I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 525: Change the slogan

The crescent moon was obscured by clouds, and the sky and earth were as black as splashing ink.

In front of the dark unit door, hundreds of thick shadows stood quietly.

"General, knock on the door or just bomb?"

The soldier looked at the locked unit door, holding the explosive pack in his hand, and gave two options.

Chu Wanfu: "Don't blow up the door, blow up the wall."

After the soldiers with special abilities draw a map of the distribution of survivors in the building, they can determine the most suitable bombing point.

Attach the explosive pack to it.

The red dot climbed quickly along the fuse.

The clouds gradually dispersed.

Everyone turned their backs and covered their ears with their hands.

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Chu Wanfu looked at the hole blasted out of the wall and pressed his hand sharply from top to bottom, "Rescue operation begins!"

The soldiers lifted their shoulders, quickly picked up their supernatural guns, and approached cautiously and quickly.

The vanguard stood close to the entrance of the cave. They had already formed a tacit understanding. After exchanging glances, one of them ducked and rolled in.

The four-eye night vision device worn on the head can ensure a 120-degree observation range. Even at night, the vision can be clear and the enemy can be easily seen.

Messy brick fragments were scattered everywhere. Apart from the single bed placed by the door, there was only a round table made of peeled leather. The foot bars under the wooden stool had been dented, and there were dents placed on the stool. Wearing a piece of clothing.

There's someone in the room!

After receiving the information, the vanguard jumped in one after another. The dark guns swept across the room and aimed at the bottom of the bed, the only place where people could hide.

"come out!"

In the night vision device, the red figure under the bed huddled up, his face buried between his knees, and his body trembled like autumn leaves.

Seeing that she refused to move, the soldier stepped forward and kicked the leg of the bed, causing her to slide half a meter away.

"I, I, I will come out right now."

The people inside did not dare to grind, so they used their hands and feet. A little old lady of medium height emerged with frizzy hair. The hanging hair half covered her eyes. She also held a piece of crumpled paper in her hand.

"Raise your hand!"

The gun was aimed directly at her.

The little old lady suddenly panicked and raised her hands, as fast as a young man.

She glanced at the people in front of her and secretly estimated the possibility of running out of the cave to seek help.

In order to distract her attention, she said: "I'm just a little late. Can't I go to your place for dinner tomorrow? Do you have to see me? Your boss is so overbearing. Not to mention forcefully stuffing flyers into other people's homes. He also Blow through the wall and tie me up in the middle of the night?"

Vanguard Team: "Be quiet and lead the way!"


Give her a pair of silver bracelets.

The dissatisfied noise of the little old lady reached Chu Wanfu's ears. He called his men and asked, "Is this the case?"

This subordinate happened to be scouting nearby at the time, and of course he saw Xia Yan coming to stuff the leaflets.

After Chu Wanfu got the accurate news, he felt that the moon tonight was really bright and beautiful, as if he hadn't admired the moon for a long time.

"Pass this on and change the slogan to See you there or leave."

Men: "...Yes!"

The interior of this building is as rough as the exterior. The air is filled with all kinds of foul and unpleasant smells. The corridor is in a straight line, deep and long, with doors made of iron bars on both sides, with babies locked on them. An iron chain as thick as an arm.

When the soldiers held flashlights and shined their light inside, what they saw was simply disgusting.

Nine bunk beds were crammed into a room of nearly ten square meters, with the head of the bed next to the foot of the bed. The cramped living space was filled with relics.

The light beam swept across quickly and stopped. On the bed closest to the wall, there were three unkempt people standing.

The clothes on their bodies were torn into pieces, barely able to cover their bodies. Their legs were shaking like poles, but they still stood still.

"Open the door."

The little old lady was pushed to the door. She glanced inside, huddled her neck, raised her voice, and said in an old-fashioned way: "I don't have the key, I'm just a janitor.

"Are you still going to take them to eat and drink? Haha, it's not an old lady joke like me. They don't even have pockets on them. Go back and talk to your boss. No one who opens the door is doing business at a loss."

The soldier frowned, picked up the silver bracelet, and started looking for it in her waist pocket.

"I said no, so I don't. Even if you took off my clothes, you wouldn't be able to find me." The little old lady allowed him to move without even moving away.

"No need to go to such trouble, just stay back."

Another soldier picked up the supernatural gun, aimed at the lock, pulled the trigger, and made a sudden sound.

The clang of the collision between the supernatural bullet and the lock instantly resounded throughout the corridor.

The little old lady stared at the sparkling chain, her heart beating fiercely, if the movement was louder! Let everyone patrolling outside hear it! Mr. Bin, please send someone quickly! !

Bang, the chain broke, and the iron door was kicked open.

Just as the leading soldier was about to speak, he was grabbed by the corner of his clothes by a comrade next to him. He turned over and looked at the people in the corner, and his dantian was filled with anger:

"Boss Xia said, see you there or not!"

"Everyone follow me!"

The little old lady is absolutely defeated.

The next thing became a matter of course, and the rescue operation was carried out extremely smoothly.

The wall that was originally erected in the middle was opened, and the passage directly spanned the two buildings, which greatly facilitated their rescue.

Soon the soldiers escorted a man wearing a black cloth over his head, and the little old lady recognized him as another gatekeeper.

She couldn't help but take a breath, feeling that things might not be that simple.

Two words gradually emerged in her mind, could it be?

This is really unbelievable.

The old lady licked her dry lips, her eyes couldn't help but watery, and her heart surged.

"Are you... police uncles?"

The soldier's throat choked, his fingers pinched the butt of the gun, and his tone was really helpless, "I look like I can be your grandson, grandmother, a generation difference."

"So are you?"

"I used to be, but now there is no distinction, all are incorporated."

The old lady's heart skipped a beat, and she blurted out:

"Police uncle, I want to surrender!! I was deceived--"


Accompanied by the fierce bombing sound, the ground suddenly trembled, the iron door banged back and forth, and the corner of the bed slid out with a harsh sound.

"Run out quickly against the wall! Protect your head!!"

The soldiers reacted quickly, protecting the survivors in the middle of the team and moving quickly.

This old building obviously couldn't withstand the strong vibration, bits of debris peeled off from the top floor and fell, the air was full of dust, and uncomfortable coughs sounded from all directions.

The circular beam of light followed the long line backwards, and saw with their own eyes the debris falling and hitting the heads of the survivors, but they didn't say a word, even though blood was dripping down.

Their numb and empty eyes fell on the ground, as if they were puppets deprived of their minds, doing whatever they were told.

The officer looked away: "Hold up the shield."

The soldiers activated their superpowers, and shields of different colors gradually lit up in the air, protecting the survivors' heads and providing them with a safe space.

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