in place, Xiong Xiong picked up the big spoon and shouted with full energy: "It's time to eat!"

"Hurry up."

"Finally here, I've been waiting so anxiously."

The team was crowded and squeezed forward. Jing Yimai stretched out his hand to stop the person who was secretly pushing forward in the middle.

"Don't push forward, line up quietly."

Most people just cursed in their hearts after being caught, and were willing to bow their heads for the food in front of them, but when there were too many people, they would always encounter idiots.

"Who are you? Get out of here!"

Jing Yimai frowned, "First warning, back off."

The idiot was not convinced and grabbed his collar to spray him, but he was restrained the next second, and quickly compressed into a small cube and floated to the hand of the boss in front.

A few men who were full and chatting over beer not far away saw this scene, and said with a tut of their lips:

"This man is not a good person either."

"He is ruthless, regardless of gender, and a good fighter."

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