Xia Yan shook her index finger without even turning her head, and said indifferently:

"No, I'm already awesome enough."

The enthusiastic expression on Jing Wenbin's face froze instantly.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

He couldn't even think of a rebuttal.

Very good, that's the problem - she is strong enough to change her mind and stand on her own team at will, which is a potential huge risk for Jing Wenbin.

"Are you really not tempted at all? Our cooperation will clear all obstacles, and I can give you 90% of the existing resources!" Jing Wenbin was unwilling and even raised the stakes.

If possible, he didn't want to turn against her, even if she destroyed two buildings today and blasted a big hole in the city wall!


The woman didn't even want to look back, and her tone was firm as if she was swearing to join the party.

Jing Wenbin clenched his back teeth and took a deep breath.

"President Bin..." The researcher in work clothes walked up and said something in his ear.

In this case——

"Watch my gestures later."

——Don't blame him for taking action.

"Open the door, I want to go in." Xia Yan stopped at the door of the laboratory.

The staff paused for a moment while writing. No one dared to move without receiving the order from President Bin.

Jing Wenbin walked slowly to the operating table, pressed his index finger on a red button, and moved slowly along the edge.

He raised his eyes, and there was no emotion in his dark and gloomy pupils, like a cold-blooded crocodile lurking in the mud and ready to go.

This is his true face that he hides.

He looked at Xia Yan, and his fingers gradually increased the pressure, and the button began to sink.


The door in front of Xia Yan made a sound, and smoothly moved to the side and slid open, and she walked in.

When the door closed automatically, there was also the sound of locking.

She didn't look back, and walked step by step towards Chen Juqing, who was lying in the center of the huge machine and was forced to stay alive.

Even though Xia Yan had seen many humans who had been tortured to the point of being unrecognizable, he couldn't help but gasp at this moment - Chen Juqing looked like a shriveled frog with its limbs tied up and tubes inserted all over its body.

He should have never been able to get up from the bed since the first moment he was pushed into the laboratory. His body was spread out, and his limbs were restrained by magnetic buckle straps.

The strap had been pulled to the last buttonhole, but it still hung loosely on his skinny wrists. The gaps between his skeleton-like hands were sunken, and his blood vessels were extremely weak.

It no longer had a binding effect, and Chen Juqing had no strength to struggle.

His muscles had all degenerated and shrunk, and his skin, which had lost its elasticity, was mixed with cystic flesh, hanging loosely on his bones and piled on the sheets.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and gradually focused his eyes on his face.


It seemed as if his chin had been removed. Not only could his mouth not close, but it also collapsed inward strangely, like a wrinkled orange peel.

"Chen Juqing." Xia Yan called him softly.

Chen Juqing's thin eyelids covered his eyeballs, his breathing was very shallow, and the ECG monitor next to him was beeping regularly.

"Chen Juqing!" She raised her voice.

His eyeballs moved.

Xia Yan avoided the lines and tubes, walked to his ear, and whispered: "Do you want to be reborn?"

The beeping sound paused for a second and then began to intensify.

"Do you want revenge?"

His eyeballs moved faster, and his eyelids trembled violently, trying to open.

"Zhi--what are you talking to him about? Why did he react?!" Jing Wenbin's voice came from all directions.

Xia Yan looked at the glass at the end of the bed, but saw an identical self, bending over and sticking to the ear of the experimental subject. The machine behind him was like a monster with bared fangs and claws, extending its tentacles to devour the two of them.

The monitoring station was behind.

Xia Yan smiled at Jing Wenbin behind the mirror and continued to whisper: "I can help you rebirth. If you are willing, open your eyes and confirm. Countdown, 3."

Chen Juqing was obviously conscious and sobbed intermittently.


His eyelids trembled violently and his eyeballs rolled wildly!

In the speaker: "I still owe you an injection. Give him a meal!"


Chen Juqing suddenly opened his eyelids, and the last ray of compelling light burst out from his turbid yellow eyes.

The machine above his head moved, and a three-finger-thick tube stretched out instantly, passing through his wrinkled lips, tearing the ulcer, and directly inserted into his stomach. Then a stream of yellow liquid gushed out, and his stomach gradually bulged.

Xia Yan saw the countdown time of Chen Juqing's death, only 15 seconds, and she had to wait patiently until the number became 1. This was the most critical moment for completing the hidden mission.

In order to ensure that the mission is not wrong——

"What did you feed him?"

Jing Wenbin said proudly: "Good stuff, all of it is crushed rice, meat, and precious egg yolks, with very high nutritional value. Boss Xia, I promised you that as long as you bring Jing Yimai here, I will give you one milliliter of injection for free."

On the needle-tipped small tube on the right side of the filter, the speed of the golden liquid oozing out accelerated, and it fell into the test tube with a click, splashing a little golden trace.

The tube after feeding was retracted very slowly.

When leaving the tube, the lips sank back into the mouth, and the remaining soup in the tube fell thinly, falling into the mouth without a drop left.

Chen Juqing's eyes were painful, and the death-like tentacles stretched out like cocoons to climb up to the pupils.

The ECG monitor screen showed chaotic lines and a rapid beeping sound, like a tire rolling down a hill, finally hitting the asphalt road and swaying left and right——

Xia Yan stretched her neck and reached her hand over Chen Juqing's head. At the moment when the countdown reached 1, a narrow crack in time and space suddenly appeared. She quickly pulled out his light soul and stuffed it in.

She seemed to see something shooting out of her soul in a trance, and the crack was fleeting now.

——Fall down.

[Hidden task completed, the reward will be settled soon...]

[Please draw]

A large turntable that had been used before appeared in front of her, covered with mist, and the words could not be seen clearly.

Xia Yan was stunned for a second.

‘Didn’t you say you would give me a bicycle? Why is there a lottery? ’

Although she was puzzled, she put her hand on it and turned it hard.

The colorful colors rotated quickly, driving the pointer to move counterclockwise. Soon, it stopped and pointed to red.

After the fog cleared, seven bold characters on the turntable came into view - a mountain bike.

Emotional color is just decoration...

[Mountain bike has been issued, please check]

Xia Yan looked at the extra car in the system grid and was very satisfied.

She clapped her hands, and her eyes involuntarily drifted to the bed. Chen Juqing kept a stiff posture with his chin raised, and turned into a corpse. He was dead in this world.

I hope he can cherish the opportunity. If he performs well, he may be upgraded to a tasker.

"I have handed the person over to you. Our cooperation ends here."

Jing Wenbin smiled and said, "Boss Xia, goodbye."

The floor suddenly moved, and more than a dozen black cylinders were lifted up, rotated several times, and aimed at Xia Yan at the same time...

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