"As for you."

Chu Wanfu looked at Xiao Wang, who was as horrified as a screaming chicken, "If you behave well and don't have any ulterior motives, I can spare your life."

He didn't have to wait for Xiao Wang's answer.

Dr. Sang actually came here. Is there something wrong with the results?

Dr. Sang read the meaning in his eyes, shook his head and said, "No problem. After testing by several highly respected doctors, I got this affirmative answer."

Chu Wanfu felt relieved and arranged for the residents who were threatened to line up this time.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that Dr. Sang hadn't left, he asked again.

Dr. Sang looked hesitant, approached him and whispered, "Do you think we should take advantage of this opportunity to announce it together?"

Chu Wanfu looked around at the crowd and said, "Too many surprises will be counterproductive. Don't rush now. It won't be too late to announce it after it is confirmed. Besides, I will announce other things soon, which will conflict."

"Okay, then just do as the general said."

After Dr. Sang said this, he smiled at Xia Yan, turned around and left, as if she came here just for a quiet word.

Then Xia Yan hadn't heard it yet, which left her burning heart of gossip with nowhere to put it.

Chu Wanfu had no idea of ​​explaining. After taking the prisoners away, he began to count the number of people in the audience who might have bombs in their bodies.

The mood of the people attending this meeting was ups and downs. Originally they were just venting their suppressed emotions, but suddenly they learned that the hidden dangers hidden in the body could be completely removed, causing an uproar at the scene.

This is no different than the sudden appearance of the sun after a long period of darkness. The light piercing the clouds brings not only a bright "road", but also the hope of survival despite death. This is a sign of the complete beginning of a new life.

At this time, Chu Wanfu faced everyone and once again threw a "heavy bomb", detonating the entire audience.

"To celebrate the day we have gone through the long dark night and finally ushered in the light, our officials will prepare a grand party in the base in 15 days. Everyone must be present. Let us eat and celebrate together, sing and dance, and bring everyone together. Drive away all bad luck and welcome a new life!”


"General Chu! General Chu!"

"This day has finally come, Mom! Dad! Have you all seen it? It's finally back!"

The whole audience raised their arms and shouted Chu Wanfu's name.

The explosive volume and the intense heartbeat flowing through the ears make people's blood boil and their emotions rise.

In this powerful atmosphere, Xia Yan was also infected and couldn't help but become happy. He even waved his arms and shouted twice.

Just smiling and shouting, Xia Yan suddenly felt a touch of sadness in his heart.

These excitements have nothing to do with me...

The moment this feeling appeared, all the bustle on the field was suddenly far away from her, and every enthusiastic face suddenly became blurry.

Mr. Shen was next to Chu Wanfu and said something to him gently, but Chu Wanfu immediately moved his eyes to Xia Yan's leaving back.

"Boss Xia also put in a lot of effort. If she hadn't been here, we wouldn't have won it successfully. By the way, there is another person who is also very capable and is very suitable for..."


With the boss who was shaken out from behind to guide him, Jing Wenbin's remaining base once again attracted the breath of life.

"Are you sure it's in this direction? The base is over there?"

"Yes, absolutely no problem. Starting from here is the shortest way."

"Let's go."

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong sat in the safe area drinking tea and watched them drive out in the armored vehicle.

Xiong Xiong: "Boss, do you still want to bet today?"

Xia Yan: "Let's bet. The loser will drink two glasses of lemon juice as a penalty!"

Xiong Xiong shook his head: "Boss, this is the punishment you give yourself. I can only eat honey."

Xia Yan said "Oh", "Okay, then it will be my punishment. If you lose, you can mop the floor again."

Xiong Xiong: "But this is my job. I like doing it. How can it become punishment?"

Xia Yan took the last sip of tea, put down the cup, and closed his eyes.

"That's right, forget it, no more gambling. Anyway, every day I either succeed in bringing someone back, or I get tricked and a bunch of people rush to rescue me. There's nothing new. I won't play any more. Go to sleep."

Xiong Xiong was stunned and took back the hand that reached into the honey pot. He felt that the boss was not in a good state?

Yeah, honey is going to flow down your fingers, suck it, lick it.

When the sun was about to set in the evening, the hotel finally became lively again, and the soldiers who had left early and returned late finally came back.

Xiong Xiong saw the boss sitting skillfully behind the cashier, taking out the menu and asking: "What do you want to eat today? We have everything here."

The soldiers always laughed and said: "There is so much to eat. We are always thinking about the high-end restaurants on Lidai Island. When will the boss give us more discounts so that we can have a good time?" ah?"

Xia Yan naturally sneered and shook his green-white fingers, "No way, I'm a businessman. You kill so many zombies every day. It's impossible that you don't have any inventory in your hands. Why are you still reluctant to eat?"

"Of course that's because-"

The soldier who was speaking was suddenly pulled by his sleeve. When he turned around, a big steamed bun was stuffed into his mouth, blocking the words he was about to blurt out.

The short-haired female soldier who did this turned her head and said with a smile: "There are more crystal cores and more places to spend money. After all, there are relatives at home. If you want to live a good life, you must spend it carefully. You may not show up again one day." What kind of changes should we take to prevent them from happening? Are you right, boss?"

Xiong Xiong's furry ears moved on top of his head. He squeezed in between the two people, took the menu from the boss' fingers, and said to the customer: "Oh, I remember you. You're not going to eat the braised pork with rice today, are you?"

The short-haired female soldier glanced at his ears, and her voice softened a lot.

"I like this. The fat tastes delicious."

"Then are you going to eat this today?"


After sending the customer away, Xiong Xiong secretly glanced at Xia Yan while busy getting food.

Xia Yan was flipping through the menu and noticed Xiong Xiong's gaze. She looked over and asked: "Is the braised pork really that delicious? I just checked the sales. Many people ordered this dish and specifically asked for more fat. So, you can give me one to try."

Seeing that the boss was not affected at all and even analyzed the reason, Xiong Xiong was naturally very happy and ordered a large plate to send over.

Xia Yan looked at the dish that was sticking out and wondered, "Is there such a large amount on weekdays?"

"...No, it's half of this." Xiongxiong's fingers circled around, not daring to say that it hoped the boss would eat more, because she had eaten too little during this period.

"Forget it, let's just leave it like this, I'm a little hungry."

Xia Yan picked up the chopsticks, paused in the air, picked up a piece of braised pork with half fat and half lean meat and put it into his mouth. The dishes produced by the system are naturally not bad.

But if you eat a few more pieces, you will feel very greasy, the greasy feeling twisted from the stomach, and the feeling of being wrapped in fat all over the body.

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