I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 551 The smell of fireworks

Imagine that you open your eyes in the morning, wash up briefly, put on your small bag, go downstairs and pass through a specific portal, and you will be in another place in the blink of an eye.

It may be the green grassland, with a wet smell of grass, soil and dew on your nose, looking at the smooth ups and downs in the distance, the shadows of white clouds swimming on the ground, and the winding streams running and shouting wantonly.

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In the afternoon, I passed through the portal and encountered a tulip blooming in the sunset. In the orange-red rosy clouds, even the shadows of the trees became gentle.

In the evening, I went to a bonfire party, eating barbecue, singing and dancing, and suddenly, with a whoosh, a red ball with a smoke tail flew into the air.


A very beautiful firework bloomed in front of my eyes.

Everyone made a wish in their hearts: get rich (legally and formally), get rich (obtained through legal channels), get rich (obtained through legal channels), get rich (obtained through legal channels)! Everything is getting better and better, everything goes smoothly and the God of Wealth follows, everything goes well, and good luck is connected!

Thinking of this, everyone in the sightseeing car couldn't help but exclaimed "Wow", and looked forward to the future even more.

The sun came out from behind the clouds, and everyone's cheeks were red.

The sightseeing car stopped in front of a glass house.

"Everyone, please get off the bus. There is a portal leading directly to the factory area."

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong followed the crowd down the stairs and stood outside the car.

While waiting in line to enter, Xia Yan looked at the glittering appearance and intuitively knew that this was not glass.

The person standing in the front row, under the instruction of the female soldier, held the golden bronze door handle and pushed the door in. At the same time, several shallow lights shot out from the "glass", covering the people and sweeping from top to bottom.

The man was tense all over and didn't dare to breathe.

"Don't worry, this is a necessary inspection. You will be prompted after you pass it." The female soldier comforted outside.

As she said the last word, the light disappeared instantly, and a floating door rose from a special device fixed in the tile.

"Go in, the people behind you can just line up and go in one by one."

The people in front disappeared into the portal one after another. Xia Yan stepped in. When the light shield came, she felt a warm heat. The light disappeared almost instantly, more than twice as fast as others.

Xia Yan walked into the portal one step further away.

This is the factory area. The portal is built near the gate. It is also covered by an object that looks like "glass", but there are three portals here, and there are two staff members to lead the way.

The people in front of her did not leave the house and walked directly into the middle portal.

Xia Yan looked at the first portal curiously. The staff recognized her and came over to explain:

"The first portal leads to the cafeteria, and the second portal leads to the factory area. If Boss Xia wants, I can take you up there to have a look?"

Xia Yan shook her head, "No need."

Just at this time, Xiongxiong came out. She nodded to the staff and led Xiong into the second portal.

Across the way was a bustling scene.

The first thing Xia Yan saw was a sea of ​​people. The second thing she saw was a long table filled with dried fruits, peanuts, melon seeds and candy, and a line of waiters carrying fruit plates to the tables with light steps.

There was an outdoor playground on the right, where a group of dolls were having a lot of fun and giggling constantly.

The people who arrived here first wandered around. The huge factory area obviously shocked them. If they just walked from dawn to dusk, they might not be able to finish the tour.

But soon they saw a bus coming towards them.


The front door opened, and people got off the bus, shoulder to shoulder, with smiles on their faces.

The driver stuck his head out and asked: "Do you want to visit the factory? If you want to go, hurry up and get on the bus, don't delay the banquet!"

"Ah, go, go!"

Xia Yan pulled Xiong Xiong and squeezed into the car.

Along the way, people were talking about the plaque hanging on the factory gate:

"Primary food processing factory... Daily necessities production and processing factory... Textile factory... Building materials factory..."

"Oh my God, look, there is even a pharmaceutical factory!"

It's no wonder they were excited. The more factories were rebuilt, the more stable life would be, the doomsday would be far away, and the civilized era would return.

Moreover, these factories cover a large area, each with its own assembly line, which can provide jobs for many people.

Xia Yan had been here before. At that time, zombies were wandering around in the factory, and there were traces of smoke and fire everywhere. From time to time, there was a gap in the wall caused by a car crash, and the desolate drifted over the factory.

Now, no corner of the past can be seen anymore.

After returning to the party, Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong were led by the staff to sit down at the corresponding seats.

Xiong Xiong took out the honey pot he carried with him and ate it politely with the small spoon on the plate in front of him.

Xia Yan poured himself a cup of tea, blew away the floating leaves and drank the tea to moisten his lips.

More and more people came to the scene, and everyone gathered together, eating melon seeds and fruits, chatting about the neighbors, the future life and future plans.

There were even parents who exchanged their children's birth years on the spot, hoping to tie the red line for their children, so that they could get married early and have more relatives, but the parents were willing, but the children might not agree.

Xia Yan's eyes swept around and fell on the transparent kitchen on the left.

More than 30 stoves were lined up in a row, and the chefs were working hard to stir-fry. The bright flames illuminated the sweat on their faces. They picked up the towels around their necks and swung them around their faces.

Then they flipped the spoon with one hand, threw the dish high up, caught it accurately, and stir-fried it twice with the spoon, knocked it on the side of the pot, and turned around to pour it into the plate.

The waiter on the opposite side immediately took it and put it in the dining cart, ready to serve it later.

"Next one!"

The neat action attracted everyone's attention, and the fragrance spread through the open door, and everyone couldn't help but twitch their noses to sniff.

Someone sighed: "I haven't seen a chef cooking a big pot of food for a long time. I don't know why, but I feel at ease when I see this scene."

"Yes, this is the smell of fireworks in the world. After going around and around and going through thousands of hardships, I finally came back. It's not too late!"

"Oh, it's a pity-"

"Don't say that shitty thing on a happy day. People have to look forward when they are alive. Living in the present is always more important than reminiscing about the past."

"Yes, it's so lively here. I feel hopeful about the future just by looking at it! The end of the world will definitely end. Once this idea comes up, I can't forget it..."

The waiters pushed the dining cart over and put the dishes with good color, fragrance and taste on the turntable, successfully diverting the attention of those people and changing their words to praise the food in front of them.

Xiongxiong burped, and a strong honey fragrance rushed out. Seeing that there were two other guests at the same table, it waved its arms to disperse the smell.

Chu Wanfu and a group of leaders appeared at this time.

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