"Waiter, lead the way, I have to take a shower tonight!"

The men slapped the table and stood up, crossing their shoulders and crossing their backs, and sang a ditty composed and adapted by themselves in the excitement of drinking.

The remaining people at the scene saw it and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

After Xia Yan collected the ticket money, he asked the staff to take them upstairs. The hotel was brightly lit, and the figures of the four men were very clear behind the glass window.

The customers watched them curiously as they disappeared up the stairs, and then their figures loomed through the frosted glass windows on the second floor.

"Xiong Xiong, cut these fruits into a platter and send them upstairs."

Xia Yan turned up the volume, took out the fruit from the fruit basket, used the light to check the skin, then placed it on the chopping board, and Xiongxiong cut it into small teeth and put it on the plate.

Before the knife was completely dropped, the round watermelon made a clear crisp sound. The whole melon split into two halves, and the pink flesh swayed and stopped, looking very sweet.


There were only four people in the bathing center and there was no need for so many watermelons, so Xiong Xiong took it upon himself to cut a quarter of it into slices and push it in front of Xia Yan.

"Boss, eat melon~"

Xia Yan picked up a piece and bit it lightly. There was a rustle between the teeth, and the tip of the tongue felt the fresh sweetness. The flesh of the melon was full of juice, and it tasted very thirst-quenching.

She said to Xiong Xiong, "Save some for Jing Yimai, and ask Chu Wanfu for the rest. He should need it."

Xiongxiong called Jing Yimai and stuffed a piece of watermelon into his eyes with surprise. Then he went to find General Chu. Sure enough, he wrapped the remaining pieces into balls and bought two more to cut up and send them away.

Xiong Xiong was so happy that he trotted along with a cheerful pace. When he passed by Jing Yimai, he patted him on the shoulder affectionately.

"Eat slowly, I'll leave it for you later~"

Jing Yimai paused while eating the melon, "Okay."

He raised his eyelids and glanced at the straight-eyed faces of the customers across from him, with a somewhat proud tone in his voice, "This melon is so sweet, whoever eats it will know~"

After he finished speaking, he was stunned again. The tone was strangely familiar. It felt like something Boss Bear would say...

Xia Yan threw the finished melon flesh into the trash can at the back and took out three large watermelons from the fruit basket. "Xiong Xiong, if there are customers going to take a bath later, please add more watermelons to the fruit plate. It's hot today, so eat it." Melon cools down the heat.”

Well, she had no intention of retailing at all.

Do you want to eat? If you want to eat, just spend one four crystals to go upstairs and take a bath, free of charge!

The customers' eyes were so wide open that they wanted to pick it off and throw it on the meat of the melon and never leave it.

No matter what grudges or grievances there are, it’s okay to just eat them secretly. The waiters next to you also have a share. The whole place is filled with the aroma of melons and fruits, but they can’t get a bite of it, right?

Wow, I'm not envious at all, really...

At this time, the stool legs slid on the ground with a screeching sound. A group of people rushed to line up in front of Xia Yan, holding the crystal core with their fingers and reaching forward.

"Boss, it's a four-crystal, right? Here's a ticket."

"You two have paid the bill, can you give me a fruit plate now?"

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, "Of course it's no problem."

"Would it still count if I put two more pieces of watermelon?" The customer took the opportunity to ask, staring at the pink melon flesh and unable to move his eyes away.

Xia Yan waved directly: "Xiong Xiong, put an extra watermelon in the fruit plate for this customer."

"Oh boss, you are so excited!"

When the customers behind him saw this, they started shouting: "We can't just give him a special one, we have to give him an extra one!"

Xia Yan smiled: "You want fairness, right?"

"..." The faces of the customers became a little complicated and ugly, and they secretly glanced at the waiters in the other direction.

Xia Yan continued: "Xiong Xiong, put an extra segment of watermelon on each fruit plate."

Everyone was happy again, but a trace of weirdness sneaked into their hearts.

Xia Yan looked at the long queue, determined the time, clapped his hands and prepared to find temporary workers.

"Xiong Xiong, you keep an eye on this place for now. I'm going out for a trip. If Jing Wenbin sends someone here, let them wait for me to come back."

Xiong Xiong dropped the kitchen knife in his hand, took Xia Yan's place, and emptied out the small bag he was carrying, preparing to use it to collect the crystal cores.

It cheerfully said: "Leave everything to Bear~"

Xia Yan walked through the lobby and walked into the vacation door.

It was dusk on Lidai Island. Half of the sea surface was covered by the red sun, and the other half was dragged by the sea water into long wavy columns.

Customers riding bicycles passed by on the sidewalk from time to time. Hundreds of people were doing health exercises in the wide square. The doctor who walked out of the building held his bag under his arm and bought a cup of fresh food from the self-service vending machine outside. After squeezing juice, I found a seat in the stands on the edge of the square and sat down, drinking and watching with a smile.

Xia Yan exited the vacation door, and when he walked back in, his eyes turned into a food street.

Since high-end restaurants no longer recruit customers, there are not many new customers on the street. The vendors are getting ready to get off work. The lights are on in the two rows of shops behind them, and there are still customers in several of them.

Xia Yan went straight back, found the signboard that read "Seed Vegetable Specialty Store", and pushed the door open.

"Ding~dong, hello, welcome."

The sensor hanging behind the door immediately reminded him. Qi Hua, who was entertaining customers, turned his head and said, "Hello - it's Boss Xia here."

"Well, I have something to do with Director Sankey. Please call him for me."

Qi Hua smiled and said, "Then you came just in time. Uncle Sang is behind the house. Wait a minute, I'll call him."

Xia Yan nodded.

Since the last lease expired, Sang Zhengyi said he would not renew the lease. His base has now expanded by half. With the technical support of Chu Wanfu, he built a large drying plant, which provides many jobs. Not only did his personal time decrease dramatically, but his crystal cores were also tight.

They couldn't afford the rent. They really couldn't afford it.

In the end, they rented a store on the food street to expand vegetable sales, take orders, and earn crystal cores.

Xia Yan had always known about this and thought they should have a booming business, but when she saw it, her heart was half cold for them.

There were only two lonely display racks in the store, one side was vegetables, and the other side was a very small amount of seeds sealed, with the name on the transparent packaging bag in black and white.

It looked empty and felt like it was about to go bankrupt!

Xia Yan opened the operation background and found the transaction data of this store.


After seeing the numbers clearly, she wiped her cold sweat. She was too worried. This store seemed to be half dead, but it was actually thriving!

The sales volume was the No. 1 on this street.

"Boss Xia? It's really you!"

The curtain was lifted, and Sang Zhengyi, with black mud on his face, strode over.

He stretched out his hand to shake, but when he saw the shiny mud crust solidified on his fingertips, he suddenly retracted it.

"I was packing vegetables inside just now. The vegetables here are freshly dug from the ground, and there is still mud on the roots. It is inevitable to pack your hands. Boss Xia, please understand."

Sang Zhengyi seemed to be talking to Xia Yan, but in fact his attention was all on the customers entering the store. When he was halfway through, his voice rose, and he was promoting it.

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