Puzzle solved.

I see.

Seeing Xia Yan's relieved look, Xiaowan grabbed her clothes aggrievedly, raised her head slightly and said with a pitiful look:

"This is my first collection while working here. There are no similar scraps in the store, and I can't target customers. Boss, I picked this up, can you let me keep it?"

Xia Yan has always been soft-spoken rather than tough-minded.

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Besides, there is also the guarantee of "absolute loyalty of employees" made by the system, what else can she say? Don't people have some hobbies?

Xiao Wan is such a good employee. She just likes to dot her eyes. She doesn’t harm customers, nor steals or robs. As a boss, even if she doesn’t pay wages, she still has to control employees to pick up things?

Xia Yan convinced himself, feeling a little guilty in his heart. He put his arms around Xiao Wan's waist and said in a rough voice: "Stay! As long as you like it, you can do whatever you want!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wan's face lit up with joy, she pursed her lips and said nothing, but kept staring at her.

Xia Yan conveyed absolute sincerity with her eyes.

Xiaowan finally felt relieved, and the water flow surrounding her body slowed down. She placed her eyeballs close to her body, looking very precious.

Then he sweetly said to Xia Yan: "Thank you, boss~"

Xia Yan reached out and rubbed her head, thinking, it's enough to have a stupid Xiong Xiong, don't add another Xiaowan.

"Boss, let's go?" Zhichi called her from the other side.

The sun sets over the sea very quickly here, and within a few words, the distance is covered with darkness. The traffic in the buildings below is invisible, and only the outline of the house can be seen.

Xia Yan waved: "Come here, I will take you back directly. It will save trouble and be faster."

When they came over, Xia Yan said in his heart to go home, and the four of them appeared in the lobby of the hotel.

Xiong Xiong walked to the switch in the dark, and with a few soft clicks, the lights in the hall came on one after another. The bright light not only brought clear vision, but also a sense of security.

After Zhiji said hello, he got into the holiday door and was busy managing the finishing work of the high-end restaurant for the day.

Xiaowan followed Xiongxiong to help. When the headlights on the roof came on, she keenly realized that something was wrong.

"Boss, come out quickly, this place is also surrounded by the sea!"

Xia Yan's feet that were still in the air changed direction and walked outside.

Xiong Xiong and Xiaowan were next to each other, clinging to the protective shield, exclaiming at the waves outside that hit the protective shield.

Xia Yan circled the hotel back and forth, asking Xiong Xiong to turn the direction of the overhead light. She saw that the coastline was far away. The hotel was now in the middle of the ocean, and the sea water almost reached the fourth or fifth floors.

If there are a few larger waves, they can rush directly to the height of the eighth or ninth floor, which is very oppressive when standing in the safety zone.

"Fortunately, the hotel will not drift with the tide, otherwise we won't know where it will be washed away by the sea water."

Faced with such a good time and beautiful scenery, Xia Yan would naturally not let it go.

"Xiong Xiong, bring out a big dining table. I want to have a seafood dinner! You two should sit down together."

Anyway, she has so many points, she can eat whatever she wants and order whatever is more expensive.

Xia Yan tapped his fingers to sort the prices from high to low, and went through all the first, second, third, and fourth pictures of seafood with different methods that appeared.

The points went up and down, and only dropped by six digits.

This was just a private account. She couldn't even count the long string of zeros on the public account, so she didn't feel any guilt at all when spending it.

Not long after, plates filled with top-quality seafood appeared sprinkled with gold powder, and one plate after another fell down.

The rock crab is bigger than a bear’s face, the wave dragon is longer than an arm, and the Caspian Sea caviar is plump...

Looking at the table of delicacies, Xia Yan said that the points were worth spending!

While she was enjoying the food, Xiao Wan and Xiong Xiong couldn't hide their curiosity. They held a strong flashlight close to the protective cover and shined it inside. Sure enough, they saw strange fish.

Xiongxiong shined light directly on the fish's eyes. Not only did the fish not run away, but it swung its tail and got closer.

"What kind of fish is that?" Xiaowan also moved the flashlight over.

This fish didn't look like a fish at all, and it had two gourd-like swellings on its head. The fins were not transparent as usual, but were covered with spherical moss-like things.

"It's green." Xiaowan couldn't help but put her hand on the protective shield.

The strange fish swam over slowly, paused for a few seconds, flicked its tail, and pounced on it with its mouth open.

The protective cover was squeezed inward by the impact, and Xiaowan's hand also moved back, and the fish's head seemed to have got in.

"Be careful!" Xiong Xiong shouted.

Xiaowan took a few steps back in horror, holding the palm of her hand that was hit by the fish.

The protective shield rebounded with double the force. The strange fish was frightened and disappeared into the depths of the sea several times.

Xiongxiong pointed the light of the flashlight at the place where it disappeared, and then glanced around other places, staying away from the protective shield with lingering fear.

If there is a strange fish rushing over, even if it can't bite, it will be quite scary to rush out suddenly.

Xiaowan was frightened, her face turned a little pale, "I just... felt its teeth, which were very sharp."

She raised her hands under her eyelids and looked around for possible injuries by the light of the flashlight.

The feeling of the fangs scratching across the palm is so real...

But there wasn't a single red mark on her delicate and fair skin, as if it was just an illusion.

Xiao Wan sat back next to Xia Yan and said in confusion: "I know that the brighter the creatures in the sea, the more poisonous they are. It looks weird, and at most there is a follicle-shaped poison ball on its tail.

"But no fish will approach me on weekdays. Why does this fish want to attack me?"

Xia Yan blinked and couldn't give an answer, because she didn't understand the things in the sea...

Xiao Wan held her chin and thought about it.

Xia Yan thought for a while and said: "I remember they said that the creatures in the sea have also mutated. It is possible that they are like zombies and have completely lost their minds? "

Xiao Wan felt that there was only one possibility.


No matter what she saw at night, the sea water receded completely the next day.

The few remaining puddles glowed white, with shell fragments scattered all over the ground, and occasionally a few dead fish lying on the seabed.

Xia Yan went over to take a look, and it should be the fish that Xiao Wan said would attack her last night.

On the fish's tail, most of the green seaweed-like follicles were deflated, and only two or three small ones were still bulging.

Xia Yan picked up a stick at random, stretched out her hand from a distance, and poked one of the bubbles.

Without any sound, the follicle exploded, a few green liquids splashed, and most of them slid down the fish's tail.

It seemed that there was no reaction.

She stood up and looked, and found that on the path leading to the castle, there were many similar fish lying, and big birds flying from nowhere were pecking at the fish's body.

Xia Yan slowly approached, and the group of birds looked up at her very vigilantly, making a deterrent gesture of waving their wings.

On the bird's beak, she saw a cluster of tumors.

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