What's the matter?

She couldn't remember anything.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

It wasn't until he walked into the safe area and wandered around in the afternoon that Xia Yan suddenly remembered.

"System, where is my portal? I bought it for two million! You won't keep it for me, right?"

Xia Yan was simply furious.

If she hadn't suddenly discovered that walking around the safe zone was smoother than usual, she would have completely forgotten about the portal.

This dog system is so bad.

He actually wanted to steal her points!

[I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be anxious yet]

"Stop talking nonsense and give me back the portal."

【You misunderstood me】

[The portal was built on the glass of the branch. Now that the branch no longer exists, the portal will naturally be taken back]

Xia Yan said expressionlessly: "I won't pay it back."

[No, I’ll give you back your points]

[The funds have been recharged into your personal account, please check]

After hearing this, Xia Yan opened the backend and clicked on the balance to check, and was deeply hit in the heart and the corners of her mouth by the long string of zeros.

"Hey, I told you earlier, what kind of relationship do we have? We have been partners for many years. Although there are many gaps, our friendship is still strong. Tongzi, you still understand me~"

Xia Yan stroked three numbers. The first one represented her heart, the second one represented her body, and the third one represented her stomach.

The charm of money is that it can instantly change a person's mood, such as Xia Yan.

The system was silent for a long time, without even the strength to respond.

Looking at the fresh entry time, Xia Yan just wanted to say that if her happiness was based on Tongzi's sadness, she would be willing to last forever!

Ignoring the sadness poked by the system, Xia Yan hummed a homemade ditty and took out the mountain bike he was awarded last time.

With points, a car, a house and delicious food to accompany her, the previous sadness of separation disappeared, and her mind was now filled with happiness.

He waved his arms with great ambition and shouted: "Xiong Xiong, Xiaowan, starting from today, the boss will take you to travel around the mountains and rivers, take care of all the expenses, and have a good experience of holiday life!"

Xiong Xiong jumped up from the ground, his eyes bright, "Okay~ Long live the boss!"

Xiaowan's beautiful eyes were filled with anticipation and excitement, and the water surrounding her body accelerated.

Xiong Xiong turned around and ran back to the store, bringing out a basin of water with a clean white rag covering his head.

It said with a flattering little expression: "The boss's car must not be covered with dust. Let me wipe it clean so that it can be worthy of my dear boss~"

Seeing this, Xiaowan stood up and came over, stretched out her fingers, grabbed the rag and wiped the car carefully bit by bit.

She has a steady personality and speaks softly. When she sees Xiong Xiong and Xia Yan having fun, she would be lying if she said she wasn't envious.

But when others are around, she always feels reserved, her head is even more empty, and she can't say a single funny word to compliment her.

But in fact, they chatted happily in private.

Xiong Xiong couldn't see Xiaowan's thoughts. He only knew that he wanted to go out and play. As long as he coaxed the boss well, he would definitely benefit from it~

Xia Yan looked away from the two people who were working together.

Outside the safe zone, the "empire" that once belonged to Jing Wenbin has turned into a ghost town, and the three of them are the only surviving lives here.

When the strong wind blows through the empty room, it will make a strange sound, as if someone is whispering, or as if a tattered disc is playing ancient music.

If it's a cloudy day again, the babbling sounds are indeed a bit scary.

Xia Yan looked away, opened the backstage and prepared to move.

In the past two moves, the move took place in the middle of the night because there were customers in the store. In order to ensure the customer's living experience, the system was set to only start the moving movement in the early morning.

It's different now. There's not a single customer in the store. You can move out whenever you want.

When she saw the white light dots eager to open the door not far away, she knew that the group of little light dots had recognized her.

The passage is narrow and I'm afraid it can't accommodate three people walking side by side, which means one person has to stand behind.

Xia Yan looked at Xiong Xiong.

Xiong Xiong covered the hair on his butt in horror and took a few steps back.

"No, boss, they are grabbing my butt hair! The hair on it has just grown a little now, if you don't believe it, look at it."

It twisted around and stuck out its butt, about to lift its clothes. Xia Yan interrupted its movement, feeling angry and funny at the same time.

Xiaowan kept silently looking at the door with the word "passage" on the lintel. There was nothing inside. Why did they feel like they were facing a formidable enemy?

"How about I go at the back?" she suggested.

"Okay, okay!" Xiong Xiong nodded.

"No, you stay in the store, Xiong Xiong and I can go there."

Xia Yan thought about it and felt that this was the only feasible method.

You can ask Xiaowan to wait at Lidai Island first, and then call her out after she has passed.

Xiaowan has no objection.

Xia Yan put away his mountain bike, and after Xiaowan left, asked Xiong Xiong to put away the hotel.

Looking at the light spots squeezed into a flat surface at the door, the two took a deep breath and rushed in at once.

When he broke through the light curtain, Xia Yan's exposed skin felt slightly cool, like droplets of water passing through it.

On the contrary, the bear was squeaking wildly, not caring about its head, and light spots gathered on its head, like a glowing hat.

When he ran out of the passage and saw the bear's appearance, Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Xiong Xiong asked three times in a row.

Seeing Xia Yan laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten her back, it rubbed its hands anxiously.

"My butt wasn't bitten, my fur is fine, my arms are fine, my stomach is fine, could it be my back?"

Xiongxiong opened his arms wide, scanning his body, but couldn't find any problem.

Xia Yan held his aching stomach and groaned twice, then took out a mirror from the system grid and handed it to him.

Xiongxiong held the handle, pouted his mouth and looked into the mirror.

Just one glance——

"Ahhh, why are my hair all blown up!"

"Ahahaha, they gave you a Morgan ion perm for free!"

Xia Yan looked at its dandelion-like head and laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his back.

Xiongxiong pressed down with his claws angrily, and the hair fell down obediently, but as soon as he let go, the hair stood up again, and swayed left and right like a spring.

"I'm so angry, I'm going to go back and settle accounts with them!"

Xiongxiong simply couldn't forgive them, it was too much, touching the bear's hair was like breaking the bear's limbs, new and old grudges added together, I swear not to be a bear until I take revenge!

It rubbed its hands and turned around, then the bear body shook, turned its head and said to Xia Yan with a sad face: "Boss, they ran away, they ran away after bullying me... woo woo."

Looking at Xiongxiong with such a childish personality, Xia Yan had to coax it.

"Don't cry, let's take a look at the environment first, if it's not beautiful, we will move now, this time the boss will give you a special electric baton, you can use it to shock them, and shock them all, okay?"

Xiongxiong imagined the scene of himself chasing the light spot majestically, burst into laughter, and said with a long nasal sound: "Okay."

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