Aunt Mei was deeply moved and reached out to help him up. She wiped the wet corners of her eyes, "You actually-"

"Then how about arranging a luxurious package for each bodyguard? Only one level 5 crystal core is needed. If there is no problem, I will return the remaining crystal cores to you."

Xia Yan couldn't bear to watch it at all.

This Aunt Mei is too addicted to drama. She can hum without setting up a stage.

"This..." The bodyguard stole a glance at her.

Aunt Mei was slightly startled, "Just do as you say." She put down her fingers, and the remaining water splashes hung on her eyelashes, adding a bit of pity and weakness to her.

But Xia Yan is a woman, and she has the ability to identify bitches with one glance.

After the bodyguard put away the remaining crystal cores, Aunt Mei let out a long sigh of relief, and then a feeling of defeat suddenly hit her, bringing a series of adverse reactions.

This book is first published on πŸ”πŸ— Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

"Boss, we don't know where the buffet restaurant you mentioned is. Please take us there."

Even if you take so many crystal cores from her, what can you do? In the end, you still have to serve her?

Those who spend crystal cores are the bosses, and those who serve are always inferior!

Aunt Mei has seen too many storms, so she naturally won't show her emotions on her face. Even if she is angry and crazy, she will always be calm on the surface.

She spread out her white and slender palms, with a carefully designed expression and demeanor, and the whole person exudes a soft and irresistible light.

Xia Yan just looked up at her and stretched out his hand to the bright glass on the west side of the hotel.

"Go in from the hall behind me, turn left, and walk straight for ten meters to see the entrance. It's very clear."

She has never seen anyone who can't find it. After all, the door of the buffet restaurant can be seen clearly standing in the safe zone, unless he is blind or wants to deliberately torment people.

Aunt Mei followed her gesture and looked, " is indeed clear."

Since her intention was ruined, she stopped arguing in vain. After separating from the bodyguard, they walked into the lobby with low-key decoration. The four walls were full of exquisite reliefs. Two elevators were waiting quietly with red dots on. The sofas in the leisure area were soft and comfortable.

It looked like everything was the same as before.

Aunt Mei couldn't help showing her joy. This was exactly the enjoyment of life she had been pursuing!

It was right in front of her!

She imagined herself wearing a mulberry silk dress, stepping barefoot on the tiles, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, walking and dancing, the hem of the skirt brushing against her legs, soft light focusing on her head, people envying and following...How beautiful would this day be? !

Everything here deeply attracted her!

Aunt Mei's eyes were fanatical, and she couldn't help but lift her feet to walk in.

"Mei, Aunt Mei?" The girls saw her out of control again, looking at her wrinkled face, the fear hidden deep in their hearts surged wildly.

Did she...

At this time, Aunt Mei stopped, she looked down at the barrier with ripples half a centimeter in front of her toes, and pursed her lips.

"...Aunt Mei, are you okay?"

She took a deep breath, turned back with a gentle smile on her face, "I made you worry, it's okay, let's go eat."


After the sun completely set, Xiong Xiong ran back to turn on the lights on the top floor of the hotel, and the originally dark safety zone suddenly became as bright as day.

Xia Yan projected a gunfight movie on the outer wall, and placed two speakers below. When the volume was turned up, the first thing that came out was a series of bangs.

"Hahaha, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit! Just fuck it!"

The man's bold words suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

Hearing this familiar voice, everyone put down their chopsticks and looked back.

"Wow! I can actually watch this drama again in my lifetime!"

"Boss is awesome, he can arrange this!"

"Haaah, beer, side dishes, meat, and a movie. Damn, if it weren't for the cop (these two words whispered) sitting over there, I would have thought all this was a dream!"

Chu Wanfu moved his chair to the side and watched the movie from a more suitable angle.

The subordinate sitting next to him was sharp-eyed and could accurately find the person who was talking, and warned him with his eyes.

More than ten tables nearby were occupied by them, and they sat upright, eating quickly, neatly and silently. Looking at the other side, they snored, smacked, pulled the legs of the stool, and made all kinds of noises.

But neither side interfered with the other, and the scene was very rare and peaceful.

Who would have thought that they had been fighting for an afternoon, and now they both forgot about the past and found a moment of peace.

It was originally a very happy thing to be able to watch a movie, but the more I watched, the more uncomfortable I felt. It was just asking for trouble! Who was the dog eating shit scolding?

Xia Yan didn't care.

After dinner, she strolled around to digest her food. When she passed the glass window of the cafeteria, she took a look inside. The women who had just boasted that they would eat less at night had round bellies and were lying on the sofa with difficulty breathing, as if they were bloated.

But as long as they didn't make trouble, Xia Yan would naturally agree to turn a blind eye.

Wait until the surplus value is squeezed out.

She glanced up casually, then stopped, showing an excited look.

Yes! How could she forget such an important thing?

Bath center!

Who can refuse a hot bath? ! Isn't this another reason to spend crystal cores here?

Xia Yan swept across the necks and ankles of the customers and immediately felt that it was feasible. The black ones were shiny. They had to soak for twenty minutes, and then rub them carefully bit by bit...

She called all the staff on site and asked them to go from table to table to inform customers that bathing is available upstairs.

"The bathing time is unlimited, and only one level 4 crystal core is required. There is also a professional bath scrubber, free laundry, and if you add one more, they will also provide a plate of iced fruit platter!"

The employees took the order and left.

"Hello, customer, our store offers preferential services, bathing only costs..."

When the customer who was busy drinking heard that the price was so expensive, although he was tempted, he shook his head and refused.

Seeing this, Xia Yan silently opened the backstage and turned up the temperature of the fresh air system.

After a while, they grabbed the collars and fanned themselves inside. The front and back of their chests and backs were very sticky, and their fingers couldn't help rubbing on their skin.

"Why is it getting hotter..."

"Yeah, I didn't feel it just now, but now it's hot and I feel itchy all over. I feel like I haven't taken a bath for a long time."

"Didn't the waiter come to inform me just now that there is a bath center?"

"Yes, but it costs a four-crystal, which is a bit expensive. It can be exchanged for a lot of meat and beer..."

"That's what I said, but there is no time limit. Can I stay overnight there? There are also people to give me a bath, wash my clothes, and send me a fruit plate. Hehe, it's really enjoyable."

Several people began to hesitate, wanting to waste crystal cores but afraid of wasting them.

At this time, a GG sound came from the speakers: What is the purpose of human life? Birth, growth, work, illness... all suffering, enjoy life in timeβ€”β€”

"Shit! After suffering all my life, I must enjoy it while I am alive, so that I will not live in vain!"

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