The little old lady swallowed with her heart in her stomach. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and felt sad when she saw the two people being taken away by the soldiers.

She thought she had found a backer, but in fact Aunt Mei was just a wolf in sheep's clothing!

They were all deceived by Aunt Mei's appearance!

After seeing Aunt Mei's true face, did they feel fear and fear?

The little old lady's hateful eyes fell on the person behind her, and she suddenly paused when they glanced at the horizontal depression beside her ear.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

Then, shouldn't that be the mark left by wearing glasses for a long time?

Chu Wanfu keenly noticed her strangeness and asked someone to bring them back.

The little old lady quickly found a pair of tortoise shell glasses that had been trampled to pieces from under the bed. "I remembered, these are the glasses of a female subordinate who is always with Aunt Mei!"

She pointed at the woman with obvious marks on the bridge of her nose and shouted, "That's you! You must know where Aunt Mei is!"

Chu Wanfu's eyes signaled that his men took "Aunt Mei" who was about to faint and went to the next door for interrogation.

The bespectacled woman lowered her head and said nothing, as if she didn't hear her identification at all.

Seeing her like this, Chu Wanfu knew that she wanted to delay time. Time was urgent. If Aunt Zhenmei ran away, it would be difficult to catch her back.

He gave me a look.

The bespectacled woman suddenly felt pain on her scalp and was forced to raise her head. A female soldier with short hair poured a bottle of unknown liquid into her mouth while she opened her mouth, then slapped her throat and she swallowed it subconsciously.

Only then did the female soldier let her go and rolled her eyes: "If you ask me anything, just say no, and you'll have to waste a bottle of medicine on me."

Only then did the bespectacled girl realize that she was panicking. She dug her fingers deep into her throat, trying to spit it out before her body could absorb it.

"Don't bother, do you think you are the only ones with a laboratory?" The female soldier folded her arms and looked on coldly.

Within three seconds, the girl with glasses felt like the world was spinning, and there were countless double images in front of her eyes.

It's just that the shadows overlapped one after another, and finally converged into a figure that she was very familiar with and trusted extremely!

The man asked: "Where is the real Aunt Mei?"

The bespectacled girl looked at him with obsessed eyes, "She has already left. She said she was going to deal with those disobedient contestants."

"Exactly where it is."

The bespectacled woman paused for several seconds and described the optimal route dully and slowly.

Chu Wanfu folded the map and said, "Take them all away and set off."

According to what the girl with glasses said, Aunt Mei ran into a place called the waiting area, which contained discarded products that were no longer useful, captured semi-finished products, and even finished products with huge defects.

As for what kind of competition it is, the girl with glasses who is about to lose her medicine's eyes is half awake and half confused.

She said four words: "The tortoise and the hare."

The car suddenly became quiet.

The short-haired female soldier received the order, struck her on the back of the neck with a knife, tied her up and threw her behind.

"These bastards are completely inhumane!"

Everyone got out of the car full of anger, and just as they were about to jump up the steps, the door opened with a creak from the inside, and both sides looked at each other.

Those people glanced at the armored vehicles behind them, their expressions suddenly changed, and they shouted: "Run!"

They rushed out of the door and ran in all directions.

The zombies wandering on the street turned around when they heard the sound, followed them with a roar and a highly decomposed face.

"It's broken, stop them quickly!" Chu Wanfu ordered urgently, and the soldiers joined in with guns drawn.

There were bursts of gunfire, and the zombies roared again and again. The survivors' legs began to weaken. They looked at the sky beyond the high wall and fell forward in despair. A strong rotten smell immediately hit their ears, and the zombies were close at hand.

It's worth it to die outside...

The next second, the zombie fell on him, and the pain he imagined did not appear.

A hand appeared from above, grabbed his collar, pulled hard, threw it over his shoulder and ran back.

The man's eyes showed sadness.

Even after this, she still refuses to let him go! Do you really hate to see them die happily? !

Then he was placed in the carriage, with several people who had been captured inside. Everyone looked at each other with gloomy expressions, gradually becoming numb.

Standing outside the car were four heavily armed men holding supernatural guns. With their broken bodies, they couldn't be beaten or escape.

These people are really evil. They think that wearing military uniform means they are good people? nausea.

More and more people were brought back, but they knew that more people died in the mouths of zombies, and they were very envious for a while.

If I had known that I would be captured and transferred to another base, and then conduct those inhumane experiments on myself, it would be better to be directly bitten to death by zombies...

At this time, an old man with bloody features was put into the car. Those people stood at the door of the car and said without hesitation:

"General, the building has been inspected and there is no one alive."

"Except for some who were surrounded by zombies and could not be saved, all the remaining survivors were brought back safely."

"Go back to the hotel."

With a bang, the door closed, and the car started to move forward. The sound of zombies slapping and crashing could be heard from the left and right, and there was a dead silence in the car.

After walking and stopping along the way, about twenty minutes later, the car stopped and the door opened again.

"Come on, get off the car, we're at the place."

So fast?

They clenched their clothes tightly, feeling so panicked that their intestines twisted tightly.

The old man with his face covered in blood was the first to be helped out, and the people behind him had to get up and get out of the car. There was a guard beside each person, and their arms were restrained, so they couldn't run away.

Another building with no ceiling visible...

Just thinking about it, I felt the pressure on my shoulders and was forced to sit on the stool.

Then I heard those people say: "Boss, hurry up and serve the millet porridge and steamed buns. They are so hungry that their legs are shaking!"

The survivors raised their heads suddenly. What's going on? They are actually giving them food? !

There was a girl drinking tea in front of them. She smiled and waved: "Xiongxiong, serve the food."

At this time, they saw an extremely dreamy scene. A group of waiters actually pushed the dining cart and put a bowl of golden, particularly thick and fragrant millet porridge in front of them!

Then they put down the steamer, and there were actually two white and soft big steamed buns in it!

The majestic and cold man called "General" pulled up the corners of his mouth and said to them: "Eat it, you can add more if it's not enough."

Before he finished speaking, these people grabbed the steamed buns and stuffed them into their mouths, regardless of whether their palms were clean or not, and kept stuffing them into their mouths, propping up their cheeks, chewing hard for two bites, and swallowing them down with their necks stiff. Before they swallowed all of them, they picked up the bowl and poured them into their mouths.

The waiter came over to add steamed buns to their plate, and before the plate was put down, five or six blackened hands reached out to grab them.

They looked extremely hungry.

Chu Wanfu walked along the tables one by one, and finally stopped in front of a table. The old lady who was eating froze, and the dried blood scab on her face gradually lifted up with the movement, looking disgusting and scary.

She immediately started to eat voraciously again.

Chu Wanfu seemed not to see this scene and sat directly opposite her.

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