Without any obstruction, the four of them reached the lobby at the top smoothly.

When you push the door open and go in, you will first see colorful flying dust visible to the naked eye, and then you will see the colored glass covering the top.

The sunlight is refracted from above, passes through the glass, and casts light beams of different colors, which are reflected on the exquisite murals around it. It looks very holy, as if the heart is suddenly empty.

The cold aura that had enveloped him along the way just disappeared in an instant.

The four of them walked inside quietly without speaking.

Not only the surrounding murals, but also the supporting pillars are carefully carved with reliefs, which come to life with the changes of light and shadow.

At this moment, Xia Yan was filled with emotion.

She saw faith shining in the sun.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Xia Yan found a place to sit down and enjoyed the moment.

Xiong Xiong couldn't wait any longer, so after reporting, she jumped out to play. Xiaowan said she liked it here and wanted to follow the boss, so she shrugged and turned around and went out.

"Okay, meet here in two hours."

Since we are going out to play, for fun, everyone can play separately. Whoever likes can do whatever they like. They don’t have to be tied together.

Some people like to play exciting rides, while others like to stroll around quietly, check out local attractions and eat local food. If they agree, we will stay together, and if we disagree, we will separate. If you are too accommodating to others, you will definitely not have fun.

Until nightfall, the auditorium quickly became dark.

Xia Yan stood up and looked around but did not see Xiao Wan's figure. However, he felt that under the night, these carved simulation figures were a little scary...

"Xiao Wan?" She shouted loudly.





The voice became smaller and smaller, more and more ethereal, as if those characters came to life to help her call people.

Xia Yan's arms suddenly became goosebumps.

How holy it felt at first, but now the fear is doubled.

She pushed aside the stool and quickly opened the door and went out. It was still bright outside. She continued to walk forward, stood at the stone wall and shouted the names of the two people and the bear below.

First Zhichi responded, then Xiongxiong, and then Xiaowan a dozen seconds later.

"Go home and stop playing. The sea water is rising!" Xia Yan continued to shout, but as soon as she finished saying this, she let out a sigh.

I was in a hurry to find someone and took a cursory glance outside the city. I didn't notice the sparkling water outside, but my subconscious recorded this information.

That's why she blurted it out.

"Is the water rising?" Zhiji ran up the stairs three steps at a time with his long, thin legs.

Even though he looks thin, he has a lot of energy.

He ran to Xia Yan. This was the highest position in the castle, and he could easily scan everything around him from a high position.

When he saw that the world outside had turned into an ocean, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"I have always been alert to the situation around me, but I don't know when the water has risen!"

Xia Yan said: "It's normal. I've heard that the tide in the sea rises silently. By the time you react, you can't run away."

While talking, Xiong Xiong and Xiaowan also came over.

Bearing behind Xiong Xiong was a worn-out schoolbag that he found somewhere. As soon as they met, he took it off and poured out all the contents.

"No, Xiong Xiong, we'll do the counting when we get back. We have to think about going home now." Xia Yan hurriedly stopped it.

Xiong Xiong didn't know what happened yet, but Xia Yan turned his chubby cheeks away and saw it.

"When did this happen?"

Xia Yan pushed it to Zhijiang and asked Zhijiang to answer his questions.

She walked to Xiaowan, first carefully observed whether Xiaowan was injured, and saw that the water on her body was still flowing at a steady speed, and there were no other negative emotions in her eyes, so she asked:

"Where did you just go?"

Xiaowan said word by word: "I found a secret door and went inside."

"Hey," Xia Yan couldn't help but get excited, "Is there any treasure?"

Xiaowan shook her head honestly, "No, there are four straps with barbs sewn on them, and the same rattan next to them. I saw the blood stains, so I confiscated them."

Xia Yan grasped the key point, "Did you put away other things?"

At this time, Xiaowan showed a troubled expression and bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth.

Xia Yan looked back at Zhijiu and Xiongxiong, who were chatting animatedly, put his arm around Xiaowan's shoulders and walked aside.

"Xiaowan, is it convenient to talk now?"

Xia Yan was curious, partly because she was obsessed with money, and partly because this was the first time she saw Xiaowan like this.

Xiaowan nodded, turned her back to them, and took out a green one from her inner pocket. Well, Xia Yan frowned and leaned closer.

Why is it so round and a little wet?

Noticing Xia Yan's confused eyes, Xiao Wan lowered her eyelashes shyly and said timidly: "I like green, and I also like round things. It happens to include them all..."

With that said, Xiaowan turned the thing in her hand.

Xia Yan glared, then she straightened up and coughed twice to hide her emotions, and said as if unintentionally: "Just took it out of the bottle?"


"Why are they all green? Shouldn't they be white?"

Xiao Wan smiled a little, "I like green, so I injected some pigment into it. Doesn't it look good?"

She raised the thing in her hand, put it close to her eyes, and said innocently: "Boss, don't you think it looks like my eyes?"

Xia Yan almost drowned in his own saliva when he heard this.

How can someone compare like this? !

"As long as you like it." She could only say this.

Xiao Wan threw the homemade green eyeball into the rotating water flow, followed it around the side of her body, and said in a very firm tone: "Boss, I like it very much!"

Xia Yan was speechless for a while, and secretly observed Xiao Wan carefully.

How come it's almost the end of the task, but I noticed that Xiao Wan was wrong?

Isn't she also a tasker who accepts punishment? !

Xia Yan couldn't help asking: "Do you remember what you did before?"

Xiao Wan moved her eyes away from the ball, thought for a moment and said: "My main job has always been a store manager."

Xia Yan felt that he seemed to have grasped the key to the problem.

"Where did you work?"

Xiao Wan was keenly aware of the alienation hidden in her words, and her eyes revealed the true feelings of sadness. She took a few steps towards Xia Yan and said aggrievedly:

"Although the customers of the two stores are different, as a manager, my heart is on the side of the boss, and everything is to improve the performance of the store."

Xia Yan remained silent.

Xiao Wan continued: "I worked in a specialty restaurant for marine life. The ingredients were rich and varied. Well, basically all kinds of ingredients were available. Collecting useless eyes for ingredients was a small hobby of mine."

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