I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 527 Blowing up the wall

The driver was very excited. He pulled the handbrake and turned off the engine with a click.

Before Brother Ming could speak, he jumped out of the car.

The man in the back seat moved his buttocks and accidentally found that Brother Ming did not move. He couldn't help but cursed him as a coward in his heart.

"Let's go, Brother Ming, while it's dark, touch one is one!"

Brother Ming's eyes moved to the rearview mirror inside the car, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. The scarlet fire flickered, and a faint fragrance began to spread.

The man in the back seat closed the door again and took a few deep breaths before the smoke dissipated.

"Ah~ It smells so good. After tonight is over, I have to find a way to buy two tomorrow."


"Are you craving for cigarettes?" Brother Ming asked.

"Hehe, I thought about it when I was eating. Thanks to you, Brother Ming, I can relieve my craving by smelling it!"

Brother Ming sneered from his nose.

He took a deep puff, and the red dot greedily swallowed a small section upwards.

Then, Brother Ming threw the remaining half of the cigarette to the back, "Here you go."

The man quickly caught it and held it in his mouth, his eyes half-closed habitually, "Thank you Brother Ming!!"

After walking out of the car, the picture that the naked eye could see became clearer.

It turned out that they all misunderstood. Those who were guarding the entrance of the city cave to snatch the crystal core were all teams with extraordinary strength.

Like them, the little cats and dogs can only stand on the edge and watch.

Not to mention taking advantage of the situation to get a crystal core, even the zombies can't walk out of a distance of three meters alive.

This level of safety is probably not something that any base that claims to be righteous can do.

Seeing Brother Ming coming over, the driver quietly complained: "Why are they not guarding the city gate and coming to snatch the crystal core from us? They are really eating from the bowl and looking at the pot! Everything is theirs?!"

He was not the only one who was dissatisfied. I didn't see it in the car just now, but there were actually a hundred or eighty people squatting nearby!

I don't know who threw a fireball out, and the orange-red light immediately illuminated the gloomy expressions of those nearby.

After tasting the meat, who would be willing to go hungry? !

Brother Ming looked up at the sky.

It was dark, the moonlight was firmly blocked outside, and the wind came in through the gap of the cave, bringing a fishy smell.

The weather may change tomorrow.

The driver was attracted by a faint red dot.

"You are good, kid, do you have any hidden goods in your pocket? Give me a bite too."

The man wanted to blurt out that it was Brother Ming who gave it to him, but the words turned on his tongue and he swallowed it back.

Can he show off this kind of closeness with the boss? He is not stupid.

He chuckled and avoided the driver's hand.

"That won't do. There aren't even two bites left. Just smell it and it will satisfy your craving."

"Get lost. Brother Ming, our plan... has failed. We were so happy for nothing."

I wanted to take advantage of the chaos to get into someone else's pocket and have a good meal for free, but now, I can't even see a single crystal core!

Is it possible that I can only pick up their leftovers? !

"Level 5 zombie! There's a level 5 zombie behind us!!"

Hearing the shout, everyone stood on tiptoe and tried to look into the cave.

Someone threw a fireball, which flew over the zombies' heads with great accuracy and flew to the back.

The high temperature distorted the air, causing a rumbling sound. The zombies raised their heads, stretched out their long arms like dead branches, and scratched blankly.

At the end of the zombie group, a particularly unique zombie was very conspicuous.

"It's really a level 5 zombie!"

"Level 5 crystal cores are the most valuable! They can be eaten for several days!"

"Big brothers on the opposite side, you can eat meat and give your brothers some soup! We won't fight with you, just leave us some low-level zombies!"

Under the stimulation of high-level crystal cores, everyone got excited and said what was in their hearts.

A stone caused a thousand waves, and all the small forces united together and began to compete, trying to get a piece of the pie.

"What did you say? You still want crystal cores?"

The people from the big gangs laughed at them as if they heard a joke.

"It's so funny, don't you know how much you are worth? It's our boss's kindness that allows you to watch the fun from the side. Hey, don't force us to do it."

They held iron bars as thick as their forearms in their hands, stretched out their index fingers and pointed them hard, then swung their arms and hit the zombies' heads hard.

With a click, the zombie's head flew out, and a low-level crystal core mixed with pickled things rolled out.

"Boys, be honest. If you don't have enough strength, don't come to provoke me."

"Take it. That crystal core is a reward for you! Haha."

He looked down on people.

"Shit! The most important thing in the world is eating! Let's fight them together! Kill them!"

Someone shouted in a hoarse voice in the dark.

The already tense atmosphere was about to explode. The men around were furious and rushed down to wrestle with each other.

You want to cut off their food, right?

Then go to hell.

The two drivers looked at each other in the dark and successfully saw the shock in each other's eyes. Brother Ming was smart.

At this time, Brother Ming came over with his hands behind his back.

"Let's go to the other side."

"What are you doing? Didn't you say to take advantage of the chaos to touch the crystal core?"

"No." Brother Ming looked back at the chaotic fighting scene, "If you want more crystal cores, there is another way."

"What?" The two said in unison. Ming Ge took out the thing hidden behind him and slowly uttered two words: "Blast, wall."


Through the supernatural light that came on from time to time, the driver and the two saw that he was holding a square object in his hand.

"Brother Ming...how do you have..." explosive bag?

"Ha, based on my connections, is it unusual to get this thing? If you shouldn't ask, just keep your mouth shut."

Brother Ming put the explosive package on the city wall, patted the man who was holding a cigarette and couldn't bear to smoke, and motioned for him to turn around and face him.

Brother Ming took out the matchbox from his pocket, clicked, and lit the cigarette butt that was about to reach the end.

"Go on, good brother, don't smoke this cigarette for nothing, go and light the fire, run faster and nothing will happen."

"Ming, Brother Ming..." He then remembered that cigarettes were no longer on sale and this might be his last time to smoke.

"Don't make me angry. When things are done, I want you to get an extra layer of crystal cores. Didn't we already agree? Let's have a good time together from now on. It's okay. Look at how shaking you are. Don't be afraid. No one will know it's you. Everyone knows that Brother Ming is the only one who has a cigarette in his hand, so they are pouring dirty water on him, ah, go, go quickly, don’t let the cigarette go out. "

Brother Ming pushed behind him, smiled, waved to him to hurry up, turned around and hid ten meters away, closed his eyes and covered his ears firmly.

The driver didn't dare to say anything for a long time. He was secretly glad that he got off the car early. Brother Ming was doing whatever he was doing at the moment. He felt a little excited hiding behind the stone.

When the man looked back, he could no longer see their figures.

He took a deep breath and put the scarlet fire onto the fuse.



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