I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 517 Temporary Worker

Upon seeing this, Qi Hua went up to receive him, and Sang Zhengyi turned his attention to Xia Yan.

"Xiao Qi said you have something to do with me?"

Xia Yan nodded, "We need more than ten temporary workers to wash the bathroom. It is best to have more men. They will work until 12 o'clock in the evening and the salary will be two crystals. Let's see if there are any suitable candidates."

Sang Zhengyi's eyes lit up, but he didn't agree easily. He asked, "I want to know first what the work content is?"

"Help customers bathe and wash clothes. It would be better if they know some physical therapy and massage."

It doesn't sound like the work is difficult. I experienced it last time. It's just that the pay is so high that Sang Zhengyi doesn't dare to accept it.

"The salary does not match the effort. They cannot withstand any hardships. Sorry, forgive me for being blunt." He looked directly at Xia Yan without flinching.

He was able to lead those people to live in the apocalypse until now. He knew very well that he would refuse when he should refuse, and he would never sacrifice innocent lives for the sake of face and favor.

What's more, she announced before moving that there are some extremely vicious people there who are willing to do anything. There is no way to guarantee whether the other party will do anything casually. The people in his hands are all vulnerable groups, so it is even more dangerous. Already...

In the past, they were willing to take risks in order to survive. Now that they have a stable place to live and a source of food, they have concerns every step of the way.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Xia Yan smiled, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"Don't tell me, it's indeed quite hard. That group of people haven't taken a bath in an unknown amount of time. They are covered in a layer of black armor, and there are a lot of them. The bath master will be very tired. The reward of two two crystals is actually not that much. not tall."

"After this problem is solved, there is another aspect of safety." Sang Zhengyi said bluntly.

Xia Yan was dumbfounded and said in surprise: "Who can cause trouble in my territory?!"

Sang Zhengyi was awakened immediately and slapped his forehead hard, "Sorry! I really forgot about this! Okay, I'll arrange for someone to come right away."

It's embarrassing. During this period of time, I was doing deals with the heads of major bases. I became used to being on guard against being cheated. I couldn't wrap my head around it for a while, but I actually made such a big joke...

Sang Zhengyi disappeared on the spot and was reported back to the base. There was still a faint atmosphere of embarrassment in the air. Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle. In any case, Sang Zhengyi spoke up bravely to protect his people. This behavior is worth it. admiration.

On the other side, under Qi Hua’s professional introduction, several customers contributed their own crystal cores and placed orders on the spot.

"Thank you for your support. The order will be ready within seven days. Please wait patiently." Qi Hua sent the customers out.

Xia Yan found that he had become a lot more mature. He was calm and able to act independently, which was exactly what Qi's parents expected. It seemed that he had learned a lot from Sang Zhengyi.

Qi Hua turned around and met Xia Yan's eyes. He smiled generously and asked naturally, "How is boss Xia's business?"

"Not bad, what about you?"

Although she was in a hurry to return to the hotel, she also knew that it would take time for Sang Zhengyi to gather everyone.

Qi Hua said: "The base has experienced several zombie waves, but it was not bad. Everyone worked together to bear it down. Moreover, Li Qiang and Wang Yi have improved their abilities. They can be called little guys now. Compared with before, For me, life is much easier.”

When he said these two names, Xia Yan was still recalling them in his mind, and finally a face with a blurred nose or blurred eyes and mouth emerged.

It's been so long and it doesn't appear often, so it's normal to forget.

"It's great, it will get better and better." After saying this, she felt a little embarrassed, as if she was trying to cope.

Qi Hua looked at her for several seconds and noticed a faint sense of strangeness in the air. The fingers hanging by his side flicked slightly, as if he wanted to react.

In the end, he just raised his lips and said, "Yes, I will."

After that, he continued to do his own things, displaying goods, settling accounts, and helping to pack vegetables, just like usual, just like his life, no matter whether there would be changes or not, he had to move forward.

Sang Zhengyi arrived late, and the empty store suddenly became crowded.

Xia Yan counted exactly twenty people, 15 men and 5 women. They all had strong arms and honest eyes, but they all had some physical disabilities.

Sang Zhengyi said: "I thought you needed people urgently, so I prepared twenty people. Can you choose again?"

Xia Yan: "No, come with me. The salary is still as I said before. I'll get two second-level crystal cores at twelve o'clock in the evening. Is that okay?"

Sang Zhengyi winked at them.

Everyone: "No, we all follow Boss Xia's arrangements!"

"Okay, let's go."

Xia Yan pushed the door open and went out. The vacation door rotated quietly under the steps.

"Go ahead, it's a rare opportunity, so work hard." Sang Zhengyi couldn't help but settle down.

The risk for these people to go hunting out of the city is extremely high, so they only risk their lives unless they have no choice. After reaching his base, they can earn points in exchange for supplies by spending some effort and servicing plants. Although they can survive, they have no crystal core in their hands.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, if you can save two, your life will gradually get better.

After watching them all walk into the holiday door, Sang Zhengyi turned around and walked into the store, "Everyone will work hard tonight. We will work overtime until ten o'clock. Each person will accumulate 20 points more. In the end, I will stay and wait for them to come back."


Xia Yan bought twenty sets of bathing uniforms in the mall and brought them to an empty room for them to change into.

"Tell me your score card number and I'll add you to the employee list so that no one can harm you."

After doing this, Xia Yan held another brief meeting for them in the lobby.

"Try not to chat with customers, and don't reveal your origins. Just say you are my employees. Your job is mainly to take a bath. If asked, you don't know how. If no one is waiting, just rest. It doesn't matter. No. "Buckle crystal core."

I don't know if Xia Yan said it too seriously, or if they heard the extremely noisy drinking and clinking of glasses outside, their faces turned a little pale.

By chance, a few staggering and slurred men walked in through the gate.

"Hahaha, go take a shower. I want to show you tonight what white means!"

"My skin feels so good after taking a shower ~ oh oh oh oh ~"

The rough men sang childish songs, and the bathers who were about to take up their duties couldn't help but tremble.

Xia Yan turned around: "Be quiet! Can't you see the meeting here?!"

The men were in the middle of a fuss, and they couldn't hear anything with chicken feathers stuffed into their ears. But immediately, a pair of hands pinched their necks, and they pulled them back slightly with force between their fingers. At the same time, a figure approached with a fierce voice.

"My boss told you to be quiet, didn't you hear?"

The dilated pupils finally gathered together, and after seeing the face of the man behind him clearly, the man who was grabbed by the neck suddenly sobered up and put his palms together to beg for mercy.

"No, no, boss, be quiet, absolutely quiet!"

"I don't dare anymore. I definitely don't dare anymore."

"My neck is dirty, don't dirty your hands."

Xia Yan turned to the temporary workers and said, "If you encounter trouble inside, just look for him. His name is Jing Yimai and he is the bodyguard of the store."

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