After coaxing Xiongxiong, Xia Yan finally had time to see where she was this time.

The first thing she noticed was the solid and slightly raised ground under her feet, which was covered with dark green weeds.

It was not deep, but just enough to cover the upper part of her shoes.

She was standing next to a gully that was half a meter deep and more than one meter wide. There was a shallow puddle of water at the bottom of the gully, clear and without fish.

The gully was winding, like a zipper on a giant's clothes, circling to the end of her sight.

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar

There, at the horizon, Xia Yan saw a very magnificent castle.

The spire soared into the clouds, pointing straight to the sky.

Xiongxiong couldn't help but exclaimed, "What a magnificent sight! Boss, let's go over and take a look."

Xia Yan was also very excited, but she thought about calling Xiaowan out first, and if the high-end restaurant was not busy, let Zhikang come out to take a look.

Xiongxiong said, "I'm afraid not. I feel like if I put the hotel down, I'll have to wait until the next move to put it away.

"Besides, this place is too far from the castle. I can ask them to come out and play when I get there." "

Xia Yan stood on tiptoe and found that it was indeed the case.

On a flat terrain like this, the castle seemed very close in sight, but you would know how far it was when you actually walked.

After making up her mind, Xia Yan relaxed her mind. Since she was out to play, she should focus on having fun.

She was extremely excited, opened her heart, and ran along the ditch with her arms wide open.

The thick grass mat under her feet made a squeezing sound, as if it had just rained here, and the fragrance of the grass was very strong.

The wind blowing in her face lifted the ends of her hair, bringing the smell of freedom.

"Ah~" Xia Yan stepped on the stone with one foot and made her own voice in this vast world.

Xiongxiong also imitated her and made a very powerful bear roar.

Xia Yan was not to be outdone, and shouted again.

The voices of one person and one bear swung in the air, spreading out in circles. There was no rebound of obstacles, and the shouts disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

"It seems that shouting in the mountains is the right way to open it. "Xia Yan muttered, patted her calf and continued to run forward.

A few minutes later, she held her knees and panted as she looked at the castle that had basically not shortened the distance and was still far away in the horizon.

"No, that's enough. I still have to use the plug-in."

She took out her mountain bike and a transparent display popped up when she sat on it.

There were various convenient options on it. Xia Yan found the button to add a seat, and she could also choose in detail whether to add the seat to the side or behind.

"Beside it, the view is good."

The moment it was pressed, the car changed.

Xia Yan patted the seat, "Get in the car, Xiongxiong."

Xiongxiong sat on it, but his legs were not long enough to reach it, so the pedals began to adjust their position automatically.

She thought that when she started, there would be a difficult and sluggish feeling. Her legs and feet were ready to push down very hard, but she stepped on empty air and her shoes were rubbed out.

That feeling was like the chain falling off...

"The road surface was detected to be uneven, and the semi-powered mode was automatically activated. "

As if to explain the reason to Xia Yan, the electronic sound came late.

Xia Yan jumped down speechlessly, picked up the shoes and put them on.

Although there were some bumps, fortunately they finally got on the road smoothly. On the way to the castle, Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong pedaled very fast.

The ground was full of small raised mounds of earth, which should have been ups and downs, but Xia Yan did not feel any bumps.

During the driving process, she leaned out and found that the wheels were still one or two centimeters above the ground.

The mountain bike was flying in the air.

The castle was getting bigger and bigger in the field of vision, and Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong raised their heads higher and higher until they stopped at the entrance outside the castle.

The first thing Xiong Xiong did when he got off the car was to take out the miniature hotel in his pocket.

"Boss, where do you put it?"

Xia Yan looked around and pointed casually: "Put it there. "

While Xiongxiong was busy promoting the hotel, Xia Yan put away his bicycle and looked at the castle, which still showed its former glory.

The outer wall was extremely high, and the buildings inside were built upward in a stepped manner. Facing the sun, there was a rocky and very steep stone wall.

The only entrance was violently dismantled, revealing the smooth steps inside.

Xia Yan waited for Xiongxiong to bring Xiaowan and Zhikang.

After all, they were all his dear employees, and it didn't matter if he took a day off with pay, because she had so many points.

The three of them came out quickly, and the calm Xiaowan and Zhikang couldn't help but widen their eyes and open their mouths when facing such a magnificent castle.

"Let's go in and take a look. "

A group of people walked up the gravel, the sound of clacking bounced back and forth on the walls on both sides, rushing into the ears and sounding extremely clear.

The road is narrow, and the tall exterior walls of the buildings on both sides blocked all the sunlight.

The door openings of the shops here are all curved arches, without any decorations on them, and there are scattered holes on the surface of the old granite stones.

The wooden exterior structure of the second floor was either violently dismantled or shattered by a strong wind due to years of disrepair, blocking the intersection in pieces.

Street lights and electric wires dragged long black lines everywhere, and no one knew where they led.

As for the sign made of iron sheets hanging outside the store, it was intact, and the words on it could be barely seen.

Bars, clothing stores, gold jewelry stores, etc.

Xia Yan turned on his toes and prepared to go to a store to take a look.

She stopped just as she reached the door of the store. The store was dark without any lights. At the edge where light and shadow met, there were three or four pairs of trouser legs with shoes on.

The soles of the shoes were stained with heavy objects, the trouser legs were hanging loosely on the ground, and the fabric was deep and shallow. It was obvious what had happened here.

"Forget it, I won't go in."

Xia Yan turned around and left with his employees.

"Boss, how about I go in by myself?" Zhi Kang took off the black hat on his head and looked at her seriously.

"No, it should be empty inside, and there is no point in going. Besides, I don't lack points now."

But I can't change this habit of being unable to walk when I see a gold shop...

Xia Yan was also speechless about herself. She used to sneer at gold, but now she has come to realize that gold can be worn and is valuable. It can also be cashed in in an emergency. The key is that wearing a heavy gold chain gives you a big brother aura!

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the widening of the road ahead, and she stepped on a bone that was sunburned and brittle.


She didn't know whose roof she had stepped on.

The entire castle was built of granite, and without the occasional maintenance of humans, the corners became brittle, and stones would fall off with a slight touch.

The area near the stone wall was covered with moss, and it was easy to slip when stepped on.

Xia Yan took the lead and walked through the extremely narrow corridor. The road ahead was finally wide again. The traces of human life lay desolately in the corners, and occasionally you could see a skeleton hidden in the dark that had been gnawed into bones by birds and beasts.

Along the way, there was no one, not even a zombie could be seen. Except for the sound of crushed stones underfoot, the surroundings were terribly quiet.

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