She put down her chopsticks and said to Xiong Xiong who was waiting beside her with her chin in her hand: "I understand. They like braised pork because they have been hungry and lack fat in their bodies. I am not, so I can't eat it."

Xiong Xiong blinked his eyes, and before he could say anything, the boss had already stood up and left.

"I am fed up and need to go to the beach to be washed by the sea water. I will leave this place to you~"

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯


Xiong Xiong replied in his heart.


Xia Yan found that the two half-month periods passed very quickly.

After opening and closing his eyes several times, the day came.

"This is the invitation letter sent by General Chu. The general said that you don't need to send anything, as long as you are here."

The short-haired female soldier has been appearing in front of Xiong Xiong recently. While chatting, her eyes fell on Xiong Xiong's ears, shining like two pearls.

Xiongxiong shook his ears, took it, and said in a milky boyish voice: "I will tell the boss, thank you for your hard work."

Ahhh, the ears moved again!

The female soldier's eyes were wide open. She had seen so many strange superpowers, but only the ears of Manager Xiong were the most pleasing to her!

Why in the world can a bear's ears shake so cutely!

I really want to rub it!

Just then, a white and clean hand came over Xiongxiong's head and rubbed it hard.

The owner of the hand appeared on its shoulder and said lazily: "Xiongxiong, what's in your claws?"

Xiongxiong turned around, "It's an invitation letter~ sent by General Chu."

Xia Yan looked at its claws and read ten lines at a time, "Okay, got it, I will be on time."

When the cold eyes looked over, the short-haired female soldier couldn't help but straighten her chest and saluted.

"Report - I'm leaving."

"Take care."

Xia Yan pinched a tuft of fur behind Xiong Xiong's ear and rubbed it. It felt very delicate and soft, completely different from her own.

Xiong Xiong let her do what she wanted, with a pair of dark eyes rolling around, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Xia Yan ignored it and said to herself: "Xiong, I plan to wear a beautiful skirt. Do you think I should go upstairs to get a haircut?"

Xiong Xiong said "Hmm?", her eyes full of confusion.

"Boss, do you mean to go to Ridai Island to get a haircut? I heard that there is a shop with very good craftsmanship. You can go and have a look..."

Xia Yan paused, and a frightening thought flew through her mind, as if an invisible big hand suddenly grabbed her heart, forcing her to grab Xiong Xiong's shoulders and let it face her.

Eagerly, she said: "I'm talking about upstairs. There is a cinema and a barber shop on the top floor, and -"

Xiong Xiong's memory was cleared.

The voice stopped abruptly, and Xia Yan stared at it in a daze.

Xiong Xiong touched his forehead with some fear, "Boss, did you not sleep well last night? We don't have a barber shop, don't scare Xiong Xiong, I'm scared."


"Yeah, there hasn't been any. The top floor is a family room. Did you really forget?"

In an instant, Xia Yan's expression became complicated. He smiled to reassure Xiong Xiong and patted its shoulder. "You're right, I forgot. Prepare some walnut porridge for me tonight - no need, I'm going to Chu Wanfu's dinner today... You don't have to worry about me, I'm going to the island to find someone to cut my hair."

Xiong Xiong watched her walk into the resort door, scratched his head, trotted into the elevator and pressed the top floor button.

After a long wait, with a ding, the door opened. He couldn't wait to stick his head out, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"You said it was a family room, you scared me, did the boss drink last night?"


On the way to the snack street, Xia Yan analyzed the matter seriously.

Then, she came to a conclusion with great sadness and depression - the vacation mission is about to end!

The dog system has changed!

This time, it actually reminded her in such a subtle way!

[Parting comes silently]

Suddenly hearing the long-lost voice of the system, Xia Yan looked up at the sky and slowly raised a middle finger.

Thank you, Science Popularization.

This kind of blunt knife hurts more.

"Boss Xia, are you going to the rental department to collect rent?" The customer stopped on his bike.

Xia Yan naturally put away her fingers and smiled at this unfamiliar face: "Maybe I have to wait a while."

The other party patted his cloth bag and said cheerfully: "I'm about to pay the rent for the next quarter. Since you are not going now, I will leave first."

After that, she pedaled away, and the sea breeze of Lidai Island blew up the corners of her clothes, and her high ponytail swung left and right. With a flick of her finger, the bicycle bell rang, and everything was real and beautiful.

Xia Yan sat on a chair by the roadside, looking up at the white dough in the sky.

I knew this would be the result, why was I being so hypocritical.

She calmed down and went to the snack street as planned. She found the barber shop that Xiong Xiong mentioned and told the owner that she wanted to thin her hair.

"Boss Xia's hair is really well maintained, black and smooth." The owner stroked it lovingly.

Xia Yan smiled and said nothing.

Perhaps the swish sound was a bit monotonous, so the owner cleared his throat and found a topic.

"How is the hotel business recently?"

"General," Xia Yan looked at the figure in the mirror and explained, "When I have nothing to do, I go to the balcony to bask in the sun and enjoy the scenery."

The owner paused slightly, a little surprised, "Is there an extended balcony in the store? Is it built-in to the room?"

"No, it's my private room."

"Oh, so that's what I said..."

Xia Yan got the answer he wanted, yawned and half-closed his eyes.

More than ten minutes later, the owner brushed away the broken hair with a sponge and took away the curtain.

"Are you satisfied with it?"

Xia Yan shook his head and felt light and fluttery, "The craftsmanship is really good, it looks good, the fee will be charged to your points card."

Hearing this, the owner threw the curtain to the ground and stepped forward to block Xia Yan.

"Hey, I can't charge you. We can live safely because of your care. Not only can I not help you at all, but you still charge me for such a small thing? No! I really can't!"

"Don't worry about it."

The owner looked at the empty shop, slowly walked over to pick up the cloth, shook it twice and murmured: "You are a good person, but you always give people a sense of alienation and refuse to get close to anyone?

"What a weird person. Speaking of it, General Chu is more popular. Hey, if that day really comes, I will be so sorry for Boss Xia..."

The owner was entangled and depressed, while Xia Yan picked a dress and went out beautifully.

"Xiongxiong, there are not many customers in the store anyway, let's go to the banquet together! "

How could Xia Yan forget Xiong Xiong for such a good thing?

She had already made up her mind. Since separation was inevitable, she would just enjoy life to the fullest. Anyway, there was no other way.

Well, this feeling was like the kids in college who didn't visit the famous attractions until graduation~

Xiong Xiong took out a long lock and locked the door with a click.


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