When Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong returned to the base again, they were shocked to find that the place had doubled in size.

The place where the hotel used to be located was now converted into the only leisure square in the base.

There were artificial flowers, benches, and fitness equipment that were brought from somewhere.

Today was the gathering time stipulated by Chu Wanfu. All the teams were on holiday. Red lanterns symbolizing festivity were hung on the streets and under the eaves.

The road surface was cleaned spotlessly, and there were aunties sprinkling water on it carefully. No matter from which angle you look at it, it looks clean and tidy.

Live a good life, that's what this scene is about.

At this time, a soldier recognized Xia Yan and walked in front to lead the way. Perhaps he was told to take Xia Yan around the base.

The design of the outermost store is exactly the same as that of the Yinshancheng base.

Therefore, Xia Yan concluded that if Chu Wanfu was not involved in the design, then the person who designed Yinshancheng was still alive.

If it was the latter, Xia Yan would definitely go over to shake hands and absorb some good luck.

There were more than 20 large sightseeing buses parked outside the base gate, with three floors in total. The top floor was open-air, with a somewhat tacky big red flower tied to the front of the bus, and a paper-cut of the word "囍" pasted on the window.

Although it was inappropriate, it looked festive.

The people who posted these things just wanted to use them to express their current mood and expectations for the future.

The windows on the first and second floors were wide open, and several unfamiliar faces were leaning out. If they accidentally met their eyes, they would separate in the next second, after all, they were still a little defensive with each other.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong, who were personally sent out by the soldiers, immediately attracted their attention.

Taking advantage of the noise when they got on the bus, pretending to be disturbed, everyone looked over in unison, creating an invisible pressure.

"Let's go to the third floor."

Xiong Xiong was guarding behind Xia Yan, and suddenly turned his head secretly and made a face.

Two or three children were frightened and screamed, hiding in their parents' arms and not daring to look around, muttering: "Bad Bear, very bad..."

Xia Yan looked back as she was going up the stairs. Xiong Xiong lowered his head deeply, revealing only his round, guilty head.

She said nothing, walked up to the third floor, and sat down in the front seat.

Then people got on the bus one after another, and all the empty seats were filled. After the last beautiful female soldier got on the bus, the sightseeing bus finally set off.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong put their hands on the guardrail and squinted their eyes to feel the wind blowing in their faces.

In the carriage below, exclamations and applause came one after another. I don't know who started it first, and a group of people sang a song about good days.

"Today is a good day, everything you want can come true, today is a good day, open the door and welcome the spring breeze, ah~"

In the cheerful singing, Xiongxiong shook his head and clapped to the rhythm, his butt swayed on the chair, and his short tail turned as fast as a propeller.

Xia Yan almost caught a cold.

Halftime pause.


The sudden sound made people panic and look around, until they found a speaker next to their feet, and the speaker diaphragm was still vibrating with the propagation of electrical signals, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello everyone, we are about to reach the city center, please hold your breath and watch carefully, next we will witness the prototype of the first new era building."

The voice was serious and meticulous, and Xia Yan's mind instantly appeared the beautiful female soldier.

She should have been sent to act as a tour guide.

But none of this matters.

Xia Yan put her hands over her eyes and looked into the distance.

She said "Huh".

Xiongxiong moved his butt closer, "What's wrong, boss? What did you see? Why didn't I see anything?"

Xia Yan's cheeks were tickled by its fur, and he couldn't help but hide aside, saying with a smile: "That's because I didn't see anything, so I was confused."

"Xiongxiong doesn't understand."

"Oh, do you see the area where I pointed? There used to be countless ruins there, but now you see, there's nothing left, just an empty space."

At the end of Xia Yan's finger, there was a very wide flat area with no buildings.

Buildings such as libraries, supermarkets, and several S stores were all gone, just like the top floor of a hotel that disappeared.

Xiongxiong stood up holding the guardrail, tiptoed to look into the distance, "Really! Where are those ruins? Where have they all been moved to?"

The sightseeing car suddenly ran over a hard object and jumped up with a thump. Everyone's butt rose from the chair into the air, and fell heavily the next second, and the sound of inhaling pain came one after another in the car.

At that moment, Xiongxiong was almost thrown out of the car, but Xia Yan quickly pulled it back and pulled the seat belt around its round belly and buckled it again.

"Be careful, don't fall off."

Then the sightseeing car became very stable, as smooth as a chocolate ribbon. Someone leaned out and looked out, and said in surprise: "It's a brand new asphalt road! This road is actually newly built!"

Everyone leaned out.

In front of the car was a wide, flat, brand new road without any cracks or weeds.

The horn sounded again.

"Yes, the outermost roads have been completely renovated and rebuilt. It won't be long before brand new asphalt roads will be all over the island, making it convenient for all vehicles to drive to any location!"

"Everyone, please note that what is in front of us is the city center that was once in ruins. After General Chu personally led the construction team, the task of clearing and leveling was finally completed. Next, we will re-plan the city construction and build the first A new kind of city!”

I don’t know when, the sightseeing bus has already entered the edge of the former city center.

Xia Yan discovered that this place was not as bare as it looked from a distance. Foundation construction had already begun in several places. Workers wearing safety helmets walked out of the construction site, waved to the passing sightseeing cars, and plunged into the silver-white trees standing on the roadside. Inside the door, he disappeared.

"That is...?"

"Oh my God, it's not what I think, is it?!"

"If it's true, then life will be really different from now on!"

"Look ahead!"

Everyone immediately turned their heads forward. The view from the back row was not good, so they stood up and looked out the window.

Through the bright glass on the front of the car, they saw a door suddenly appear on the roadside a kilometer away from them, and workers wearing yellow safety helmets walked out of it.

Everyone:! ! !

As if sensing something, the man turned around, showed his confident teeth, and waved again.

The proud voice of a female soldier came from the speaker: "As you can see, the previous means of transportation were buses, subways and trains. From now on, our travel will be replaced by portals all over the island, making it faster and more economical." time!

"It is foreseeable that one day, we will be able to travel to all parts of the world through portals and easily travel at any time!"

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