Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong looked at this and that, but their eyes were not enough.

On the stage, Dean Ji was half-sitting on the ground, leaning his head on Jiang Li's shoulder and taking a deep breath. His cheeks were red and then white, and the beads of soybean sweat oozing out from his forehead were really conspicuous.

Everyone was even more panicked when they saw this scene. Some people hurriedly stuffed food into their mouths, while others reached into their waist pockets and took out a stack of thick packing bags. They held them up, and the words "Resort Hotel" on the bags were fluttering in the wind.

Xia Yan:?

It doesn't taste good if you eat melon and eat it on your own head.

At this time, Xiao Bing snatched it away with quick eyes and hands, and stuffed it into his butt pocket.

“Free food and drink, no takeout allowed!”

Seeing the commotion at the scene, Chu Wanfu finally lost his temper and shouted: "Everyone, be quiet!!"

Still key~

"Sit down, everyone is watching quietly. With us here, are you still worried about something happening at the scene?"

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Chu Wanfu knew that this was not a matter of lack of credibility. Just like people who have experienced floods or earthquakes, if they find any signs, an alarm will sound in their minds until they run to a place where they feel safe.

This is people's sixth sense and instinct.

Those who do not believe in the body's signals will fall early in the apocalypse.

After such an interruption, everyone looked at Dean Ji again and found that he could already sit up and his breathing seemed to be much smoother. Even the wound on his right leg where the zombie virus had been infected was still trickling with red blood.

"Eh? It seems like everything is fine?"

Someone shouted, and everyone turned their attention to his wounds. They saw that the torn flesh was still, emm, fresh, without any sign of decay.

Dean Ji tried his best to smile at them, "I've made you worry. I think my body will be completely fine in another minute."

But in fact, it didn't take long for Dean Ji to stand up completely, and even performed a show of holding the three radiators of heaven with both hands, and shooting the bow from left to right like a eagle.

Xia Yan cheered and said, "Dean Ji is so lively and energetic, nothing happened at all."

Dean Ji made a thank-you gift, regained his original scholarly aura, and said to everyone seriously:

"Don't think that my words that are beneficial to ordinary people are just casual remarks. Please take a long-term view and think about it carefully. The implementation of the second currency will make the crystal cores more and more precious in the future. More The function is to enhance abilities.

"There are certain risks for low-level superpowers when they go out, let alone ordinary people? Do I need to explain this more clearly?"

It is essential to be on guard against others.

These people have all come from the apocalypse, and they are all exquisite self-interested people. In order to improve their abilities, what can't they do? People's hearts are separated from each other. Are ordinary people sure they dare to gamble?

In the future, the base will become bigger and bigger, and there will be more strange survivors coming to seek refuge, and the hidden risks will intensify.

With this thought, most people calmed down and considered this issue seriously.

Then, the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became.

You can kill someone for a biscuit today, but why can't you push someone in the back for a crystal core tomorrow?

Ordinary people who thought about the stakes paled.

"Dean Ji, please give me a good introduction."

Dean Ji nodded, untied the cloth from his legs, sat tremblingly on the stool, and spoke from beginning to end in more detail this time.

"Ordinary people need to inject an injection of modified wood superpower factor once a week to transform their bodies. It is expected to take at least three months from the initial stage to the final super-body stage."

"The initial stage takes the longest time and is the slowest stage of movement, about 60 days. The second stage is expected to take 20 days. The lower body is flexible but the waist is stiff. The third stage only takes about ten days."

"So, if you want to get the injection, at least make sure you have enough food for 70 days - I suggest you not leave the base during this period, and wait for your body to fully adapt."

Dean Ji talked about many other matters. The scene was silent, and everyone listened carefully with their ears raised.

Maybe I was skeptical at first, but the more I listened to it, the more excited and grateful I became.

It turns out that there are really scientific researchers who have been working hard behind the scenes to study and explore, just to give ordinary people a chance to survive.

There are people working hard for their lives.

Dean Ji took a sip of the tea that was brought to him, and his expression lost all his previous impatience and became amiable, as if he was an old scholar who devoted himself to research and had a simple mind.

He took Gan Zijing's hand, patted it gently, and said to everyone: "Actually, I have to thank this young man, his name is Gan Zijing, he is a brave and loving young man.

"When all this was still an unrealistic idea, he volunteered to take risks and pave a safe path for those who came after him. No one knew the hardship and pain better than him, but he actually didn't say a word and bore it. Coming down, General Chu——"

Chu Wanfu looked up.

Dean Ji put his right hand on Gan Zijing's waist and pushed him forward gently, saying loudly: "I want to apply for a long-term subsidy for this child. He has suffered too much along the way. We should not forget to The people who work silently behind the scenes.”

Hearing this, Gan Zijing felt a lump in his throat, something was churning in his heart, and he couldn't help but look down.

Dean Ji quietly blinked at him and signaled not to speak.

Chu Wanfu laughed heartily, "Of course, this is not a problem. Not only the subsidy, but also considering his physical weakness after long-term experiments, I can provide him with a leisurely job. If you are willing."

Gan Zijing felt a finger tapping his lower back, and he immediately understood and said, "Thank you, General Chu, I am willing."

The applause was thunderous.

Jiang Li picked up the microphone and prepared her work report.

"Let me give you another small surprise - after our laboratory's day and night research, improvement and detoxification experiments, nearly 50% of the land on Chuntai Island can now be sown and planted.

"With the cooperation between us and Director Sangji, the new generation of seeds has greatly improved in terms of toxicity, insect resistance and cold resistance, and the yield per mu has doubled!

"I believe that if we give us another year, the entire Chuntai Island will be fully planted, and everyone will be able to eat and no longer have to go hungry..."

While Jiang Li was passionate in front, Dean Ji and the other two gathered together to talk in a whisper.

Gan Zijing: "Dean Ji, why did you suddenly..."

Dean Ji: "Silly child, I am asking for benefits for you. When you get married, you will have no money. Can you bear to let the girl suffer with you?"

Gan Zijing turned his head. Fan Shuyi's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, hazy. The moment he looked at her, his heart suddenly jumped, and sweetness flowed into his limbs.

"Dean Ji, I will treat you to wedding candy when the time comes."

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