Opposite him, Jing Yimai released his hand from around the customer's neck and patted the back of his head, "Go ahead and go upstairs."

The men didn't dare say anything nonsense, so they tucked their tails between their legs and slunk away.

Jing Yi took a step back and leaned against the door frame, nodding slightly to the temporary workers. Then he looked towards the safe area and stared at the drinking group. The light outlined his increasingly sharp profile.

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Someone among the temporary workers recognized him and said in surprise: "He is the teacher with special abilities in the school!"

Unexpectedly, he is a teacher during the day and becomes a security guard at night. The boss is indeed a boss, wearing many hats! Great energy!

"Let's go upstairs to assign work."

Xia Yan led the way and said to Jing Yimai when he passed by him: "You also go upstairs and take them into the men's bath later."

Jing Yi stepped back and looked back, straightened up, "Okay."

The stairs leading to the second floor are at the end of the corridor, where is the entrance to the cafeteria, giving you a panoramic view.

Some of the temporary workers came here for the first time. They couldn't hide their curiosity and looked inside, sighing twice.

The first sound was when they saw the rich ingredients on the dining table, and the second sound was because they saw that there were only six people in the restaurant, but each occupied a table. There were plates on them, and there was a lot of food left. It seemed that they He couldn't eat any more and was rubbing his stomach and chatting with the other party.

The robot walked up to them, pointed at the countdown time of less than half an hour on the chest display, and reminded: "It is forbidden to waste food in the cafeteria. For every ten grams wasted, you will be fined——"

At this time, the robot's voice suddenly stopped, as if it was forced to shut down and restart, and blue bars flashed in its eyes.

After a pause of no more than three seconds, the robot continued what it had just said: "——A secondary crystal core. For the sake of your assets as a customer, please do not waste it."

"But I can't eat anymore. My stomach will explode if it's stuffed. You can't force it on others like this." The girl waved her hands, trying to push it away and go out.

The robot slid backwards, raised its arms, and a thin stream of electricity appeared in the middle. "Our store always repeats the voice message prohibiting waste, reminding you that your obligations have been fulfilled, and your dignity should not be reflected in wasting food."

"You!" The girl was so angry that she pointed her finger angrily.

Aunt Mei said softly at this time: "But we really can't eat anymore, and our health is more important. Let's just calculate the fine. I think I can still afford it."

"Okay." The robot tapped on the waist of the body and took out a small weighing scale. It held it in its hand, tared it and weighed it.

Aunt Mei glanced at it calmly, and then slowly looked around the bright and clean restaurant. She took a sip of coffee to hide the crazy desire in her eyes.

When she looked up again, she met a pair of indifferent eyes. Aunt Mei paused, smiled softly, raised her cup to signal, and watched the boss lead a group of people up the stairs.

Aunt Mei's smile faded and she looked at her reflection on the glass window.

How can we get the handle, force, or something...

In the hall on the second floor.

There was a pile of dirty clothes covered on the washing machine, and the tattered and peeling shoes were kicked to the ground. There was a stench as soon as you came in.

Xia Yan took out a bag of masks from the grid, took one out and put it on his face, and handed the rest to them.

"The women will stay, and the rest of you will go to the men's bathroom. There is a free water dispenser in the employee lounge. I will prepare some snacks and midnight snacks for you later. If you are hungry or tired, go and take a rest."

Do you still care about eating and drinking? !

The temporary workers suddenly had big smiles on their faces. What a great job!

No wonder there are rumors circulating in private that if the resort hotel recruits people, all bases will be yellow.

Xia Yan called Jing Yimai aside alone and said, "You have done well today. I have given you new privileges. Just deal with the people who are causing trouble inside. You can keep the little cubes first and hand them in tomorrow."

Jing Yimai said: "No problem, leave everything to me."

After they lifted the curtain and walked into the men's bathroom, Xia Yan said to the remaining women: "There are few women in this base, so no one dares to come, so you are responsible for washing clothes.

"You don't have to stick around here when you have free time. There is also a rest room in the women's bath. You can go take a shower, watch a movie or something. You can get off work at 12 o'clock on your own. You don't have to look for me. Your salary will be stamped into your card tomorrow."

She said so much just to save her worries.

Needless to say, hiring outsiders is indeed more troublesome than employees assigned by the system. You have to consider everything inside and out. Fortunately, it is only temporary.

"Hey! Got it!" They rubbed their hands, unable to hide the joy on their faces, picked up the dirty clothes on the floor, and started working hurriedly.

The washing machine is simple and easy to use. You just need to put the clothes in, add water, add laundry detergent, and wait for it to slowly finish spinning and take it out to dry. This job is not tiring, but it requires someone to wait.

Xia Yan looked at it for a while, made sure it was okay, then turned and walked downstairs.

Two drunken men walked towards each other on the stairs, muttering words that neither of them understood. Their eyes were distracted and they stumbled as they walked.

Xia Yan stepped aside and waited for them to pass.

Unexpectedly, the other party stopped, smiled, stretched his stinky face forward, took a deep sniff in an exaggerated manner, and opened his mouth to fill up the smell.

"Hey ~ flower girl!"

The other man held his chin and pursed his mouth like a toad. He squinted at his neck and grinned.

"She's really beautiful, white and clean. Come on, let me touch my little hand..."

Xia Yan rolled his eyes and shouted out Little Cube, killing him on the spot without even taking the crystal core.


She took off the stinky mask, pinched the string with disgust, threw it into the trash can, then took out the air freshener and sprayed it into the air.

When Xia Yan finished doing all this, she saw a few drunk men standing at the bottom of the stairs leaning against the wall. Both of them were stunned.

After Xia Yan came to her senses, she walked down the stairs, but she didn't expect them to take a big step back. She continued to walk down, and the other party continued to retreat until their backs were against the glass wall.

"Boss, you go first." The young man with a big ear hole that could cover the entire auricle said incoherently.

He stretched out his hand to the right and poked his thumb directly into the nostril of the person next to him.

Xia Yan looked over indifferently, said nothing, did nothing, and passed by them.

"It's so unlucky. I just ran into the boss, Sha Ren. Fortunately, he didn't get angry and clean us up together. I was so scared that I sobered up."

"Hey, stop talking, there are surveillance cameras upstairs!"

They lowered their heads and exchanged glances with each other. They didn't dare to complain too much in front of the camera, and rushed upstairs one after another.

The temporary worker who was stuffing clothes into the washing machine heard the movement in the stairwell and was busy using his one arm to pull the dirty clothes that blocked the way to his side. He didn't see the increasingly strange eyes of the visitors.

They bumped shoulders lightly, feeling the waves of dizziness in their heads, and their courage gradually woke up in the swaying.

"Hey, they are all women. Tell me, how do they earn crystal cores..."

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