"Huh? This shop is closed?"

The three turned around, surprised and nodded in understanding, "Yes, there are not many people in this base, who can do business for? And we have a small canteen, eating doesn't cost crystal cores, just come here occasionally to have a bite, it's normal to close the shop."

Xia Yan smiled lightly, "Well, if you don't earn crystal cores, you still have to pay for your salary, so you can only stop the loss in time."

They smacked their lips, touched their chins and exchanged glances with their companions.

One of them turned his head and said to 001: "Give us three more ribs. Eating noodles without meat is the same as not eating anything. If there is garlic, give two cloves, otherwise forget it."

After all, 001 is not a real person, and he doesn't understand the customer's extra request, so he just goes back to bring the big ribs.

The customer said nothing when he saw this, and lowered his head to slurp noodles.

Xia Yan noticed that someone was staring at him, and turned his head to find that it was Xiaowan.

Xiaowan asked: "Boss, are you really going to close the store?"

"Yes, really."

Xiaowan lowered her long eyelashes, and a guilty look appeared on her fair face, "I failed the boss's trust. The store's performance has been very poor during this period. I-"

"No, the transfer of population is not something you and I can control. No one goes there to create performance."

Xia Yan habitually wanted to touch her head, and the moment he reached out his hand, he reacted and moved to her shoulder. He squeezed it slightly and comforted her.

What does it have to do with Xiaowan? This day will always come, but it will be the end of the system and she will take the lead.

Xia Yan just wants to have a beginning and an end.

"Go upstairs to pack your things. I don't think there will be any more customers in the store. Xiongxiong, you should also send the things you moved back to the main store."

The only things Xiaowan and her can pack are dozens of sets of clothes, which are all benefits distributed by Xia Yan from time to time.

Xia Yan looked at the familiar street scene outside the window, and he couldn't tell what he felt in his heart.

She didn't have any special feelings for this place, nor did she experience unforgettable things in this base. She even rarely came to the branch on weekdays.

But when she knew clearly that she would never come back, every wall and every scene outside became full of colors.

She still remembered that when she first arrived at this base, she ran to the market to hire a meticulous sister, the long queue at the door on the opening day, the trading scene in the evening, the exotic beast meat sold by the official stalls on fixed dates, and the soldiers entering the city sitting in a long row on the long street outside the door and silently looking at the rain curtain during the rainstorm...

Those scenes were quickly projected in her mind, one frame clearer than the other, and people gradually felt reluctant to leave.

The word goodbye is really sad.

"That... we have to go first."

Xia Yan had not yet withdrawn his thoughts from his memory, and his eyes were still blurred.

After dinner, the three people who were ready to return to their posts opened the door a crack, and the cool wind swept away the temperature in the room.

They looked at Xia Yan and said with a faint smile: "I don't know what to say, so I wish you all the best."

Xia Yan's pupils gathered and came back to his senses.

"Thank you, you should be safe too."

The three of them widened the arc of their mouths, nodded, and finally waved their hands, pushed the door and left.

[Branch recycling...]

[Estimated duration five seconds]

"Boss~" Xiong Xiong stood at the door leading to the courtyard and called her, "Come over quickly!"

"I'm coming."

Xia Yan stood up and walked towards Xiong Xiong.

In front of her, the system countdown number was getting smaller and smaller, and Xia Yan couldn't help but look back.

The branch was fading.

At the same time, all the dining tables, chairs, counters and floors were covered with thick dust.

The glass exploded silently, and the fragments splashed inward. The breeze passed through, rolling up dense dust and swirling in the air.

Then it fell layer by layer, like a huge mouth of the abyss that could swallow everything, covering and swallowing until all the furniture that shouldn't exist disappeared without a trace.

They fell to the ground and squeezed together.

The wind blew again, leaving a shapeless trail on the ground.

The spider webs on the corners of the wall spread out like ink drops in water, one web in the east, one web in the west, layer upon layer, the gray filaments swayed loosely, and one or two dried small flies were caught at the end.

The stairs leading to the second floor rotated and spit out red bricks, one by one, gradually completing the wall, and then piled up mottled cement and added scattered putty blocks.

A weathered and dilapidated hut appeared in front of them.

Xia Yan only saw this, and a strong force came from behind, pushing her into the portal.

Xiongxiong and Xiaowan stood in the courtyard with smiles on their faces, and were about to come over to hug her arms.

Xia Yan hurriedly turned back and marked the door of the first branch of the resort hotel. A bright golden flame ignited, burning from top to bottom, very quickly.

At the same time, Xiongxiong and Xiaowan were stunned in place, their eyes were dull, like a rag doll without a mind.

Even Zhikang, who was patrolling in a high-end restaurant, was like this.

They didn't return to normal until the door was burned and completely disappeared at the same moment.

Xiongxiong blinked and hugged Xia Yan's arm, his voice still soft.

"Boss, I'm not lazy. I have to do another big cleaning today, and Xiaowan is helping me, so I won't be tired~"

Xiaowan also came over, hesitated for a second and put her hand down, saying in a serious and meticulous manner: "Although there are not many customers in the store now, the hygiene that should be done cannot be left behind.

"We will keep the store clean at all times to ensure that customers can get a comfortable experience when they come in. This is the responsibility of the store manager and manager."

A mermaid and a silly bear stood on either side of her body. Xia Yan looked at this and that, and said with understanding: "Then do it according to your ideas. In the future, you can make your own decisions on hygiene matters and don't bother me."

Hearing this, Xiong Xiong and Xiao Wan looked at each other. Xiong Xiong was the first to lose his temper and asked in confusion: "Didn't you ask us to report our work?"

Xia Yan: "...Really? Go and get busy."

Xiao Wan was careful and saw that Xia Yan was not in a good state. She pulled Xiong Xiong and walked towards the main store.

"Hey, I haven't finished talking to the boss yet." Xiong Xiong swung his arms, and his shiny hair shone brightly in the light, very shiny.

If it were usual, Xia Yan would definitely stop and touch him twice, but now she was not in the mood, she just wanted to lie down and bask in the sun.

After the chirping Xiong Xiong was dragged into the door, the courtyard suddenly became quiet.

No birds singing, no insects chirping, real quiet.

She lay on the rocking chair, found an old palm leaf fan, tapped the ground with her toes, and fanned slowly with a creaking sound.

The opposite wall was bare, with only one door leading to the main store.

It didn't seem so bad on weekdays, but when there was really a door missing, it felt awkward.

If the door to Lidai Island could only be placed in the house, Xia Yan would have moved it out to make up for it.

However, she always felt like she had forgotten something.

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