Xia Yan somewhat understood why Chu Wanfu had to borrow the display screen that usually played the missing person notice.

On one side were the survivors who were heartbroken because they could not find their loved ones, but still held a glimmer of hope to meet them again one day, and on the other side were the "executioners" who were indifferent and easily described the process of the action.

He wanted to give everyone a result, and this was the best choice.

The voice behind the video was confused.

"Laboratory, what kind of place is it... Where are the survivors? Where did they go?"

The man leaned forward suddenly, staring as if to see what kind of idiot could ask such a question.

He raised his head and laughed, laughing so hard that tears came out, and pounded his fists.

"Survived? I laughed to death, is it difficult to understand the three words "laboratory"? If the probability of survival is so high, would we still have to focus on catching people all day long?"

At this time, the picture was switched to a young woman who shrank her neck and dared not look at people.

"Tell the truth. Your accomplices have already said everything. It doesn't matter whether you hide it or not."



"I know you don't believe it - you are responsible for smuggling people to the black market, right? How did you trick those people?"

After a few seconds of silence, she raised her head, her eyes motionless, like a pool of stagnant water, making the red mole under the end of her eye more vivid, adding a bit of bewitching charm to her whole person.

But she spoke with a smoky voice.

"...They really told you everything. I was only responsible for deceiving people in the early stage of the apocalypse. Later...they all became smarter and I couldn't deceive them, so I became the head of their supervision."


She licked her dry mouth, "That's all."

"Oh, that's not right, you did this job until you were caught."


"Still not telling?"

"...Later, I was responsible for sneaking into the base, selecting the right people to coax them out of the city, and our people were responsible for picking them up outside."

"Where did the deceived people go in the end?"

"The old ones were sent to farm, the men were sent to mine, the pretty women were slightly adjusted in shape, and they could be sold at a good price on the black market, the ugly ones...just be useful, as for the children, they were usually used as bait."


Suddenly there was a wailing at the scene. All those who had registered the missing person notice stood up, waving their arms and crying:

"My child was deceived like this! The day before, she told me that she would help me share the pressure when she grew up, but she never came back the next day. I have been looking for her for five years!"

"She has something else to hide! The base behind found clues and came to arrest people. I don't know where she got the news in advance. Before leaving, she found my wife and mother and said that she would take them to find me outside the city! Until now, it is unknown whether she is alive or dead!!"

"Human traffickers! Kill her!"

"Human traffickers!..."

The whole audience cheered, the murderous aura was gone, and those three words hit everyone's heart heavily, making people want to personally go down and eat their flesh and blood to comfort their sad souls every night!

Damn it! Damn it! !

Among the four people standing in the front, the elderly woman seemed to be unable to stand, and she staggered and fell on the shoulders of the people next to her.

The guard soldier immediately stepped forward to straighten her up.

Xia Yan was attracted by her movements, but just saw the panic and fear flashing across her face.

Isn't this Aunt Mei who threatened him before leaving?

Her expression is a little wrong.

He turned his sight and saw the woman next to her. She seemed to be the woman with glasses who led the way...

"Everyone be quiet."

Seeing the voice getting louder and louder, Chu Wanfu stood up and pressed down with both hands.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at him in unison, pain, suffering, helplessness, sadness, confusion and anger, all kinds of emotions mixed together and transmitted from afar.

Whose children are these, whose parents are they, whose husbands are they, or whose brothers and sisters are they...

No, none of them, they are left alone at this moment.

The connecting belts that symbolize family affection and love are broken one by one, as if a balloon suddenly lost its rope, floating in the wind, frost, rain and snow, and perhaps it will burst in the next moment, and finally be buried in the mud, never to be seen again.

Chu Wanfu was suddenly hit hard by this heavy emotion. The words he prepared in advance became a thousand pounds heavy, falling all the way to his heels, pulling him down from the air and stepping on the ground.

Chu Wanfu's body swayed, his fingers supported the table hard, and the bulging blue veins revealed his uneasy heart.

He looked at everyone one by one, they were also waiting.

He only said one sentence, four short words:

"Believe us."

Everyone sat down again with sad eyes.

The video continued to play.


Xia Yan looked at the red mole girl who had just appeared in the video with interest. She was frightened by the shouting of the crowd just now, and trembled and stuck to the person next to her.

The man looked at her and didn't dodge.

This is a birdman with crooked wings that drooped to the ground.

Xia Yan suddenly remembered that when Lan Wu came to pick up Xiaolu home, he also flew away with big wings, and Xiaolu once let it slip that they were forced to separate because they were chased by someone.

Is there any connection between them?

Curiosity drove Xia Yan to walk up to them and ask the question.

Birdman's eyes changed from helpless to doubtful, "It shouldn't be. When we initially investigated, we didn't find that there was a big boss behind them... In this way, it's no wonder that when we clearly caught up with the deer, it suddenly disappeared. Signal."

He looked at Xia Yan and said regretfully: "If that bird hadn't been in the way, I could have continued chasing you. Even if I couldn't beat you, I could have sent someone to kill you as soon as possible if I went back and informed Mr. Bin. You have a chance to grow into a big boss, otherwise how could we end up where we are today?”

Xia Yan ignored his attitude and continued to ask what he wanted to know: "Can you still sense them now?"

Birdman tilted his head to one side and said harshly: "No, they have already hidden themselves in the deep forest, and no one can find them."

"Last question, did you have this superpower after merging with an animal?"

"Fart! You guys can have weird powers like metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., but we can't fly even if we have wings?"

The birdman scratched his neck in dissatisfaction and moved his wings to open them.

After Xia Yan achieved his goal, he kicked him forward, slapped him with his bow from left to right, took the supernatural gun hanging on the soldier, and beat him hard with the butt of the gun.

"If I hadn't let you off for the sake of General Chu, I would have ravaged you into small cubes and sold you crystal cores. Also, you should be lucky that you didn't appear in front of me at that time, otherwise you could still live comfortably until Now?!"

Xia Yan grabbed his wings, pulled him in front of him, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Let me tell you a secret, I have been ridiculously strong since the day I opened the business!"

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