Jing Yimai dodged with the posture of a level 6 boss, and at the same time took off the other shoe on the corpse and threw it out with his arm.

The stinky shoe was spinning in the air, and the insole was thrown away, and it hit Jing Wenbin's head with a smack.

He trembled all over, thinking it was some kind of hidden weapon.

In a blink of an eye, the stench floated down from above, very pungent, and fine gravel and dust slid down in front of his eyes.


He couldn't help but retching, and a stinky shoe fell off the moment he bent over.

Jing Wenbin:...

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Suddenly, a strong wind blew behind his ears, and Jing Wenbin subconsciously turned his head, but he was half a beat late.

A shoe sole with anti-slip wavy patterns kicked him in the face, and before he could struggle, it became bigger and bigger in his vision, until his eyes went black, his nose made an unpleasant crisp sound, and the unbearable pain immediately ran up to the cerebral cortex along the nerves.

Under the huge force, he was kicked and slid a long distance on the ground. The workbenches collided with each other, making sharp and piercing sizzling sounds.

The instruments on them fell over and rolled to the ground with a clanging sound.

At this moment, Jing Wenbin wanted to kill him.

A figure approached in his shaking vision. He hurriedly drew his sword and swung it in front of him. At the same time, he rolled up and hit his head hard with the base of his palm, trying to wake up quickly from the dizziness.

How could Jing Yimai give him this opportunity? He turned his palm and a thick purple electric current came out, and the air was crackling.

"Brother! Give me a chance! Please! We have the same blood in our bodies!"

Jing Wenbin was so scared when he heard the sound and saw the scene that he retreated repeatedly and begged for mercy on the ground.

But he forgot that Jing Yimai's deep hatred has continued to this day. He wanted to eat him alive and send him to the underworld to beg for mercy from his parents who could not close their eyes and rest.

At this time, there were chaotic footsteps coming from the staircase, moving quickly and going up at a very fast speed.

Jing Wenbin rolled his eyes and shouted: "Help! Someone wants--"

Jing Yimai frowned heavily, waved his hand and threw out his supernatural power, and the purple ball lightning rose and fell in the air, seemingly slowly, but actually rushed towards Jing Wenbin very quickly.

The ball lightning was like a ball of thread that had exploded, with countless tiny tentacles exploring in the air. When it encountered conductive materials such as metal, the tentacles would instantly extend, and after a bang, a black mark would be left.

Seeing this, Jing Wenbin dared not hold the dagger in his hand, stumbled to his feet, and threw it heavily at the moment of the lightning.

The dagger froze in the air, surrounded by purple electric currents, and Jing Wenbin turned and ran.

The ball lightning, which was gradually stilling, seemed to sense something, but instead floated in the direction of escape at a faster speed, which scared Jing Wenbin, who turned back to observe the distance, out of his wits.

If it were usual, he would be surrounded by various high-level superpowers, and this kind of thunder could not get close to him at all. Even the conflict between bases, he did not take it seriously!

But today, it seemed that his luck was about to end. He could not resist everything that happened, and could only watch!

The wall was blown up in the middle of the night, and two experimental buildings collapsed. Then Chu Wanfu appeared. The police wandered around in his base and made a lot of crystal cores from the outdoor restaurant. Then it was midnight again!

It was midnight again!

The roof of the building was cut off, most of the confidants were killed or injured, and no top researchers were left alive!

When planning to let Aunt Mei attract the hatred of Boss Xia, Chu Wanfu brought people to surround the building!

The regular army was out, and the gang of slickers downstairs would definitely not be able to withstand it. It was only a matter of time before the building was swept. He wanted to escape, but Jing Yimai appeared!

Just when he had no one to use, Jing Yimai caught up? !

Jing Wenbin felt a sweetness in his throat, and could neither go up nor down. He could only run desperately towards the portal.

"Boss Bin, hurry up! They are catching up!"

His only subordinate did not flee from the battlefield. His face was pale, and he stared at the lightning ball that was getting faster and faster for some reason.

How could Jing Wenbin not feel the crackling sound so close?

He could even smell the smell of burning hair and clothes!

Jing Wenbin raised his hands, hesitated for a moment, and chose to clench his left fist, successfully condensing a ball of fire. He was surprised, and when he turned sideways, his face seemed to be covered by an electric net, and he trembled with a numb feeling.

He looked at the tentacles that stretched out, and threw the fireball with fear in his heart...

The portal glowed brightly, and the outline became clear and stable. The loyal subordinate stepped into the portal, and the other half of his body remained in place, urging anxiously:

"Boss Bin! Come on! I can't hold on for long!"

How could his Boss Bin have time to look back...

Jing Yimai sneered, kicked and raised his feet, and the superpower gun flew into the air. He grabbed it, and the empty slot was quickly filled with purple energy.


The superpower bullet was hidden in the sky full of lightning, piercing the head of the unprepared subordinate.

Anxiety solidified in his wide eyes, and he fell backwards with a bang, and the portal disappeared abruptly.

Jing Yimai moved the muzzle of the gun, and Jing Wenbin's face in the sight was full of panic, despair and regret, but not for his parents...

The finger slowly pulled the trigger, and Jing Wenbin knelt down with a muffled groan.


"Everything should be settled now."

In a cold tone, Jing Wenbin was gradually enveloped by brilliant purple light. Perhaps he was defeated by fear, and his left and right hands randomly threw out supernatural powers.

A fireball, a water splash.

The fireball collided with the filament tentacles and exploded, while the water splash——conducted electricity.

The dazzling light was like daylight. Everyone closed their eyes and turned their heads, and a long-lasting white light spot appeared in front of their eyes.

Xiong Xiong immediately protected Xia Yan in his arms.

Xia Yan smelled the fresh bamboo fragrance on the bear's body. Its belly bulged when it breathed, and its soft fluff always rubbed against her face, which made it itchy.

She stretched out her hand to grab it, and hugged Xiongxiong's fat waist very smoothly, as if she was hugging a particularly soft doll.

After the dizziness faded, Jing Yimai looked at the black charcoal corpse and remained silent for a long time.

Jing Wenbin died like this?

He should be happy to have his great revenge avenged, but he stretched his facial muscles, but they were extremely stiff.

It felt like a big hole had been dug out of my heart, and the night wind blew through it easily, leaving an endless feeling of emptiness.

"Ah...it hurts."


Under the white gauze, the survivors closed their eyes, and uncomfortable wails escaped from their mouths.

Jing Yimai walked over and lifted a corner.

"It's okay, I'll help you untie the rope -"

He suddenly turned his head and looked towards the stairwell.

After the excitement of the exposure subsides for a moment, the footsteps sound faster!

It's General Chu's people who are here!

Two seconds later, a soldier wearing a gas mask and holding a supernatural gun appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Don't move at all!"

Dozens of soldiers filed in, looking at the scene where a fight had obviously taken place, and realized that they were still a step too late——

There were only survivors with their hands and feet tied and bodies lying in a pool of blood, but there was no perpetrator.

"Where's Jing Wenbin?" the captain asked.

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