I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 523 Poisonous Mist

Xia Yan wanted to remain silent, but couldn't help it.

"Hey, are you kidding me? Do you want to shoot me with a cannon?"


Jing Wenbin’s voice came from all directions: “No, we don’t need to get to that point yet.

"Did you know? Since the first time you stepped into this building, our researchers have had a strong interest in you. Perhaps you will bring us new discoveries. Please tell us a few words."

The microphone seems to be moving.

The sound that appeared next moment came from the thickened protective clothing.

"For you, the first step I will take is -"

Xia Yan lowered his eyes and looked at the tube. Something seemed to be brewing inside, and a layer of white objects gradually gathered.

She could have sent the message back to the hotel right then and there, but she became curious. The system said she was invincible, but did she have any weaknesses?


A large cloud of dense mist suddenly spurted out, like a white mushroom.

The gas was so powerful that it rushed to Xia Yan's face at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, and he was sucked in without warning.

The researcher looked at the mist that was stretched into threads and said with satisfaction: "——The first step, poisonous mist."

More than ten clouds of mist sprayed out one after another, and soon enveloped Xia Yan's whole body, tightly wrapping around her exposed skin.

Jing Wenbin: "Even if you react quickly and hold your breath in time, the poisonous mist will penetrate the moment it touches your skin. Don't worry, it's not an addictive poison. At most, it will only cause itchy and painful pimples all over your body." ”

Seeing that the amount of poison was almost released, the researcher closed the channel, picked up the record book and stared at the person behind the thick fog.

They have used this method countless times and have memorized all the data.

But this time it's different.

They hope to get new conclusions!

The people in the fog moved, and they picked up their pens to write——

"Is this poison gas? Why can't I smell it?"

Um? what happened?

The researchers suddenly raised their heads and looked at the woman who was constantly fanning the tip of her nose. Her skin was fair and soft, and there was no trace of a pimple on it!

How can this be?

Her skin was obviously exposed, and the poisonous gas was inhaled into her respiratory tract before their own eyes!

But why is she safe and sound? !

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and Jing Wenbin clung to the glass with disbelief, scanning all the way from Xia Yan's body to the body covered in red pimples!

That's right, this is the normal sign of being exposed to poisonous gas!

"I'm talking about Mr. Bin," Xia Yan walked up to the glass, pressed his palms against the glass, and moved his body forward, "Is your poison gas expired? If so, then the question is, is the expired poison gas more mature? Is it poisonous or not?"

She put her forehead against it and looked "affectionately" at herself in the mirror.

What Jing Wenbin saw outside was her looking directly at him, with an expression that seemed to say, use whatever skills you have left.

The sole of his foot slipped, his expression was a little strange, and he shouted to the researcher in a distorted manner:

"Aren't you ready for the second step?! Use it! Why are you standing there?!"

The researcher panicked at his roar. His hands wrapped in clothes slid over the buttons several times, and his forehead was dripping with sweat.

"Get away!"

Jing Wenbin pushed him away, stood on the machine and poked him hard countless times.

He looked at Xia Yan, who was smiling maliciously inside, and gritted his teeth viciously, "The second wave is coming. If you have the ability, you can hold it back for me."

The instrument behind Xia Yan was raised silently, and then——


Countless points of light shining with cold light shot out from it, like a water belt outlined in the air, heading towards the unsuspecting Xia Yan!

"Let's see how you escape this time." Jing Wenbin paused, then stabbed the keys with his fingers again, adding another wave of light spots.

Xia Yan heard the movement behind him but ignored it.

Let it come as it comes, nothing can harm her, and the system's promise remains true to its word.

The feeling of light spots rushing to the back is like lying outside during a rainstorm, a fine slapping sensation on the back.

Fortunately, it doesn’t hurt anyway.

Xia Yan lowered his eyelids, covering Jing Wenbin's unfamiliar gaze.

She said, "Any more, come again. Jing Wenbin, I'll count dozens. Then it's time for me to attack."


Jing Wenbin's heart went crazy, and he suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

He grabbed the researcher and pressed it on the keyboard, "Where are your plans three and four? Come out with them all! Don't let me see her standing there alive! Otherwise, I will put you into the zombie's mouth with my own hands!!"

"Yes, yes, the rest of you, don't be stunned, hurry up and prepare something to replenish your energy!"


Almost all the staff on the floor took action. The door of the console cabinet in the nearby laboratory was opened, and a collection of high-concentration zombie viruses was taken out and poured into the pipes of the main laboratory.

Xia Yan frowned as he looked at the black rot-colored liquid surging on the instrument.

"Three, four, five."

She spoke faster.

Jing Wenbin shouted angrily outside: "What are you doing, hurry up! Let go!"


As soon as she finished speaking, Xia Yan in the laboratory saw steel rods of different lengths suddenly hanging from the top. Before she could figure it out, fine, chaotic sharp blades exploded from the steel rods.

Then it began to rotate at a high level, and even the air resounded with hunting sounds!

Under the control of the outside, those blades gradually moved towards Xia Yan, and could even be extended and retracted to achieve different attack angles!

"Six, seven, eight."

Xia Yan could vaguely guess what they wanted to do.

When Jing Wenbin noticed that she was speaking faster and even frowning, he seemed to have drunk stimulants: "Down! Aim for her neck! Set the speed to the fastest!!"

Under his constant request, the staff could only increase the rotation speed of the knife and stick to the maximum. It should have been accelerating slowly... I dare not say it, I dare not say it at all.

I was afraid that if I said a single word, the furious Mr. Bin would be used as meat.

Yes, this thing was completely inspired by a meat grinder.

At super high speed, the knife and stick suddenly showed a wavy swing curve, but it was still controlled and rushed towards the destination!

Xia Yan looked at the minced meat pile in front of him, with a flash of temptation in his eyes.

‘System, if I reach out my hand, will invincibility still take effect? Will something go wrong and cost me an arm? ’

[It takes courage to pursue your dreams. What if you succeed? 】

Xia Yan:...

Very good, it is an encouragement!

She aimed at the angle, flattened her palms, and stretched out toward the ultra-high-speed rotating blade!

"Hey, she really dares to do it!"

Seeing Xia Yan's bravery, Jing Wenbin was so angry that he cursed, but a faint feeling of admiration emerged in his heart involuntarily.

If this matter were put to him, he would never have the courage.

Isn’t this woman a bit fierce?

She put her hand in! The blade will cut her flesh into loose mince in no time!

But at this time...


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