
The fuse ignited faster than he thought!

The man's scalp tingled, and he turned and ran, still holding the cigarette butt between his fingers.

"Mingge, Mingge, where are you..."

The hissing sound was like a cobra spitting out its tongue and chasing behind him, and he ran forward like crazy.

But no one responded.

But soon, the sound disappeared, and he realized that something was wrong.

It's bad!

The man suddenly jumped forward, and there was a huge push on his back. He felt that his ears buzzed and he became deaf while flying.

The group of people who were very close to the explosion source were even worse. Several unprepared people were blown up into the sky, and more people flew backwards horizontally, covering their chests with painful faces.

Only a few high-level psychics reacted quickly, ran to a distance at the first time, and looked at the newly appeared big hole in fear.

What happened? !

Who did it!

It's over, this hole hasn't been filled yet, and there is another one.

Mr. Bin will be furious again if he knows!


There was no time to think, the zombie army outside the wall had found a "breakthrough" and rushed in at the fastest speed!

"Quick! Get up quickly! Zombies are coming in!!"

It's not that they are kind and want to save people. If these people are bitten and turned into zombies, President Bin will never let them go!

But those who fell to the ground and wailed and rolled were deaf, their heads were dizzy, unable to think, and even vomited when they moved a little bit. They had completely lost their judgment of the environment.

Seeing the zombie tide roaring and rushing over, the high-level psychics had to dodge and pick up the psychic guns to shoot wildly at the zombies.

Rows of zombies fell one after another.

While they pressed forward, they kicked the waist and ribs of the lying people with their toes.

"Are you still alive? Get up quickly, the zombies are rushing in!"

Perhaps the last sentence worked, these people finally cried out in pain and woke up.

After they regained their senses, they immediately realized what was happening in front of them. They didn't care about the pain in their bodies. They got up, grabbed their guns and started sweeping, venting their anger.

The corpses gradually piled up into a small hill, which was stepped on by them. They approached the cave entrance step by step with bloodshot eyes and sniped frantically.

Brother Ming and the driver looked at the corpses on the ground with shining eyes, and they exchanged glances.

Go! Those are all crystal cores!

Taking the special double-sided hammers that must be used from the armored vehicle, the two happily rushed to the pile of corpses, smashed the skulls, and then used the other side to hook out the crystal cores. They didn't care whether they were clean or not, just put them in their pockets!

The busy driver didn't notice that Brother Ming was completely different from him. His hammer only aimed at the heads of zombies above the second level.

"Ming, Brother Ming..."

A weak voice suddenly came from behind him. Brother Ming paused, held the hammer tightly and looked back.

"I blew up the wall as you said, and I have to get a bigger share of the crystal core."

It's him...

Ming Ge listened to the chaotic gunfire behind the pile of corpses, thought for a moment, and came up with a plan.

He smiled and said, "Of course, Ming Ge always keeps his word. Do you want to get more crystal cores?"

"Yeah! I want it so badly!"

"Okay, go to the car quietly. There are two explosive packs under the co-pilot. Take them and blow two more holes!"


"Are you crazy?!"

After the shaking and rumbling of the collapse finally subsided, Jing Wenbin tremblingly put down his arms that were protecting his head.

A thick layer of dust mixed with small stones fell with his movements.

After finally seeing the ruins of the dark room that he was once proud of, Jing Wenbin's throat was sweet, and the strong smell of rust filled his mouth.

"...Boss Bin, save me."

A subordinate whose lower body was pressed by a pillar asked him for help.

Jing Wenbin looked away after only one look.

It was too late to save him.

This was not the point. His home and laboratory were destroyed, which was the most important thing, okay!

He found the perpetrator, but found that he was rummaging around under the ruins. His white little hand grabbed his hair covered with ashes, and then pulled it up hard, forcing him to show his face.

She seemed unsure, and after hesitating for a moment, she let go and said two words: "No."

Jing Wenbin's tense nerves finally broke, and he roared:

"Are you crazy?!"

Xia Yan, who had her back to him, stopped and said indifferently without turning her head: "I warned you a long time ago, and you will bear the consequences at your own risk."

"Then you can't blow up my building!!"

Xia Yan shrugged, "Otherwise, or... you go to the police to arrest me?"

Jing Wenbin's eyes were bloodshot, and his chest was heaving violently. He stared at Xia Yan's back, unable to believe that everything that had just happened was done by her.

But why was she unscathed, and not even a bit of dust fell on her body!

An unprecedented fear, disbelief, trembling and powerlessness enveloped him tightly. He even felt that the air in front of him had become thinner and he couldn't breathe.

"Are you... a human?"

Jing Wenbin said in a vague and light voice, as if his mouth was full of dust, which disappeared as soon as he spit it out.

Xia Yan naturally didn't care about his mental health.

She just did what all those who were kidnapped for experiments wanted to do day and night.

Jing Wenbin should have been mentally prepared for possible accidents. How could a person who did so many bad things not know his final fate?

Xia Yan smiled.

She heard the creaking sound of the ruins squeezing under her feet. She jumped over the sharp iron sheet that was stretched out horizontally and bent down to look at the medium-length haired man who was silently enduring the pain.

This face perfectly overlapped with the picture in her memory.

"So you are hiding here. It's so hard to find."

His hair was coagulated into strands by blood, tilted on his face, and a look of fear overflowed through the gap.

"Are you going to ask me why I am looking for you?" Xia Yan asked intimately.


The medium-length haired man's lower lip trembled violently, and he faintly made a sound of teeth knocking.

"Before answering this question, I want to ask you, can your ability control the bomb in other people's bodies? Perhaps, it should be called a bomb."

Xia Yan briefly described the scene of a body swelled like a balloon and exploded with a bang.

"Is it you?"

The man's face twisted into a ball, his body arched back, and a fishy smell came.

Xia Yan:...?

After figuring out what was going on, she flashed with disgust in her eyes and covered her nose and stood up.

"Climb out by yourself. Don't worry, you won't die for the time being. Your presence can save them a lot of trouble. You are still a useful person."


Jing Wenbin walked over little by little and stopped five meters away from Xia Yan.

"...He is my subordinate, you can't take him away."

Xia Yan turned around and said in a relaxed tone: "If Mr. Bin also wants to go over, I welcome you on behalf of Jing Yimai."

The two looked at each other for three seconds.

Jing Wenbin tried to smile.

"I have something important to deal with, so I won't go for now. Come out, don't keep Boss Xia waiting for too long."

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