Ignoring the birdman's shocked look, Xia Yan threw him back to the ground, took out a wet towel and wiped his fingers clean.

"Xiongxiong, go back and bring the two customers upstairs here, as an apology to General Chu."

This was originally Chu Wanfu's way of rebuilding his prestige and thunderbolt means, but she got in the way. The audience cheered for her beating.

Besides, Mr. Shen is here today, so it's better to give Chu Wanfu some face...

Xia Yan returned to her seat with a serious face, as if she was not the one who hit people just now.

Chu Wanfu also pretended that nothing had happened and continued to host: "The process continues, the next step is identification."

The four people who were singled out raised their heads one after another, among which Brother Ming and the little old lady shouted anxiously: "General Chu, I want to identify!"

Auntie Mei glanced at the two of them and said the same thing right after them.


If you want to get leniency, you have to actively cooperate. Later, more than a hundred people were arrested and all identified. How could she get a chance to reduce her sentence?

Under the leadership of the soldiers, the three people cross-identified people. The bosses who pretended to be minions were pointed out by their real names one after another. They shouted that they were wronged and were dragged out of the team and arranged separately.

Aunt Mei mercilessly identified everyone, and finally looked back at Chu Wanfu obscurely.

I thought: Is this sincerity enough? It shouldn’t be sentenced to death, right?

Seeing that they were betrayed by her, those bosses also tore their faces and loudly shook out Aunt Mei’s romantic stories that they had once listened to as jokes.

What do you mean by loving young guys? He used all kinds of tricks on a certain tool, tormented many people to death, and even did not let go of young girls. From time to time, someone saw a faceless naked corpse thrown off the city wall...

After hearing these words, Aunt Mei's face turned pale and she shouted in vain that they were all rumors and no one should believe them.

The woman with glasses raised her eyes to look, but met Chu Wanfu's eyes, and hurriedly lowered her head again.

Chu Wanfu had a plan in his mind, and he put away his thoughts and ordered people to control the situation.

Xiongxiong was walking towards them with Xiao Wang and Xiao Song - it should be said that only Xiongxiong was walking, and the two were caught in his armpits and carried over.

After putting the two people down, Xiongxiong shook his arms and said in surprise: "It's only been a few days since I last saw them, and they have gained weight!"

Xiao Wang and Xiao Song were about to get up after realizing that their bodies were free, but they were pressed to the ground again.

Seeing their white bellies exposed by the clothes rolled up when they struggled, Xia Yan was also a little surprised. You know, she reduced their food the next day, changing three meals a day to two meals a day, and one of them was still noodles.

Can they get fat?

"Who are these two people?" Chu Wanfu waited for a long time and took the initiative to speak.

Xia Yan: "One of these two people is a superpower who can control the bomb in his body. I leave him to you, you can deal with it."

At this time, Xia Yan didn't want to stand out to win people's hearts, so he just did a favor, but-"I have to help Lin solve it first."

Chu Wanfu really didn't expect that the gift he sent was such a big gift. He immediately slammed the table and shouted "good".

Xiao Wang and Xiao Song were not far away from them. They heard the conversation carefully. When they heard the word "deal with", the picture of the corpse suddenly appeared in their minds, and they said in panic:

"You can't kill me! If you kill me, everyone will die! As long as I have a thought, it will really become a time bomb!"

Chu Wanfu looked at him for a few seconds, and contempt flashed in his eyes. How could such an obvious loophole fool people?

Just as he was about to speak, he felt someone tugging at his sleeve. Looking down, Mr. Shen shook his head slightly at him, and his eyes moved around the stands.

Chu Wanfu suddenly realized, clenched his fist and coughed lightly, then turned to Xia Yan and said, "Boss Xia, who did you say you would deal with the internal bomb problem for first?"


"No problem, I will definitely help you with this little favor. However, he may need to use superpowers to remove it. Do you think you can give him an operating space without restrictions on the use of superpowers?"

Chu Wanfu dared to ask this because he knew that there were several designated classrooms in the school where teachers could use superpowers to teach.

Since the school is feasible, there is no problem here, as long as the boss is willing.

Sure enough, Xia Yan nodded and said yes.

In the open space not far away, a small house with a mobile barrier suddenly appeared, about the size of a newsstand.

Chu Wanfu said, "Lin, are you there?"

The voices spread out layer by layer, and Fu Niang and Lin in the stands looked at each other, not knowing what had happened, and they couldn't think of how they would suddenly be involved.

Chu Wanfu repeated it again.

"Mom, Boss Xia is here too, it must be alright, I'll go with you."

Lin raised her hand with Fu Niang's encouragement, and almost everyone's eyes fell on them. People who didn't know thought they had committed a crime and hid to the side.

After the two leaned on each other to get to the scene, Chu Wanfu personally went over and told her about it.

Lin didn't react for a while, her eyes were still confused, and Fu Niang excitedly hugged her shoulders and shook her.

"Mom, I said it must be a good thing! You don't have to worry about going out anymore, I can finally take you around and take a look!"

It wasn't until Lin passed through the barrier and faced the man who had planted the "bomb" in their bodies that she finally understood what had happened.

Her eyes suddenly became misty.

Chu Wanfu stood outside and said slowly: "I know you were coerced by Jing Wenbin and had no choice but to do this. Now I give you a chance to make up for it. It depends on whether you can grasp it."

Xiao Wang's nose was full of sweat, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

I didn’t learn anything else from Jing Wenbin, but I could definitely read his eyes. General Chu’s step was almost right under his nose. If he didn’t follow his lead, he would be courting death.

Xia Yan also came over. She wanted to see what was going on up close, and at the same time projected it onto the display screen so that the audience could see it.

In front of the two giants, how could Xiao Wang not be nervous? He trembled as he stretched out his hand to take the supernatural power from a distance.

Three seconds later, a spherical gray energy ball really floated out from Lin’s heart.

As soon as the thing appeared, it drilled into Xiao Wang’s palm. At the same time, Lin suddenly bent down and gasped.

Fu Niang was frightened and asked hurriedly, “Mom, are you okay? Don’t scare me! Mom!”

Chu Wanfu cast a death gaze at Xiao Wang, who stepped back and shook his head desperately, “It’s really not me. I just took out the energy. It has nothing to do with me!”

At this time, Lin raised her head, with two lines of tears on her face, and rushed out to hug Fu Niang.

"Baby, Mom is fine. I'm just so happy. I can finally go out with my precious daughter. I don't have to wait at home like a waste. I'm so happy! I'm so happy!!"

Fu Niang breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her mother tightly.

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