The bodyguards filed in, and the last one pressed the switch, and the copper door slammed shut.

They sat on the stools, took out a small piece of cloth to wipe the guns carefully, and their eyes scanned the place vaguely, feeling a little curious about the strange faces that appeared here.

Xia Yan said, "Lead the way."

The woman with glasses did not expect such an answer. She raised her eyebrows in surprise and tilted her head and said, "Follow me."

She led Xia Yan through the pile of cars until she stood in front of a metal wall. She raised her arm and aimed at the scanner on it. After a beep, the metal split to form a two-meter-wide passage. The blue light of illumination on the skirting lights up one by one, extending to the front of the elevator.

The woman with glasses turned sideways, looked into Xia Yan's eyes and said, "Come in."

Xia Yan walked in, and the unknown materials on both sides of the passage clearly reflected her blue outline. Then she found something wrong, because there were countless of her inside, looking at each other in the mirror from left to right, and the surprise was passed down layer by layer...

"Don't be afraid, there's nothing inside." The woman with glasses followed in, and the metal door closed silently behind her.

She looked at Xia Yan with a bit of teasing and contempt in her eyes, but this emotion was quickly covered up.

She walked past Xia Yan, walked quickly to the elevator door, pressed the button, half-shielded her eyes with her bangs, and said, "Mr. Bin should be waiting for you upstairs now, please enter the elevator."

When the elevator door opened, it emitted a relatively dazzling light, and the figure of the woman with glasses was immediately swallowed up in the light curtain, and the subtle changes on her face could not be seen clearly.

Xia Yan smiled, said nothing, and walked into the elevator.

There were only five scattered elevator buttons, and the floor numbers seemed to be randomly picked after being scattered, with no pattern at all.

The woman with glasses pressed the key position of 25.

The elevator closed, and Xia Yan and her looked at each other at the door.

Neither of them spoke, although it was a bit childish, but whoever looked away first would lose.

When the door opened again, the struggle was forced to end.

There were a total of four people outside the door. The most conspicuous one in the front was Jing Wenbin, followed by three staff members wearing white sterile suits, and only a pair of eyes could be seen from the whole body.

Jing Wenbin's eyes lit up, "Boss Xia, you've kept me waiting for so long! Finally here!"

Xia Yan's tone was ambiguous: "As expected of a group of people, the words don't change."

Jing Wenbin:?

When he was about to use his eyes to ask the men in the elevator, he unexpectedly found that they were not his people. A strange look flashed in his eyes, and he turned around and saw Xia Yan observing him silently.

"Ahaha, come on, Boss Xia, I'll take you to see the experimental product. He is in good condition tonight, maybe he can precipitate one milliliter more." Jing Wenbin laughed and clapped his hands, then signaled the staff to lead the way.

When Xia Yan was about to leave, he looked back, and the girl with glasses in the elevator had no intention of following him.

When the elevator door was about to close, she suddenly said: "Boss Bin, do you want to sell the person inside?"

The girl with glasses raised her head suddenly, but the elevator was completely closed at this moment, isolating all the sounds outside, and she clenched her fists.

Jing Wenbin kept moving forward, and after two seconds he answered, "Are you interested in her?"

Xia Yan smiled, "Of course."

"Then let me think about it. After all, she's good-looking and has a good figure, and I'm not tired of her yet." Jing Wenbin reached out and touched his chin, his tone obscene.

It was a way of speaking that all women hated.

Xia Yan didn't do as he wished, and said lazily, "Try to be quick. If it takes too long, I'm afraid I can't help but come and grab it myself."

Jing Wenbin didn't speak.

Xia Yan didn't care whether he answered or not, her attention was attracted by the laboratories on both sides.

She had seen scattered lights outside the "Big Sail", and some of the floors were particularly bright. If I was right, she was now in the brightest floor.

It turned out that this was a laboratory.

The whole room was divided into multiple rows of experimental areas, each laboratory was only five square meters in size, with a fixed medical bed in the center, and a helmet connected to the head of the bed.

In the laboratory closest to her was a naked man, who stood in the corner motionless.

The recorder outside seemed dissatisfied with his current state, and his finger poked on a somewhat worn button. Xia Yan didn't hear any movement.

But the man inside kept banging his head against the wall, his expression very painful.

The recorder picked up the intercom and said something.

The man was very sensitive to this sound, and a yellow and white tail trembled from the tip of his coccyx.

The recorder took a pen and wrote quickly on the notebook.

Jing Wenbin walked a long way before he realized that she didn't follow him, and his tone and eyes were teasing.

"Could it be that Boss Xia is also interested in him?"

Xia Yan chose to ignore him and walked forward at his own speed.

There was a man with a shaved head in this laboratory. He had a white cloth covering his waist. Although he was naked, his overly thin body made it difficult to tell his gender. He lay on the bed like a corpse.

There was no recorder outside the door, so she continued to walk forward.

Jing Wenbin raised his hand to stop the staff and looked at her reaction with interest.

There was a recorder outside almost every laboratory. The experimental subjects inside were either squatting, standing, or hiding under the bed. They all had varying degrees of physical injuries, their eyes were dazed, and they were mumbling.

The degree of liberation of the experimental subjects in different research directions was also different. Xia Yan saw dozens of people tied to the bed, wearing helmets, their bodies trembling and struggling as the recorders pressed the buttons.

No matter how heartbreakingly they shouted, the sound could not be heard outside.

The recorders turned a blind eye, approached ruthlessly, and recorded their subtle changes in detail.

It was like a one-sided massacre with the mute button pressed.

Xia Yan stood in front of Jing Wenbin, "Where is my person? Why haven't I seen him?"

Jing Wenbin's eyes moved inch by inch on her face, and finally he was disappointed to find that this person was more cold-blooded than he thought. A feeling of powerlessness came over him, and he almost immediately believed that she was invincible.

"You won't kill him, will you?" Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

But she didn't receive a message from the system, so the mission should still be continuing.

However, after seeing the miserable condition of these experimental subjects, she already had a good idea of ​​the condition of the person responsible for the experiment, Chen Juqing.

If you don't run away, it will only be worse.

Jing Wenbin woke up and put all his emotions behind him. The matter wasn't over yet, was it?

He tried his best to smile and said: "Of course not. My staff will try their best to extend his life until he is handed over to you."

Xia Yan's eyes were full of doubts.

Jing Wenbin knew that it would be useless to explain this kind of thing, so he might as well take her to see it.

The staff member leading the way stopped in front of an office door and stood to the left and right of the door, watching them silently.

Jing Wenbin opened the door, turned around and said to Xia Yan, "Please stop, I'll enter the password and come out."

Xia Yan nodded and took a step back.

The door closed again.

The only sound in the entire laboratory was the rustle of pens scratching on notebooks. She could even hear her own heartbeat, but there was no movement inside the door.

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