"come in!"

Jing Wenbin's voice suddenly came from the door.

The staff immediately opened the door and motioned for Xia Yan to go in.

She saw Jing Wenbin standing in front of an elevator, and the word "office" was indeed written on the door...

There was no floor button in the elevator. After everyone came in, Jing Wenbin pressed his thumb on the scanner, a red light flashed, and the elevator went up.

Xia Yan's gaze gradually downwards, landing on the staff's hands hidden in protective clothing.

Don't they usually go up and down the stairs?

The package is so tight, how can I swipe my fingerprints?

Before she could figure it out, the elevator stopped, and a burst of light that was brighter than downstairs shone in front of her, blinding her eyes. At the same time, there was a smell of alcohol rushing over her.

The alarm bells blared in Xia Yan's head. He quickly held his breath, pulled out a gas mask from the system grid and put it on his face.

"Don't worry, it's just regular-"

Jing Wenbin's eyes dazzled when he saw that she was already armed, and the corners of his mouth twitched in shock.

"——Routine practice, not targeting certain people." He finished the sentence completely.

"It's okay, I'm used to being on guard, not just against you." Xia Yan's muffled voice penetrated the thick gas mask and penetrated into his ears without missing a word.

Jing Wenbin calmed down and said, "Let's go, the experiment is right in front."

He was referring to the largest laboratory in the center of the field.

Xia Yan saw the largest number of record keepers gathered outside and the longest operating platform.

When she got closer, she realized that everything was worse than she imagined.

The machines and equipment in the room were like giant monsters, surrounding the experimental subject tied up on the bed. Six infusion tubes were inserted into the limbs, neck and forehead, and a double-thick tube was inserted directly into the heart.

The bright red liquid flows along the pipe, setting up a spider web-like bridge in the air, ending at a huge special machine.

After the blood flows inside, it is filtered and separated, and then rushes powerfully into the thickest pipes, replacing the heart to transfuse blood to the whole body.

Under the small needle-sized tube next to the blood inlet of the machine, a drop of pale golden liquid was gathering extremely slowly. Further down, the bottom of the test tube was covered with a shallow layer of golden color.

"Is this...?" Xia Yan threw herself on the glass, staring at the drop of liquid.

"Yes." Jing Wenbin looked at the machine with a look of madness in his eyes, "It's really great, isn't it? No matter how many times I see this scene, my mood is always surging! This is simply the fifth greatest invention of mankind! It can be called the creation of the world. Act of!"

He suddenly reached out and grabbed Xia Yan's arm, and said in an excited tone, "Come, I want you to witness a moment with your own eyes."

Xia Yan broke away with force and rolled his eyes: "Don't do anything, you go, I will follow."

Jing Wenbin felt as if cold water had been poured on him, but his heart seemed to be burning with lava, and he was filled with passion again in just a moment, "Okay, come with me!"

This floor was also surrounded by laboratories. Jing Wenbin walked to one of them and said to the staff: "Use the minimum dose."

The staff member was stunned: "But he can't bear this concentration——"

"Do as I say!" Jing Wenbin glared.

"Okay." The staff did not hesitate and took out a 0.5 ml light gold injection from the lock box and held it in his hand.

Wait for your colleague to open the door and then step in.

Xia Yan saw the man inside who was wandering around without a clue. When he heard the movement, he found the right direction and rushed towards him. Unfortunately, he was greeted by two powerful people with super powers.

He was lifted up, but his head was stretched back as hard as he could, looking at the world outside with eyes full of pain and longing.

The moment the door closed, the words "Save me" came out weakly.

Jing Wenbin also heard it, and his first action was to turn his head to observe the change in Xia Yan's expression.

Xia Yan was a little annoyed, "Why are you always staring at me when you have nothing to do?!"

Jing Wenbin didn't hide it, pretending to smile casually and said, "I'm watching to see if you have the idea of ​​saving him."

"You are very honest, so I will learn from you once - not now, but if the person I want dies before being handed over to me, don't worry, I will take action before Chu Wanfu and move your place to the ground. , I will be the hero who saves the world and will be passed down through the ages.”

This matter is not difficult for Xia Yan, but the problem is that she just wants to wait for this matter to pass and walk around, waiting for the final task to be completed.

She just wanted to mess it up and didn't want to work hard. It was best to leave this kind of thing to Chu Wanfu.

Of course, Jing Wenbin cannot know these words.

Xia Yan put on a paralyzed expression reserved for experts and let him guess, it would exhaust him to death.

In the laboratory, the experimental object was fixed on the bed. The staff took out the injection. When the sharp needle penetrated the blood vessel, it encountered a stuck needle. He used some strength to force it in.

The light golden liquid is sent into the body.

Those people immediately packed up their things and evacuated.

The man slowly sat up and looked at their fleeing figures with blank eyes.

He slid off the bed and leaned on the bed legs, half-opening his mouth as if to cry, but he squeezed his eyes until they were red and could not shed a single tear.

The next moment, he suddenly twitched all over, his limbs were bent to inhuman angles, and he stood upside down like a spider, every joint in his body.

Jing Wenbin saw this and said excitedly: "It's coming soon. The most amazing moment will be revealed in front of everyone!!"

At this time, the experimental subject fell to the ground with a crash, and his limbs were spread out as if he had lost control. First, a little flame rose from the fingertips, and then countless tiny fire spots appeared on the fingers, palms, and forearms.

But immediately all the seedlings connected into a line, and with a bang, the fire intensified, and then his toes caught fire, crawled up along the soles of his feet to his ankles, and then to his calves.

The experiment was like a cracked porcelain, and the flames easily climbed out and rose, and then grew stronger and stronger.

It took only six seconds from the appearance of the flames to the spread of the whole body. Under the bright firelight, Xia Yan saw him blink, and the corners of his mouth seemed to pull up.

It was like in that warm light, he saw his family who had been worried about him.

"See, his ability is fire, and with the blessing of the potion, he directly jumped over the level and turned into magma! Isn't it amazing?! Isn't all this magical?!"

Jing Wenbin talked to himself, and he had to applaud himself at the end.

"The first discovery was a miracle. Later, we slowly figured out a set of rules that might work, such as slowly building up tolerance, then gradually increasing the dosage, and finally causing qualitative change from quantitative change to achieve superpower regeneration!!"

After this, there was a burst of applause from all around.

The eyes of those staff members whose faces could not be seen were filled with the same enthusiasm as Jing Wenbin. For a common goal, they had put in too much effort and sweat.

This matter can only succeed, not fail!

Jing Wenbin looked at Xia Yan, who had walked away at some point, and stroked his beating heart with his right hand.

This is the last step, he thought.

He said loudly: "Boss Xia, join us! Let's be the most awesome together!!"

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