After a while, Aunt Mei dressed neatly and walked to the window.

She gently lifted a corner of the curtain, and outside was full of zombie heads.

She paused, pulled open the curtain, and the dim light faded the darkness in the room, and the streets and alleys were full of bustling living dead.

"... Come."

The girl with glasses pushed the door open and came in.

"Where is Mr. Bin?"

"I was waiting outside your room last night. I don't know how Mr. Bin is doing. Maybe the ladies know."

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

Aunt Mei looked at the reflection of the girl with glasses on the glass, "Let them in too."

The girl with glasses went over to invite people. The girls may not have forgotten what they just saw. Their heads were lowered to their chests, their fingers twisted their clothes, and they hesitated to go to the end.

"What's wrong with these two? Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Aunt Mei had a kind smile on her face, and her gentle eyes were no different from usual.

The girl with glasses also urged softly: "Hurry up, don't let Aunt Mei wait anxiously."

The girls raised their heads very quickly and saw Aunt Mei's natural expression, as if she didn't care about their offense just now, so the weirdness in their hearts was suppressed.

"Aunt Mei..."

Hearing the crisp and pleasant voice, Aunt Mei's smile deepened. She said to the girl with glasses: "Go and bring some snacks to the young ladies. They must be tired and hungry after being frightened all night."

The girls wiped away the fear on their faces and became excited, secretly cursing the dirty thoughts they had hidden just now. Aunt Mei was so nice, how could they despise that aging body because of the different metabolism of each person?

It's their fault!

"Thank you, Aunt Mei~"

"Aunt Mei is still the best to us~"

"Not like mother and daughter, but more than mother and daughter, Aunt Mei is my reborn parent!"

Aunt Mei listened with a smile for a while, and said: "What happened last night? Such a big thing happened, why didn't Mr. Bin come out to maintain order?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the girls' faces changed drastically. After looking at each other, they murmured:

"We also find it strange. The gunshots and artillery sounds were so loud last night. It is impossible that Mr. Bin didn't hear them."

"The armored vehicle with three-color lights flashing behind was arresting people everywhere in the city. After a while, there was a sound of a car hitting the door, and then the zombies entered and exited the city."

"We thought about it, and there is only one possibility..."

The girl who spoke looked into Aunt Mei's eyes, and couldn't help trembling all over. She lowered her head deeply and dared not say anything more.

Another girl suddenly stepped out and said loudly: "We think Mr. Bin may be dead!"

The girl's crisp voice floated in the air, but it hit the eardrum hard.

Aunt Mei looked dazed, revealing some sadness and heartache, as if it was difficult to accept this conclusion, but if it was not the case, how could a person like him allow the base to be occupied by zombies?

"Miss, please eat."

The girl with glasses brought a plate of mung bean cakes, each of which was only the size of a baby's palm.

The girls could not hide their disappointment. Each of them took only one piece and put it to their mouths. When they bit it, their teeth almost broke.

After biting off a small piece and sipping it slowly in their mouths, they felt a faint musty and bitter taste on the tip of their tongues. As soon as they tasted it, they knew that it had been stored for too long and had gone bad.

Hmm...last night's meal was still delicious.

Aunt Mei saw the changes in their expressions, and her smile faded a little. She looked at the gray clouds in the sky and felt that there was another possibility--

"If he is still alive, it means I have been fooled."

"Men really mess things up."

The zombies downstairs seemed to have discovered something, and collectively turned their rotten faces, suddenly screamed, and swarmed over.

Aunt Mei pressed herself against the window and tried to see, then she glared and trembled the next second.

She calmed down and put on the friendliest smile that could make people lose their guard, "Girls, how about I take you to the hotel for another meal later?"

"Really, Aunt Mei?!"

"Aunt Mei, you are so nice! I love you, Aunt Mei!"

Aunt Mei waved her hand, "I'll change my clothes, wait for me outside the door."

Hearing this, the girls walked out happily, chattering that they wanted to eat something they didn't eat yesterday and drink two more carbonated drinks.


The girls looked back and saw Aunt Mei standing against the window in the backlight, her face half lowered, and her neck seemed to be wrinkled. A closer look revealed that it was just a few shadows.

Aunt Mei gently uttered two names, "You have good taste, stay and help me choose clothes."

The two girls named raised their hands to cover their lips happily, and said with a snicker: "I know, Aunt Mei~"

The other girls were only envious for a moment, and then they were all focused on the matter of going to eat. The girl with glasses walked in at the end and closed the door.

At the moment when the eyes were about to close, Aunt Mei's voice sounded again.

"You stay too."

The pupils of the girl with glasses suddenly contracted.


The little old lady pointed at the red door excitedly, "It's here! I recognize her nest!"

The driver made a beautiful drift brake, and the tires made a harsh friction sound. The moment the rear door opened, dozens of well-armed soldiers jumped down one after another.

The nearby zombies rushed over, and in a blink of an eye, they were stuffed with superpower bullets all over their heads and mouths, and flew backwards under the brutal impact!

The path was quickly cleared under the fire suppression. At the last second before entering the door, the armored vehicle blocking the door disappeared instantly, and the red door slammed shut.

"She lives on the third floor! I know all that!"

The little old lady climbed the stairs at a speed that didn't match her appearance. She didn't even sweep the open doors on both sides, and her legs moved very fast.

After pointing out the room, she rushed in first after the door was kicked open.

There were only three people in the room. The old lady picked out an intellectual woman with a rosy face and slapped her twice.

"Give me back my face! You stole my face, give it back to me!"

The girl sitting next to her turned pale and trembled like a sieve when she heard these words. She kept squeezing into the corner.

Seeing that "Auntie Mei" didn't speak, the old lady was anxious and angry. She waved her hand and slapped her twice, "I don't want your face! Just give me mine back!"

"I... I..."

"Auntie Mei" stuttered and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Her face was burning and painful. She raised her hands to her eyes, but she was afraid to touch them. Tears flowed down.

This timid look...

The old lady took a breath, stepped back two steps, and said in horror: "General Chu, this is not Aunt Mei, her face has also been replaced!"

Chu Wanfu ordered people to arrest them for questioning, and the soldiers conducted a carpet search throughout the building.

The old lady grabbed his hand absentmindedly, and the wrinkles on her face became more and more, as if she had aged several years in an instant.

She said in a panic: "General, you promised me that I would help you find Aunt Mei, and you would help me find my original face, right? You won't lie to me, right?!"

Chu Wanfu patted the back of her hand and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, we will definitely help you, and the most urgent task now is to catch Aunt Mei."

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