I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 555 Closing the store

Then, Gan Zijing turned his head and saw Xia Yan. He moved his lips and frowned imperceptibly.

I always feel that seeing her gives me a weird feeling...

Have I ever done something that I can't look back on?

Fan Shuyi followed his gaze and said, "Ah, when the time comes, please invite Boss Xiaโ€”โ€”"

She bit her lips and couldn't say those three words.

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I don't know why, the more miserable the end of the world is, the more cautious we are in dealing with sincere feelings.

Gan Zijing fell into self-proving memories, Fan Shuyi's face flushed and she was extremely shy, so Xia Yan had to take the initiative.

"Please treat me to wedding candy?"

"...Yes." Gan Zijing nodded, and the weird feeling disappeared without entanglement.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." Xia Yan's eyes were like a positioning system, always following Fan Shuyi.

She was a little scared. On such a "big wedding" day, Gan Zijing must be healthy.

Fortunately, Gan Zijing didn't say another word until they left.

Then it was time to start the meal.

Needless to say, Kuku was just a dry meal!

Xia Yan ate the big pot of dishes cooked by the chef. The taste was really delicious!

There was also the pure grain wine they brewed themselves. After a sip, her stomach was burning and burning all the way to her throat, and then a strong grain aroma surged.

Xia Yan looked at the transparent wine and felt it was amazing. She decided to take another sip to taste it.


It seems to be a little sweet?

How could it be possible? It must be an illusion. Take another sip.


Xia Yan fainted. She lay on the table and the world was spinning. Her feet seemed to be stepping on cotton. Her consciousness was floating in her mind.

In a daze, she only remembered that the surroundings were in a mess.

"I forgot... this is a high degree... I drank a few sips..."

"Someone... persuaded?"

"It will continue to expand outward... to save the people who are still in dire straits..."

Then her consciousness fell into darkness completely.

When she woke up again, Xia Yan was lying in a somewhat familiar room.

Looking around, isn't this her hotel room?

There was a sound of running water in the bathroom, and soon, Xiongxiong came out with a wet towel.

"Boss, you're awake."


Xia Yan shook her head. The headache she imagined a hangover would cause did not happen, but she felt refreshed all over?

Taking the wet towel handed by Xiongxiong, Xia Yan covered her face directly, took a deep breath of the cool air inside, and immediately became energetic.

She jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom, where there were disposable toothbrushes and towels that were replenished at any time.

After a simple wash, Xia Yan prepared to go downstairs for a meal.

In the corridor, employees pushed a cleaning cart and walked towards them, and waited for them to leave before entering the room to clean up, and then opened the door to wait for the next resident.

The sun shone through the door and quietly sprinkled on the long-haired carpet. Countless rectangular light areas lit up the entire corridor. The employees returned to their work stations and turned off two sets of lights in the next second.

Xia Yan picked up a cooked beef roll with chopsticks, dipped it in the dipping sauce and put it into her mouth, eating it fragrantly. Xiong Xiong was sitting opposite and reporting the living conditions in the store.

Even if it wanted to delay a little longer, the thin paper would not give it any chance.

"That's basically it, boss, what do you think...?"

Xia Yan counted three numbers silently in her heart with great concentration, then took out the tripe and ate it into her stomach. The boiling thick mist seemed to isolate her in another space.

Xiong Xiong looked around the hot pot restaurant. In addition to the robot responsible for soliciting customers at the door, the waiters lined up at the front desk, all looking at the elevator not far outside the store.

The red 3 on the monitor has not changed for a long time.

In such a large store, there was only their table.

There is no business in the building~

It seems that those soldiers will not come here again, so how can they create performance?

Worried Xiong Xiong held his chin, and his little paws scratched his fur from time to time.

After eating and drinking, Xia Yan signaled Xiong Xiong to set off.

"Where to go?" It asked curiously.

"Go to the branch store to see how the business is. If it is not enough to make ends meet, take them back."

Xiong Xiong scratched his ears and shook them again. He thought he had heard it wrong, and chased after him happily, wanting the boss to say it again.

But he didn't expect to be hugged by the neck suddenly, and his ears were "cruelly" kneaded.

There are several slender but very sensitive furs on the tip of its ears. When it is gently flicked, it itches so much that it can't help but dodge.

Xia Yan especially likes to see the furry ears suddenly lie down, especially it can change into various shapes flexibly, which is very fun!

Xiong Xiong's attention was immediately distracted, and he forgot to lock the door and walked into the door of the branch store.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Xiaowan and 001 sitting by the window, looking at the scenery outside without saying a word. The whole room was quiet, without any sound.

So when she heard the footsteps coming from the back door, Xiaowan immediately stood up with a bright smile on her face and surprise in her eyes.

"Boss, you are here!"

"Well, is there anyone else in the base recently?"

Xia Yan sat down, and the water around Xiaowan was immediately attracted by her, surrounded her, and kept circling around her.

"Since General Chu organized a collective transfer last time, there have been few customers here, and the soldiers guarding the city only come occasionally. Maybe it was yesterday, there were one or two more customers in the store, but they just came here to ask for a cup of hot water..."

As he was talking, Xia Yan saw three people wrapped tightly and with tiny ice crystals flashing on their bodies walking slowly at the end of the street across the door.

Today the sun was bright, and the street was dry. Only the corners near the eaves were wetted by irregular dripping water.

Xia Yan looked in another direction and saw the empty central square and the few low buildings behind that were unpopulated and more desolate.

The paper and tape that were once pasted on the windows are now hanging in a corner, and the wind blows occasionally, making a small rustling sound.

"Welcome to our restaurant."

The door opened, and the three walked in. They glanced around the restaurant and were stunned. "Why are there so many people today?"

Xiao Wan stood up and changed the subject with a smile: "What do you want to eat? Do you need a menu?"

"Three bowls of oil-splashed noodles, more spicy, and wider noodles."

They retracted their gaze, found a table and sat down, took off their coats and found that they were covered with dark marks.

"Is the floor heating still on?" One of them asked.

"It's on." Xiao Wan replied.

They put their coats and hats upside down on the floor, then spread their five fingers and slowly rubbed the dents left by holding the tools for a long time.

Xia Yan looked at it for a while and said, "Would you like to order more? We are about to close the restaurant, and we may not be able to taste the food in the store in the future."

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