I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 547: Same Judgment

"General Chu, you see, I really didn't do anything! I'm a very honest person, and I don't have any bad intentions at all. It was all Jing Wenbin who ordered me to do this and that..." Xiao Wang kept talking.

Chu Wanfu pushed away his big face that wanted to get closer. After Lin and Fu Niang's crying stopped, he asked Lin to go to the hospital for a full body checkup.

"There are many survivors like you in the base. They also live on the verge of death and are in constant fear. If they are sure to be okay, I will notify them to come too."

At this point, Chu Wanfu paused, and after thinking about it, he added: "Although you are the first to eat crabs, I think you are also the safest.

"There are many similar survivors in the base, and they have to wait in long queues, and his powers are always used up. The longer the rest time is, the longer the day of relief will be delayed."

Fu Niang twitched her red nose, "We all know, thank you, General, and thank you, Boss Xia."

After that, the two bowed deeply.

"go quickly."

Chu Wanfu called the soldiers and asked them to call the top 50 residents here.

"50 people, I think you'll be fine."

This book is first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Xiao Wang's scalp was numb, but he had to respond, "Yes, I'm fine."

While they were still alive, Chu Wanfu swiftly and resolutely sentenced all the minions to death and executed them three days later. The bosses who were later confessed were given a chance to redeem themselves and make meritorious deeds.

As long as new clues can be provided and the arrest is successful, a cumulative chance of death penalty reduction will be given based on the number of survivors rescued.

The little old lady and the girl with glasses were accomplices. Their crimes were unforgivable and they were both sentenced to death.

Brother Ming should have been like this, but in the end, he provided important clues and completed the designated tasks. He was eventually sentenced to be deprived of his superpowers and sentenced to life imprisonment. The assigned work was to open up wasteland and farm the land, and food had to be earned through labor.

Then it was Aunt May's turn.

She raised her wrinkled face into a pitiful and miserable expression.

"General Chu, I was obsessed with my own thoughts before and did many unforgivable things. But after my arrest, I actively cooperated with you and identified so many bosses today. Can you spare my life?!

"I have been following Bin...Jing Wenbin over the years, and I have met many bosses and base directors who have cooperated with each other. I can help you identify him, and I can testify! I am the witness!"

Aunt Mei fell to the ground, crawling on the ground in a miserable shape, stretched out a pair of hands like chicken claws, and continued: "Now I am an old woman and I can't live long. Why don't you save my life and pay for your past evil deeds?" Repent every day? It will make me miserable, General Chu!โ€

"You must die!!"

The bespectacled woman who had been silent all this time suddenly turned around and stared at her with red eyes.

Aunt Mei didn't seem to expect that she would turn her back on the battlefield, and her face turned pale, "You said-"

"I told you to die! You are a monster who peels off human skin! Do you know how many girls you have killed? More than three thousand! Do you think I don't know the purpose of raising them?

"I don't want anyone with spots on my skin. I don't want anyone with too thin skin. Even if my face is smaller than yours, you'll give it to those people to play with! You're just a pervert. You obviously have so much donkey-hide gelatin, why do you still want it?" Want to do such an experiment?โ€

The bespectacled girl was lost in memories and was shaking violently. She suddenly thought of something and broke away from the soldier's hold. She rushed to Aunt Mei's side and pulled her hair up with both hands.

He shouted with scarlet eyes: "Where is my sister?! Is she really working in another base? Is she dead? Tell me the truth!"

Chu Wanfu stopped the soldiers who wanted to step forward with his eyes.

Aunt Mei lowered her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and hung her hands weakly by her sides. She looked like an old lady being bullied by young people.

She tried to arouse pity and sympathy from others, but unfortunately, no one at the scene was deceived by her.

He even shouted: "Kill her!"

Aunt Mei struggled to move her eyes. Seeing Chu Wanfu's indifference and Xia Yan watching the show, she knew she couldn't be deceived. She raised her weak hands, combined her index and middle fingers, and quickly and accurately poked the bespectacled woman's eyes.


The bespectacled woman felt a sting and soreness, and couldn't help but let go of her and cover her eyes and retreat.

Aunt Mei's arms were cut behind her back by the soldiers who rushed up, and she sneered and said: "That clown girl? Speaking of which, they say that twins from the same mother have telepathy. How come you didn't notice it at all when you ate her?"

"You're talking nonsense! I've never seen her since you took her away. How could it be possible-" The girl with glasses couldn't say that word.

Aunt Mei laughed even more furiously, as if she had heard the most ridiculous thing.

"Really? Think about it, it was you who stabbed her neck with your own hands in the first place! Hahaha."



The bespectacled woman remained motionless in her bent posture, and several scenes flashed through her mind very quickly.

"Can't remember? Do you want me to remind you again?" Aunt Mei looked at her with a wicked smile, "How about the guy who was beaten with black and blue skin? Do you remember?"


The girl with glasses held her head and screamed.

She, she remembered, that person, it turned out that that person was her sister!

"Speaking of which, I also reminded you in disguise. I asked you if it was delicious and how it tasted. Do you still remember your answer? You said, it's not bad~"

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!"


The bespectacled woman's eyes were bloodshot, her face was fierce and terrifying, and she rushed towards Aunt Mei desperately and crazily.

"Stop her." Chu Wanfu said calmly.

The soldiers took action immediately.

"Kill her, kill her, kill her!"

The soldier hit her hard on the neck, and the bespectacled girl's eyes were dazed for a moment, but when she saw Aunt Mei's face full of ridicule and disdain, she suddenly came to her senses and rushed forward with greater strength.

"I'm going to strangle you to death, I'm going to tear your flesh off and eat it in my belly, you old witch!"

"Let me do it." Doctor Sang, who appeared at an unknown time, found the right moment and injected a sedative into her arm.

A line of tears flowed from the eyes of the bespectacled woman, and she fell into darkness in unwilling despair.

Seeing that Chu Wanfu did not announce her punishment, Aunt Mei suddenly became arrogant and shouted arrogantly: "Who do you think you are? I have been giving you food and drink for so many years.

"Even if I raise a bitch, it's up to me, the owner, to kill the pups after they are born and eat them for meat, or to give them away. Are you yelling at me? What the hell are you doing?"

Chu Wanfu frowned when he heard this and gave Dr. Sang a look.

Dr. Sang nodded, walked over and gave her an injection in her arm.

When she was about to fall asleep, the last sound Aunt Mei heard seemed to reach her ears slowly and dullly across the water.

"Aunt Mei, you have committed a serious crime and are sentenced to death. You will serve your sentence in three days."


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