"Adults don't have to make choices."

"Only children want both." Customers said truthfully.

The captain nodded grimly, "Very good, let's go."

Xia Yan stood up after hearing this.

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"Wait, don't worry. I, a group of customers, haven't gone out yet, and they still have crystal cores in their pockets. As long as they can spend one day, they can stay in the store for one day. General Chu must have remembered the store rules, right?"

Everyone's attention shifted to Chu Wanfu who was drawing the map.

He raised his head, glanced at the fish that had slipped through the net, and said casually: "Send someone to guard the entrance and exit, and wait until they are driven out before catching them."

Customers were dumbfounded: ...Is there a difference?

Xia Yan waved to Xiong Xiong: "Hurry up and get the menu for the customer. Let the kitchen know what you want to eat and make it ready!"

Xiong Xiong stood at the table with a small book in his arms and an expectant look on his face. His hairy feet moved little by little, and the hair on his body shone like waves.

It made the customer feel weak in his heart while holding the menu.

Xiong Xiong asked thoughtfully: "What's wrong, guest? Is the food not to your liking?"

"No..." The customer whispered and glanced at the sneering soldier next door, wanting to cry without tears.

My pocket is so poor that I can't even get out three crystal cores.

And the cheapest breakfast on the menu is only——

"I ate too much last night and haven't digested it yet. Let's have some tea eggs."

"Me too, it's better to eat something light in the morning to nourish your stomach!"

"me too..."

Xiong Xiong blinked blankly and took away the crystal core in their palms, "Please wait a moment."

Chu Wanfu put away the map, and after briefly deploying the action plan with his men, he walked to sit across from Xia Yan and said straight to the point:

"Borrowing the square on Ridai Island, it will probably take half a day. I need to help me clear the place."

Xia Yan: "Okay, I'll rent it to you for a day for three and four crystals."

Chu Wanfu grinned and said, "I'll give you three more. I'll type a message on the screen and play a video by the way."

Xia Yan put down the water glass and after looking at him for a few times, he felt a little clearer.

The vacation mission will eventually come to an end, and this is a necessary step.

Very good, just go with the flow.

"Okay, now pay for the reservation."

Chu Wanfu gestured back happily. Xiaobing put down a heavy schoolbag and opened the zipper. It was full of crystal nuclei.

Xia Yan leaned forward slightly, envy flashed in his eyes:

"What did you get last night?"

Chu Wanfu reached inside to pick and choose, and said implicitly: "More than that."

Xia Yan collected the fee and asked reluctantly: "You are so rich now, why don't you treat them to a last breakfast?"

Chu Wanfu wanted to refuse, but when he saw her money-obsessed expression, he helplessly asked Xiong Xiong to bring the menu.

He complained while watching: "I really don't understand. Boss Xia is so capable. How many crystal cores he wants is not just a matter of stepping on the accelerator. Besides, you have always made a lot of money, why are you still like this..."


Xia Yan cupped her chin and smiled, but said nothing.

Chu Wanfu was very measured and didn't ask any more questions. After ordering a few times on the menu, he said, "Just these few dishes. When the dishes are served, let them know who invited them."


After the meal, most of the customers came to the soldiers to surrender.

The remaining few people gritted their teeth and watched them being taken away, and the smart ones had already turned their attention to the zombies outside.

As long as there are crystal cores, they will be protected by the boss, so can they just find a way to get some crystal cores?

Without waiting too long, Chu Wanfu went out with all his men to sweep, leaving only four soldiers guarding the door.

The opportunity has come.

They got up and slipped out without the other party paying attention. When they ran more than ten meters and turned back, they found that the eyes of the four people looked very indifferent.

There didn't seem to be any concern that they would take the opportunity to sneak out of the city.

At this moment, the soldiers walked out of the safe area and pointed their guns at the sky.


The sound of gunshots seemed extremely loud in the quiet city. The zombies wandering in the distance collectively turned back and howled at them!


They wanted to run to the building not far away, but stopped as soon as they raised their legs.

I saw hundreds of zombies rushing out of that building, including the ones behind the security windows that were crowded with arms reaching out to scratch in response!

Looking at the streets and alleys, there are waves of legions of the living dead, just like a hell scene under the blue sky and white sun!

They raised their feet and immediately changed direction, running towards the safe area, crying to the soldiers who raised their guns:

"Ah ah ah I surrender."

"Let me in, everything will be fine, boss, help! I still have crystal cores in my pocket, which I can consume!"

The soldier took out a silver bracelet from his waist and shook it loudly, "Here, if you surrender, wear it yourself."

As for those who wanted to force their way in, the soldiers were not polite.

Seeing them fall, they still cast incomprehensible and resentful looks at Xia Yan. Xia Yan only said lightly: "They say they only protect the customers in the store. It's none of my business if you go out."

Xia Yan looked at the group of zombies who were standing stupidly and lost their sights as they rushed to the protective barrier, feeling that this scene looked a bit familiar.

Suddenly she patted her thigh and remembered.

Suddenly an inspiration flashed through her mind, and she hurriedly got up, walked through the resort gate and rushed to the square.

It was still a bit chilly on Lidai Island in the early morning, but there were many people in the square. Before he could say hello, Xia Yan had already passed by like the wind.

"Hey, hey."

The radio that had not sounded in Ridai Island for a long time suddenly came out.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up to look at the nearest speaker.

"Good news, great news! To thank new and old customers for their long-term support, we are launching a thank-you event of killing zombies and digging crystal cores!"

"There are a lot of zombies, and men, women, young and old can participate!"

"You only need to pay the ticket fee of 10 level 3 crystal cores. How many crystal cores you dig depends on your own ability. Our store hereby guarantees that we will not charge any additional commissions!"

"In addition, in order to give everyone the opportunity to participate, you can choose a low advance payment according to your personal wishes, and make up the balance at the end of the day!"

"Friends who want to participate, please rush to the holiday gate of the square to sign up as soon as possible! The number of places is limited, and it will last until all the registrations are completed."

The broadcast stopped abruptly, but a surveillance screen appeared in the sky.

Outside the safe zone is an endless stream of zombie heads.

The screen only stayed for three seconds, but it ignited a fire in everyone's heart.

Close the door, lock it, and close for one day today.

Grab an electric car, grab a bicycle if you can't grab one, and then drive on No. 11.

The broadcast also reached the school. It happened to be morning exercise time. After watching the pictures, people suddenly became noisy and talked a lot.

Gao Shixu's heart also beat twice.

The teachers calmed down the anxious students and hurried over.

"Principal, shall we participate?"

"The children have already had experience killing zombies. This is definitely a great opportunity for them to improve their lives!"

Gao Shixu frowned deeply.

This was a difficult decision. He had no right to bypass the monitor and put the children in danger.

After the excitement faded, the teachers finally thought of this.

"What should we do?"

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