I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 513: Good Business

At this time, the ground was shaking continuously.

The driver was delighted, knowing that the two armored vehicles behind him had finally arrived. He buried his head deeper, trying to reduce his presence, thinking about trying to survive.

Chu Wanfu smiled mockingly at the group of people in the armored vehicle, and waited for his men to collect the spoils without hurrying.

The disappeared armored vehicle, the naked corpse, and the person holding his head and begging for mercy next to him, all of this completely angered the people who hurried over.

The cannon on the roof flashed a light that was easy to ignore. After five seconds of charging time, it shot out.

Chu Wanfu looked at the crackling and rapidly approaching supernatural bullets with a relaxed tone.

"Everyone, go back."

The driver heard something strange in the air, and his soul was scared away the moment he looked up. When he looked around, there was no one around him. He was so panicked that he tried to crawl away with his hands and feet, but he was in the attack range of the supernatural bullets.

A flash of white light, the energy pressed him to the ground and dragged him away. The unbearable force tore his skin and muscles, easily breaking his bones, and he died in a moment of pain.

A huge bang resounded throughout the sky.

The crystal core that Xia Yan was playing with in his hand fell on the table with a crackling sound. Jing Yimai rushed out of the safe zone and ran to the street to observe the surroundings.

The customers who were eating jumped up on the spot, and the overturned peanuts rolled all over the ground. They entered a state of alert in panic, and turned back to find that the female boss had not gone out at all.

Who did it then?

A thick black smoke floated from the distant street, passed through the layers of roofs, and was seen by everyone.

The field was quiet for a while.

Suddenly someone broke it: "Come on, come on, eat, it's not a big deal, just the voice from Mr. Bin, I am very familiar with it, normal."

"Fuck, let's not stop until we get drunk today."

The noisy atmosphere returned to the field, and the employees took tools to clean up the garbage on the ground.

Xia Yan gathered the crystal cores together and threw them into the system grid.

"Boss Xia's business is good."

She turned around and looked at Chu Wanfu who came out of the hotel gate. Behind him were soldiers with excited faces.

You know, they rarely show their emotions so obviously.

Chu Wanfu nodded slightly, and without her answering, as if just to say hello, he led people out of the protective shield again.

The space ability user took out the armored vehicle, and everyone got on the car and drove towards the smoke.

But less than ten minutes later, another bombing sounded.

This time everyone had a lesson from the past. Although they were startled, they did not panic and lose control.

At a distance of 35° from the original smoke column, a long-lasting thick smoke rose again.

"Boss Xia's business is really good."

Chu Wanfu led people past her again.

Xia Yan:...

Jing Yimai came over, "Is this matter related to him?"

Xia Yan: "No need to think, it must be."

This bug is stuck, she scored a six with one hand.

Seeing the location of the two smokes, many customers could not sit still, muttering that their old nest was not taken away by anyone, and hurried back, bumping into customers who came in to eat.

"Mom - watch the road, Brother Ming."

"Shh! Keep your voice down, go and do your thing."

The smart-looking man patted the other's shoulder, half lowered his head, clenched his fist to cover his mouth and stood at the end of the ordering line.

Several people who were chatting nearby recognized him, and in surprise, they came forward and put their hands on his shoulders. On the surface, they looked like brothers, but in fact they asked quietly:

"Brother Ming, where have you been? We haven't found you for a long time."

When Brother Ming recognized that it was his men, his tense shoulders finally relaxed.

He let out a long breath, looking unlucky, "Don't mention it, it's too difficult, let's have a good meal first, and talk about the future later, live one day at a time."

The subordinates exchanged glances, "What's wrong, Brother Ming? We will always stand on your side."

Ming's half-closed eyes flashed with a gleam, and just as he was about to speak, an explosion that was louder and more violent than before sounded nearby, interrupting him.

"Fuck! What's going on? Why are they firing endlessly?!"

"There must be something wrong, otherwise it looks like the city will be blown up."

"Let's go out and take a look. Waiter, don't clear the table, we have to come back and eat later."

Many people stood up in response, and rushed to the scene of the incident. The safe zone was almost half empty.

Xia Yan naturally knew what was going on. She counted the numbers silently, waiting for the familiar voice.

"Boss Xia--"

She answered: "My business is indeed good."

Before Chu Wanfu could finish the second half of the sentence, he burst into laughter and said: "This time is different. I want to ask if you need me to distribute flyers? It's free."

Xia Yan didn't believe him.

"You obviously have your own arrangements, but you still use the matter of distributing flyers to me as a cover. You are more expensive than charging, which completely affects the reputation of the resort hotel."

Chu Wanfu gestured to give the soldiers 10 minutes to rest. He silently observed the people in the long queue and silently memorized their faces.

"You can't say that. Here, any beautiful words can't exist. I really help you promote. It's not good for me to offend you, don't you think?"

Chu Wanfu noticed a familiar face in the team, and when he saw him looking over, he blinked gently.

"If you really want to help me without asking for anything in return, you would have done it silently a long time ago. Why are you beating drums and gongs here?" Xia Yan waved his hand to signal him to leave quickly.

Chu Wanfu shrugged, "You are right. Thank you for your advice."

After Xia Yan collected the crystal cores of the last wave of people, she took out the rattan chair that she hadn't used for a long time, threw a soft cushion on it, and lay down comfortably.

"Xiongxiong, we won't accept any more people. We'll take a break at noon," Xia Yan raised three fingers, "It will take at least this long."

Xiongxiong and other employees are tireless. In addition to Xia Yan, Jing Yimai is also a little tired.

If there is a tool to record the number of steps, he will definitely be able to rush 50,000 steps today! Directly occupy the top spot.

He found a seat against the wall and sat down, kneading his sore calves and soles of his feet bit by bit. At this moment, he finally understood why the waiters looked pale during the holidays and were too lazy to say a word. Now he was too lazy to say even a word!

A rattan chair suddenly appeared next to Jing Yimai. Xiongxiong stuffed a fluffy blanket into it. There were exquisite desserts, snacks and freshly squeezed juice on the coffee table in the middle.

"This is Zhikang's chair. He's not here, so it's just right for you to use. It's very comfortable." Xiongxiong smiled and lay on another rattan chair. "These foods are prepared for you. The boss said you've worked hard. Tell her what you want to eat. She'll give you a big red envelope in the evening."

Jing Yimai also lay on the rattan chair, feeling his body swaying back and forth. A sense of leisure and relaxation came to him, and his heart calmed down immediately.

"Tell the boss a thank you for me."

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