The development of this situation is reasonable, unexpected, and completely uncontrollable, heading towards disorder and chaos.

Dean Ji hurriedly held the microphone and ended with a dry smile: "Um, please look over here, everyone. Returning to the question I just raised, someone has actually guessed it correctly. The person in the super-body stage is this friend - —”

He turned around and motioned for Ganzi to come forward.

Fan Shuyi leaned close and said softly: "Let's go, we promised Dean Ji."

Gan Zijing nodded slightly and wanted to let go of her hand, but was held tightly.



Fan Shuyi didn't know how to describe her current mood. As former members of the public, they were always under the camera, under the eyes, and under supervision, but nothing could be compared to now.

She couldn't help but look sideways at Gan Zijing. Under the bright sunshine, his skin was so transparent that she could almost see the thin green blood vessels under his skin, like a white porcelain doll that would break at the touch of a touch.

Her heart suddenly throbbed.

Feeling the small hand in his palm tighten suddenly, Gan Zijing's long eyelashes flickered, and his ice-blue eyes looked over. When he came into contact with the emotion in her eyes, he froze for a moment and pursed the corners of his mouth.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

When the last word entered her ears, Fan Shuyi was awakened.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I-"

"It's okay," Gan Zijing held her hand and pulled her in front of him, then bent down slightly and touched his forehead lightly with hers. His voice became more mellow as he surpassed his physical stage, "I promised you, Just wait and live well, you won’t want to regret it.”

Although both of them were wearing masks and could not see their specific expressions clearly, Fan Shuyi felt that the masks would heat up, and the temperature that bounced back made her cheeks feel warm.

And his eyes wanted to pull her in, to sink into the blue, and she was almost drunk in it.

"Ahem, that's what young lovers are like. I've been around this age too, so I understand very well." Dean Ji stood in front of the two of them, blocking the curious gaze below, and used a joking tone to resolve the situation.

Fan Shuyi suddenly woke up and took a step back. She lowered her head and could only see two chubby pink earlobes. She didn't dare to look up at anyone.

On the contrary, Gan Zijing smiled so hard that his eyes turned into crescents.

It's all worth it...

A howling cheer immediately sounded below, "Together, together! Jiefen, Jiefen!"

Seeing that Dean Ji's face was smiling like a flower and he completely forgot about the business, Jiang Li couldn't stand it any longer, so she took the microphone away from his hand and slapped it hard twice with her palm.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop joking. Leave the young people's affairs to themselves. Let's get back to the topic and continue the topic just now. Dean Ji, let's talk about it in detail."

Although it is said to be a detailed introduction, Dean Ji actually explains it in terms that everyone can understand.

The arms, neck and chest exposed by Gan Zijing when he took off his coat all had white skin texture, completely different from the light brown right leg shown by Dean Ji.

Dean Ji could tell the clues at a glance, but not Gan Zijing. He looked like a normal person with elastic skin.

"Does everyone's skin become like this when they reach the super-body stage?" the person below asked.

"No, my skin color won't change much. Even if I look like this now, it will eventually return to my original color."

"Can I still eat, drink and have diarrhea normally? Will I turn into a wooden person in the end?"

"Everything is normal. You can eat if you want and drink if you want. It can be said that the people who benefit most from this discovery should be our ordinary friends!"

Upon hearing this, many people without powers stood up to object.

"This is impossible. We have never generated powers, and other people's powers cannot be transferred to us."

"Yes, and if the supernatural power enters the body and is not controlled, wouldn't we be in a more dangerous situation? Dean Ji, please don't make fun of our lives."

"I really can't afford to do this kind of thing, I'm a coward!"

Listening to everyone's refusal to object, Dean Ji had no doubt that these people would get up and leave immediately if General Chu and a group of leaders were not standing guard around.

It's true that this kind of thing is too bizarre.

When the first person accidentally developed supernatural powers, the news spread quickly throughout all the shelters. Everyone witnessed someone succeeding, with a ball of fire rising from the palm of his hand, or a stream of clear water flowing down.

But more people not only did not develop superpowers, but were infected by the zombie virus and became a living dead who knew no pain.

Later, he came up with a method, which is to let the superpowers transport the superpowers into the bodies of ordinary people to help activate the superpowers. The consequences can be imagined, it is completely useless and people will die.

Later this method was gradually forgotten by people.

Ordinary people, just be ordinary people. Make your limbs flexible. If you can't fight, then run. If you can't run, then join.

Now Dean Ji says that he can use that wood power to transform the bodies of ordinary people?

Good guy, no one at the scene believed it.

After all, Dean Ji was an experienced person and could tell what they were thinking with just one glance. He motioned to Fan Shuyi to take out the thing from her backpack.

"Everyone is right to look at it with a skeptical attitude. After all, I have shown too little information."

Dean Ji picked up the ampoule and turned it around in his hand. The layer of unknown liquid inside immediately stained the transparent glass bottle black.

No one knew what it was, and just looking at it felt bad.

Sure enough, I heard Dean Ji say: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Now that everyone is here, I will conduct an experiment myself. Everyone is optimistic."

Jiang Li took the cloth strip and wrapped it around the junction of the two skin colors on his thigh and tied it tightly.

Dean Ji picked up a sharp dagger, stabbed it vertically in front of everyone, and then pulled it out and threw it on the ground.

Everyone looked at the red blood on it, and their hearts were pounding.

What was even more shocking was that Dean Ji actually picked up the bottle of unknown liquid, opened the lid and poured it directly on the wound.

"Everyone, look carefully, this is a high concentration of zombie virus--"

Seeing this scene, everyone on the scene stood up suddenly, and stretched out their hands in panic to stop it.

"Oh my God! Are you crazy?!"

"General Chu, send someone to catch him quickly, he will become a zombie soon!"

"This is a scientific lunatic! How can you believe his words?!"

"General Chu! Don't stand there and watch the show, your precious residents will soon be in danger."

Chu Wanfu raised his forehead slightly to signal, and the soldiers guarding around immediately stepped forward to appease them.

Instead, they struggled more vigorously.

"Don't stop me, go stop that lunatic, he's going to turn into a zombie!"

"If anything he said is true, I'll stand upside down and eat coriander - it's one of the most unpalatable things in the world, am I sincere enough?! If not, let the houttuynia cordata drown me?"

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