Half a month later, the missing Chu Wanfu finally appeared in the hotel lobby again.

"Do you still remember what I told you about renting the square last time?"

Xia Yan lazily leaned on the back of the sofa, "Of course, have you finished the interrogation?"

"Basically," Chu Wanfu didn't want to talk about it in detail, and turned to other topics, "Ten o'clock today, I'll go there early."

"Okay, no problem."

After seeing Chu Wanfu off, Xia Yan walked into the safe zone and stretched his body.

In just a few days, this base has become a ruin, with corpses piled up on both sides of the road, and black bloodstains gathered beside the sewer like stagnant water, emitting bursts of stench.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

There was not even a living zombie in the whole city, and there was a dead silence all around.

Xia Yan looked for a while, turned neatly and walked into the backyard, and went directly to the private island through the door there.

Pushing the door open, the sun was warm and the sea breeze was gentle.

After applying sunscreen, she lay on the beach chair and prepared to close her eyes to rest. She opened her eyes again the moment she closed them. She opened the operation background and entered a paragraph of text.

Confirmed, scheduled release, and then closed her eyes and enjoyed the sunbath at ease.

It was ten o'clock.

The broadcast on Lidai Island suddenly sounded again.

After the last ticket incident, everyone was very sensitive to the sound of the broadcast.

So the moment the sound appeared, everyone on the island immediately stopped their actions, walked out of the houses, shops, stalls, and supermarkets to the open space outside, and listened to it without missing a word.

However, this time it was really a notice for everyone to rush to the square immediately.

"Why did you suddenly notify everyone to go to the square? This has never happened before, right?"

"Did something big happen again?"

"I don't know, I'll know when I go over there."

If you look from above, you will find that people on the whole island are gathering in the same place like streams.

When they arrived at the square, they found that the middle area was covered by a thin barrier, and only people in military uniforms could enter and exit at will.

They looked around, walked to the stands, and sat down at random.

Soon, a large group of people sat down, all staring at the area below, talking with the people around them, guessing that something big had happened again.

As they watched, someone felt more and more familiar, and suddenly slapped his thigh and said loudly: "Isn't this an enlarged version of the court scene?!"

When she shouted, the others suddenly had an epiphany and responded collectively.

"Oh, yes, I was wondering why it looks so familiar, isn't this my previous working environment?!"

"How did you suddenly get in touch with the court? What was the main reason for being arrested? Are there any standards? Do you have to squat in?"

Many people at the scene changed their faces, and wanted to get up and leave restlessly, but they were afraid that they would be too conspicuous and attract unnecessary attention.

At this time, Chu Wanfu, dressed in military uniform, entered the venue. His eyes were majestic and his expression was solemn. He only glanced around lightly, and these people sat upright and looked straight ahead.

The venue suddenly became silent.

After a while, three big men in decent suits came in. General Chu stood up to greet them and asked one of them, an old man with gray hair, to sit in the first seat.

Just as everyone wiped their wet palms on their pants for the third time, the soldiers lined up and entered the venue, followed by more than a hundred prisoners with wretched looks, fierce eyes, and wearing the same striped clothes.

At a glance, you can tell that these people are the protagonists today.

The prisoners lined up in a row, with thin silver chains on their wrists and ankles, and two soldiers stood behind each of them to guard them.

They looked around in a comfortable posture, sometimes looking at the dark crowd, sometimes looking at the tall hospital building, and sometimes sniffing the wet and salty sea breeze.

Finally, it came together into a sentence.

"It's like a dream! How come Mr. Bin never mentioned such a good place?"

"We are nothing. In the eyes of those bosses, we are just used as scapegoats!"

"Hahaha, it's a joke. Jing Wenbin, that bastard, schemed and schemed, but died before us."

At this time, four people were escorted past them. After seeing their faces, those who knew who they were began to greet them without thinking.

The soldiers behind couldn't stand it anymore, hit him on the back with the butt of the gun, and shouted: "Keep your mouth clean!"

The woman who was greeted by the whole family just looked back and didn't react.

After everyone arrived, Chu Wanfu took the microphone and finished his opening remarks, letting everyone know that this was a military court trial. Standing below were some of the largest gangs that secretly controlled the black market, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

Chu Wanfu signaled to Xia Yan who appeared silently, and the huge display screen behind him suddenly switched to an interrogation video.

In the picture, a man with tattoos all over his body sat, playing with the chain with a defiant look, making a rattling sound.

The sound was transmitted through the loudspeaker and reached everyone's ears clearly.

"Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist, answer whatever I ask, don't think of getting away with it! The first question is, what have you been ordered to do in recent years?"

"Oh, soldier, your question is too vague. I have done a lot of things. It depends on what you want to hear?"

"Tell me carefully from beginning to end without missing a word."

"That's too long. Can you give me a glass of water? I'll be thirsty soon. My tongue will suffer. It's normal to forget things. Don't you think so, soldier?"

"...Pour him a glass of water."

"Can you tell me now?"

"Yes, that's great." The man held the water cup, stared at the clear water inside, and said with a smile, "I'm just a little brother, running errands. Today this black market is open, I'll go there to sell cigarettes, tomorrow that black market-"

"Get to the point!"

"Oh, then I'll just say it briefly. Collecting debts, scouting, looking for people, finding resources, expanding territory, and taking some private jobs to earn extra money."

"What to scouting?"

The man grinned and said, "See which girls and boys are good-looking, and by the way, see if there are any strange people around. If there are capable people, there are several of them. If you can beat them, beat them. If you can't beat them, call for help. "

"What are the criteria for finding people?"

"In the beginning, there were some. We mainly looked for good-looking, young people, and preferably those with some special abilities. Later on, there were no more criteria. As long as they were alone, we would catch them. If the superiors pressed us hard... hehe, you know."

"I don't understand. Tell me in detail."

"Okay, you nerds, you have no imagination. We just robbed them later, robbed them in front of us, robbed them behind our backs, tricked them out of the base and took them away. As long as we can get them back and report to the task, who cares so much."

"And then sell them on the black market?"

The man raised his eyebrows and smiled maliciously, "That's not my job, I don't know."

"Where did you send all the people you captured?"

"Well, I do know this, the laboratory."

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