I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 514 A Small Apology

It was approaching dusk, and the safe area was once again full of guests.

Compared to the exclusively male customers during the day, this time there were gorgeous girls and elegant women.

Even though the sun can barely be seen, the young girls are still holding crochet lace umbrellas, with only a small section of their collarbone exposed, and in the middle is a collectible gemstone that once sold for tens of millions.

Not to mention that there are seven or eight high-level bodyguards with special abilities around him to protect him at all times, and he is full of aristocratic posture.

Seeing them, the group of people dining nearby suddenly became more honest. They lowered their heads and ate in a low-key manner. Their chatter became much quieter, and the customers in line dispersed one after another.

Xia Yan realized that he had been taken advantage of.

She quickly put away the low-level crystal core, raised a professional smile, and said: "Welcome, how can I help you~"

After confirming that the surroundings were safe, the bodyguards made a small gap, revealing a petite woman hiding her face with a long-haired feather fan.

The long and dense eyelashes were like fans, moving up and down to look at Xia Yan.

"Are you the boss here?"

Xia Yan nodded lowly and asked, "What do you want to eat? I have whatever you want here."

After she finished speaking, there were several undisguised chuckles among the bodyguards.

"She said she has everything~"

"Businessmen all like to brag like this. I've seen it too many times, so it's not surprising."

“Ask her if she has butter crab, Tibetan pork, moose cheese and black truffle~”

"Haha, how is that possible? Didn't you notice that the dishes outside are all low-grade junk food?"

The girls seemed to be chatting about the most interesting things and kept giggling. The girl standing opposite Xia Yan moved her feather fan, showing a plump face without any flaws.

"Hey, do you know what they said?"

Xia Yan's smile deepened: "Of course, the premise is that you bring enough crystal nuclei."

She narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you saying we are poor?"

This sentence ignited the girls behind. They pushed away the bodyguards, stomped to the front desk, pinched their waists with one hand and glared.

"If you dare, say it again!"

"Dare you say we don't have a crystal core? What a joke, how naive!"

Xia Yan looked at their faces full of collagen and their delicate fingers without even a callus, and secretly sighed that the lives of people are really different. There are people who are struggling to survive, but here they have no worries about food, clothing and spending a lot of money.

Perhaps on the eve of the disaster, they received accurate information and fled early with their whole family, so their personality changes were not as extreme as others.

She put away her thoughts, kept her smile and continued to seduce, "Of course, our store also operates a high-end restaurant. Each dish is expensive, with an average consumption of 500 level 5 crystal cores per person. Do you want to go inside and enjoy it?"

"How much, how much?"

"Minimum 500 five crystals per person."

The faces of the girls changed drastically. Is it so expensive? !

The crystal core is really not enough.

so awkward!

What to do if your toes start to itch!

When people are nervous, they tend to sweat and produce oil, especially the tip of the nose, philtrum, and chin.

Xia Yan kindly took out the mirror and said, "Your makeup is off."

! ! !

"Ahhh!" The girls were in a mess, turning their backs and holding small mirrors to look around. Seeing the mottled faces, they wished they could faint on the spot.

After one hour of hard work, it turned white!

The carefully crafted makeup is actually failed in the setting powder. I really want to cut people off...

At this time, a mature and calm female voice came in, "Boss, young girls have naughty characters. If you offend me, please forgive me."

Xia Yan raised his eyes and saw a middle-aged beauty with extraordinary temperament walking towards her.

The beauty tilted her head slightly and said, "Stand behind."

"I know, Aunt Mei."

The girls suddenly looked like wilted chickens. They didn't dare to say a word and walked to the back with their heads hanging down.

Aunt Mei looked at Xia Yan, raised her lips, her eyes were soft, and her facial features had no offensive power. She looked like an intellectual big sister, who could easily break the other party's inner defenses with just a smile.

"I'm really sorry for causing you trouble. Please accept my small apology."

She took the embroidered bag from the bodyguard and pushed it gently in front of Xia Yan, with guilt on her face and sincere pleading in her eyes.

People can't help but feel that if they don't accept it, they will betray her sincerity and make themselves look petty. They care about such a trivial matter, but they will feel guilty if they accept it. It's obviously not a big deal, but they still accept gifts from each other...

Eventually falling into the abyss of guilt.

A gleam flashed deep in Aunt Mei's eyes. As adults, they naturally have to fight in a more advanced way.

Xia Yan opened it in front of her and poured all the crystal cores inside on the table. There were more than ten of them, and they were all high-level crystal cores. Gee, that was so generous.

Xia Yan looked at her and said: "If you don't want to eat in the safe zone, you can actually go to the buffet restaurant. Although it is not as expensive as a high-end restaurant, the ingredients are not comparable to these. The prices in the buffet restaurant are not expensive. , one person only needs 30 level five crystal cores.”

She pushed the crystal core back to Aunt Mei.

It doesn't matter whether it's high or low, she can also provide middle options.

Aunt Mei's expression did not change, as if the crystal core did not exist, her tone was still gentle, "It is not advisable to eat too much at night, it is not good for your health. Thank you boss for showing me the way to the cafeteria."

The bodyguard standing behind her took out a larger mountaineering bag, unsealed it and poured out hundreds of high-level crystal nuclei.

Aunt Mei: "Please count."

Xia Yan: "How many of you are there in total?"

Aunt Mei: "6 people."

Xia Yan: "Well, how much is the total including bodyguards?"

Aunt Mei: "...48 people."

Xia Yan: "Okay, I'll collect you a total of 1,440 crystal cores. There are not enough fifth-level crystal cores. Two fourth-level crystal cores are equivalent to one fifth-level crystal core."

With her fingers flying, she counted things very quickly, and the cheap plastic basin was filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The stiff smile on Aunt Mei's face was almost unbearable.

This was the capital she had scavenged over the past few years to keep the bottom of the bank. She thought she could intimidate the young boss in front of her, but she didn't expect that she would actually dare to put it in her pocket? !

Bodyguards, consumables that can be replaced at any time, actually wasted so many crystal cores on her? !

Aunt Mei glanced at them without leaving any trace.


At this time, a hand covered with scars suddenly pressed on the pile of crystal cores, "Don't count our share, we can just eat outside."

Xia Yan slowly straightened up. Although the bodyguards all had straight faces, fear remained in their eyes.

When Aunt Mei looked at her, she was suitably surprised, "Why do you want to eat out? I want to take you to have a different meal to improve your life. The last task was completed very well, wouldn't it be good as a reward?"

The bodyguard straightened his body after hearing this, bent down at 45 degrees, and said respectfully: "That's what we should do. Aunt Mei has a kind heart. Being able to be by your side is already a blessing from her previous life. I don't dare to let you spend any more money." !”

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