"Impossible, how could the knife stick fall?!"

The joystick suddenly became easy, without any resistance.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

The staff looked at Xia Yan, who plunged into the sea of ​​blades, with a face as white as a freshly painted wall.

Xia Yan was already having fun.

Imagine that the sharp blades in the eyes of others would almost rot a piece of flesh as soon as they touched her.

But when it came to her, the moment it was about to touch her skin, the blade instantly softened like toilet paper, and her hand hit it, only a soft touch.


It didn't exist at all for her.

"Poison! The strongest zombie poison! All of it! Don't leave any! Go outside the city to catch zombies to refine it!"

Jing Wenbin sprayed saliva with the microphone, and the sound was transmitted to Xia Yan's ears without missing a word.

Her expression moved, and she looked at the black rotten color that had just poured into the instrument pipeline.

It turned out that this was extracted from zombies.

Xia Yan shouted nine first.

Then he quickly took out a large-capacity collector from the system grid and directly pressed it against the exit.

At the moment when Jing Wenbin's last word fell, the staff quickly pressed it down.

The pipe suddenly heard the humming sound of gas pushing out, and then the black liquid exploded like water rushing out of the shower, but the next second it was collected into the "big belly" by the collector waiting outside without a drop.

Looking at the black liquid sliding across the barrel wall, Xia Yan knew that this collector had become disposable.

Because Xia Yan had her back to the glass, the view of people outside who wanted to check inside was blocked.

Yuan still sneered at her active approach and secretly rejoiced. After waiting for a long time and not seeing the moment when the zombie virus rained in their imagination, they finally reacted--

They were fooled again! !

The staff's heart was tired of beating.

Boss, there is a kind of people in the world that no one can afford to provoke. People like them are like the favorites of fate, and they are always lucky.

Unlike the unlucky guy like me who gets stuck in the throat when eating, steps on shit when walking, and looks up and sees crows sticking their butts.

It is said that the end of the universe is metaphysics. You don’t have to go that far. The end is the woman in the laboratory.

Not only the small assistants, but even the top researchers are staring and doubting their lives at this moment!

Does this really exist?

Xia Yan sealed the high-concentration zombie virus she collected and stuffed it into the bottom layer of the system grid.

Don’t refuse something that is delivered to your door for free.

If it comes in handy in the future, she will burn paper money for these people today.

There are also luxury cars, luxury houses, and paper people.

All for you.

Xia Yan picked up a white sheet at the foot of the hospital bed, shook it open, and gently covered Chen Juqing’s unrecognizable body.

Not to mention that he lived a miserable life before, and his death was not clean. After death, his body was destroyed. If he was accidentally infected with the zombie virus, he would become a zombie and have to contribute the crystal core in his head.

He was unlucky all the way and he was not at peace until his death.

Xia Yan took out the gardening shears, inserted them into the magnetic buckle fixing belt, and cut his body with five clicks.

When Xia Yan was moving the corpse, the soft and weak feeling of the flesh falling down and almost falling off the bones penetrated through the thin sheets and deeply penetrated into her memory, becoming one of the memories she least wanted to recall.

The white sheets covered all the embarrassment.

Xia Yan put him in the body bag and planned to find a place with beautiful scenery to bury him in the future.

Just think of it as the last good thing to do.

After doing this, she stretched her arms, back, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.


Without saying hello, Xia Yan took out the turret that she had bought with a lot of points before.

When the heavy barrel stood on the smooth floor of the laboratory, a group of people outside were going crazy.

Especially Jing Wenbin.

"What did she take out?! Who can tell me?"

"Boss, it's an ultra-light gun barrel, small in size, easy to carry, and can be used for counterattacks at any time, although it can only penetrate 150 mm thick homogeneous steel armor plates at a distance of one thousand meters..."

The more the staff member spoke, the weaker his legs became, "I, won't we be blown through by a cannon?!"

Jing Wenbin:? !

He hurriedly picked up the intercom, "Wait!! Boss Xia, we can talk about it!"

In the laboratory, Xia Yan was loading shells inside, turning a deaf ear to his nonsense and still doing his own thing.

Jing Wenbin's eyes were bloodshot, if she really fired a cannon here...

Sack! The roof of this building was cut directly from this floor!

"Why don't you open the door quickly?! Let my distinguished guest come out! Boss Xia! I'm here to pick you up in person!"

After the squeak, the door gradually slid open.

Jing Wenbin couldn't wait, fearing that she would fire the cannon immediately, so he simply squeezed in through the crack of the door and stretched out his arms to block her.

Xia Yan simply ignored him, and the shell slid to the bottom, hitting the ground with a bang.

Jing Wenbin was sweating profusely when he heard this.

He winked at the subordinate who came in from behind, saying, "Boss, I was confused this time, and I really shouldn't have attacked you! Please be magnanimous and don't fire!

"Even if you kick me hard twice, I can do anything as long as I can vent your anger!"

He risked his life.

As long as he could delay for a certain period of time, wait for the highest level of defense shield to open, and withstand a shell, he believed he could still do it.

Xia Yan confirmed that the installation was complete, and his finger pressed on the launch button.

She said to Jing Wenbin: "Get out of the way. I just want to blow up this place. I have to leave your life to Jing Yimai. I snatched Chen Juqing from him, and then killed you. I feel a little sorry for him."

Jing Wenbin's face turned red and white, then white to black, and then black to purple when he suddenly heard those three words in such a serious occasion.

He suppressed his grievance and said along with her: "Yes, our grievances have nothing to do with you, and our grievances have nothing to do with this floor! So, tomorrow I will take you out to vent, I will stand there and you can shoot with the superpower gun!"

He must keep this floor, even if the experimental products inside have been interfered with by the zombie virus and are about to turn into zombies!

This is their hard work for many years! How can it be destroyed today!

Xia Yan pressed his finger down, and half of the red button disappeared instantly.

Jing Wenbin swore that he heard the sliding sound of the shell retreating, and he broke out in layers of cold sweat.

"You won't get out of the way, right?" Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

After being beaten for a long time, she didn't fight back. This is not her character at all.

Jing Wenbin's eyes moved slightly to the side, where his subordinates were anxiously urging, and everyone was panicking like ants on a hot pot.

Xia Yan suddenly stood up at this moment and kicked him aside: "Get up."

She squatted down and pressed hard on the launch button.

"No!" Jing Wenbin shouted desperately!


An extremely bright white light exploded in front of his eyes, and the terrifying energy rushed out, sweeping away all objects in its path!

The glass shattered into pieces in an instant, and the researchers standing outside were the first to bear the brunt. When they heard the noise, it was too late to escape.

As soon as a scream was shouted, the figure disappeared instantly.

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