"Watching the opportunity slip away? So many zombies, so many crystal cores, and teachers are helping..."

"We all overlooked one thing. We need tickets. How can the children kill so many zombies? Oh, let's go back."

Another difficult problem, the teachers all sighed.

It seems that it won't work.

Gao Shixu made up his mind, "I'll go to the boss, you can lead the students as usual."

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯

As soon as he turned around, he felt a tingling heat on his wrist.

It was a message, with only a simple sentence: The parents of the students have been notified, and the list of those who agreed to participate has been sent.

In the blink of an eye, the new message arrived, clicked it, and a long list appeared in the air.

Gao Shixu hurriedly picked up the microphone and cleared his throat to quiet the scene.

"Your parents have been notified of this event. Students whose names are called, please stand up..."

As more and more students left the team, the children who were still standing still tightened their clothes, their mouths became more and more shriveled, but they were not so fragile as to cry.

Parents were worried that they would never see their children again after school. It is understandable that they love their children.

Gao Shixu asked most of the remaining students to stay in the playground for physical training, and sent a few teachers to supervise. He led the team to the square to find the boss.

There was a long line in the square. Xia Yan moved quickly and let them go after deducting 1,000 points.

As Gao Shixu approached with the students, Xia Yan saw him.

Not bad, she also knew to give the students a weapon for self-defense.

"Go in directly."

The holiday gate became wider and larger under her control, and the students' team did not need to change at all.

"Then the tickets..." Gao Shixu asked.

"I will collect them all when I come back." Xia Yan replied.

It is impossible not to collect them. There is no free lunch in the world. She is just a businessman. It is good enough to open a back door.

After all, with so many students going there, the safe zone must be crowded.

Xia Yan waved her hand and said, "The tickets are sold out. I will come back when I can go out there."

After that, she went into the holiday gate and returned to the hall.

In the safe zone, everyone stood in front of the protective shield and killed zombies unilaterally.

Picking up crystal cores is like picking up stones, which is not difficult at all.

The high-level bosses disdained to shrink inside and went out to kill directly. Zombies fell in groups, and they even had time to pick and choose. Low-level crystal cores were too lazy to bend down.

Some smart students took the opportunity to run out to pick up leaks, and their faces were sore from laughing.

The zombies outside are not zombies, they are a beautiful future. Every time you pick up one more, your life will be smoother.

Under the influence of this environment, there is no fear in people's eyes, and they will even chase zombies.

In less than ten minutes, everyone ran outside.

Seeing this, Xia Yan immediately returned to Lidai Island.

"Hurry, hurry, the group of people who just passed by have made a lot of money! There is a big guy leading the way in front, and the crystal cores are like picking up for fun, you hurry over!"

When the people guarding the square heard this, their eyes turned red, and they rushed forward, holding their hands high to facilitate Xia Yan to collect points.

Almost like an assembly line, Xia Yan kept passing people behind the door.

The four soldiers stared at the crazy crowd chasing the zombies outside in amazement, holding their superpower guns tightly.

There is no wind, why is it a bit cold...


"General Chu, the zombies seem to be attracted by something and run to the back."

Chu Wanfu's sight moved from a crude map to the window.

The group of zombies really stumbled around them and ran elsewhere.

"Don't worry, keep moving towards the destination."

According to the information provided by the little old lady last night, the one called Aunt Mei is also one of Jing Wenbin's partners.

Jing Wenbin is dead, and the remaining gang members must be captured alive as much as possible.


Aunt Mei stretched her body and slowly took off her eye mask and noise-canceling headphones.

Deep sleep is essential for a good beauty sleep.

After waking up, Aunt Mei didn't rush to get up. She reached out her hand, took out the essential oil and massage brush, and slowly rubbed her abdomen.

While rubbing, she wondered, how big a bed would the female boss wake up from every morning?

Is it two meters?

The robot in the cafeteria is very smart, and there should be one in her house.

No, one is not enough, at least three.

Every day when she opened her eyes, a housekeeper would deliver breakfast to the bedside. If it was smarter, it might be able to help the owner brush his teeth and massage...

Aunt Mei lowered her eyes. She still had to rub her abdomen by herself. It would be great if everything was hers.

As long as she opened her eyes and shouted:

"Housekeeper," the food would be brought to her mouth.

Aunt Mei didn't know that she shouted out loud, but she felt that there was suddenly a lot of chaos outside the door.

After a while, a cautious voice came from behind the door: "Aunt Mei, are you up?"

If it were normal, she would not meet people in dishevel, but in the fantasy just now, she suddenly felt that being taken care of felt very good, like a proud queen.

Anyway, that person knew the limits and knew what not to see...

"Come in."

The door was gently opened, and there were actually several people standing behind it.

Aunt Mei pulled the quilt up to her neck, and just as she was about to frown, she immediately relaxed.

She tried her best to keep her facial features relaxed and asked, "Why are you all outside?"

The girls behind the door were about to cry, their eyes were red, and they looked very touching.

Aunt Mei felt an uncontrollable disgust in her heart. She looked away and found the girl with tortoise-shell glasses who lowered her head, and her voice was quite stern.

"What's going on? Why are all the young ladies outside?"

The girl with glasses took a step forward, still lowering her head:

"Aunt Mei, the zombies kept roaring in the second half of last night, and the young ladies were scared, so they stayed here all night."

Aunt Mei thought it was nothing, it was just a few zombies shouting, so what? She was being hypocritical.

She waved her hand to drive them away: "Okay, go back, you all go to the competition site today, you won't be afraid if you see more and listen more."

"No, Aunt Mei, she didn't say the point!" One of the girls said angrily, "The zombies have entered the city, and everyone ran away!"

Seeing someone speak, the other girls followed suit: "Yes, we said we would report to Aunt Mei last night, but she stopped us!"

"It's over now, there are zombies everywhere outside, there is no place to run, we can only starve to death here!"

"It's all her fault, woo woo woo, she won't let us in no matter what."

The girls chattered and made Aunt Mei's head hurt, and she slapped her hands heavily on the quilt.

"That's enough! Shut up!"

The girls looked up in astonishment, but just in time they saw the quilt slip off, revealing Aunt Mei's naked body.

Their eyes widened immediately.

Aunt Mei felt the cool breeze on her chest, and suddenly pulled up the quilt, but the surprise in the girls' eyes was too clear, and she felt a lump in her heart, and her anger rushed straight to her head.

"Get out of here!"

The girl with glasses stretched out her arm and pushed hard, shutting the door heavily.

Aunt Mei sat in the quilt, her facial features unbalanced due to fear and anger, like a piece of ice cream about to melt.

They actually saw her body...

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