Jing Wenbin raised the syringe and looked at the blood slowly flowing down from the tip of the needle, smiling so unhappy.

"Sure enough, if this thing is used on you, it won't be a waste."

He pointed the tip of the needle at Jing Yimai.

"You three, go and capture him for me. Don't kill him. Keep him alive."

"Yes, Mr. Bin!"

The hand holding the superpower gun turned so that the muzzle of the gun was slightly downward. In an instant, dense specks of superpower light emerged from it, catching Jing Yimai's legs like a fishing net.

Jing Yimai's senses were sharp, and he threw out a strong electric current with his backhand. Under the reaction force, he jumped into the air. The supernatural bullets whizzed past under his feet, blowing out several bowl-sized holes in the wall.

When he landed, he rolled to the ground and quickly moved to the right.

At the same time, countless power points hit the position where he was just now, and the light gray tiles suddenly shattered into pieces, splashing everywhere.

Jing Wenbin looked at the figure running around and found that he looked like a rat driven out of the sewer. He couldn't help but mocked:

"Aren't you very arrogant? Why are you acting like a grandson now?! Come on, call daddy and listen. Maybe daddy, I'll let you go!"

Jing Yimai suddenly raised his eyes and saw that the person standing at the front had already entered his attack range. A thin but extremely dazzling bolt of lightning gently licked the muzzle of the gun at lightning speed.

Metal conducts electricity, and in a thousandth of a second, high-voltage current spreads throughout the body along the barrel, palms, and arms.

The man's hair stood on end and his body was stiff. The moment the current was disconnected, he fell backwards. The back of his head hit the ground hard, and his chest no longer rose.

"What did you just say?" Jing Yimai stood up, his eyes gloomy, and his shoulders and back were tense and ready to go.

Jing Wenbin's pupils dilated, then contracted.

He had seen this scene on the surveillance screen before!

After that, Jing Yimai started lighting fires everywhere, holding a baseball bat and blocking the exit outside the house, waiting for him!

The fear from that time suddenly jumped out from the depths of his memory and gripped his mind!

"Throw away the guns! Go over and fight with him!"

Jing Wenbin grabbed their guns, kicked one of them out, grabbed the collar of the other and pushed him hard, pulled him in front of him and said in a low voice:

"Go and open the portal!"

Jing Yimai's sight was blocked by the strong man. Looking at this tall and thick man, he said coldly: "Get away if you don't want to die."

The strong man clenched his fists and pounded them together, and said in a rough voice: "Your opponent is me."

"Get lost—" Jing Yimai suddenly noticed that his body was outlined in a circle by the light.

The first second he thought it was the other party activating the superpower, but the next second he realized something was wrong——

Jing Wenbin wants to escape!

He turned sideways to pass, but was blocked by the strong man's outstretched arm.

"I said, your opponent is me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the strong man clenched his big fist and punched his cheek viciously.

Facing the oncoming shadow, Jing Yimai's eyes flashed with ferocity, and electric current struck out, hitting the opponent's fragile neck all the way.

But he only heard the other party groan, but he didn't fall down.

Just restrained? !

Then why doesn't he use a supernatural gun?

Is it a conflict?

When the fist was about to come, Jing Yimai couldn't think too much. He flipped his wrist and slid out a sharp dagger. The blade was instantly covered with fine sliding current.

Bet he has a threshold for pressure!

The strong wind hit his face, Jing Yimai turned his head to avoid it, and after approaching the opponent, he used his hand to move forward.

Big size but poor flexibility!

Sure enough, in the gap between the opponent's arms to block it, Jing Yimai suddenly stopped his hand and moved it, sending the knife into his neck, and at the same time, superpowers exploded along the metal in his body...

Pushing the corpse away, he saw Jing Wenbin kicking and beating his subordinates. After the portal in front of him shone brightly for a moment, its outline became shaky and unstable.

It seemed that the superpower had been used too much before, and the remaining energy in the body could no longer support the opening of the portal.

Seeing this scene, Jing Yimai breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't run away.

I just didn't expect that the group of survivors didn't know how to take advantage of the chaos to escape, and actually sat there without moving.

Then he discovered that the hands and feet of these people were tied together with ropes...

Jing Yimai took off the smelly shoes from the body and threw it over, hitting Jing Wenbin on the head accurately.

Jing Wenbin was stunned for a moment, looking down at the tumbling old shoe, and immediately saw a pair of clean sneakers in his sight.

"It's time to deal with the grievances between you and me." Jing Yimai took off his coat and threw it on the survivor's almost naked body.

"Mr. Bin... do you want me to come?"

"It's none of your business. Just stabilize the door for me and I'll take care of it."

Jing Wenbin sneered and glanced at the blood-stained dagger, "What's so great about a knife? You have it, and so do I!"

He took out an improved small-caliber pistol from the back of his waist. The green energy in the groove made him confident.

But considering that Jing Yimai had lightning powers, the smile on his face still froze.

"Hey, gentlemen's agreement, no one is allowed to use their powers. Are you afraid?"

Jing Yimai suspected that his ears were broken.

But the scene of his parents' tragic death and the light urn seemed to reappear in front of him, and the pain in his heart filled his eyes with hatred.

You let Jing Wenbin escape with his life in the first place, how could you let him go today?


"Jing Yimai, fuck him, don't embarrass me!" Suddenly a loud female voice came from the window.

Everyone looked back, and before they could see clearly, they were almost blinded by the dust and gravel. They heard two sounds of landing, and the voices of a young girl and a naive boy rang out:

"Thank you for your hard work. Come to the store for dinner tomorrow and I'll give you two bottles of beer."

"Looking forward to your visit~"

The two birdmen seemed to have two decorative eyeballs and stood still. With their wings spread wide behind them, they nodded hurriedly and jumped off the building, flying up into the night.

"So this is called flying. It feels good."

"Yes, boss~"

Jing Wenbin looked at Xia Yan who had returned to the scene, and a MMP came out of his heart.

"Hurry up, an elite team sent by General Chu has set off, and it is estimated that they will come up soon!"

Xia Yan took out a large breathable white gauze and covered the survivors' heads, covering them all, and then moved out two small stools and sat down in front of them.

"Xiongxiong, don't just stand there. This seat is definitely for VVIP!"

She took out a handful of melon seeds from her pocket and urged, "Hurry up, we're in a hurry to get to the next game."

Jing Yimai:...

Jing Wenbin:...

Xiongxiong: The boss is right!

"Then don't waste time. Don't make my boss wait anxiously."

Jing Yimai held the knife handle with his backhand, twisted his toes, and rushed out immediately.

The sound of crushed stones approached rapidly, Jing Wenbin's cheeks trembled, and at the edge of his peripheral vision, the portal was swaying and gradually stabilized.

He ran in the opposite direction, aiming at Jing Yimai's head and heart and fired several shots.

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