Grandma, this infection is really contagious.

Xia Yan rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, couldn't help but shudder, turned around and walked back.

The Xiongxiong trio were looking for "treasures" on the beach not far away, and did not notice the situation here for the time being.

In other words, they were too far away to see what was on the bird's beak.

Xia Yan measured the distance between the two parties and made sure that they would not get close to the birds. Then he sat in the rocking chair placed safely and looked at the towering castle directly opposite.

It was shocking at first glance, and still shocking at second glance.

This castle is a tourist attraction. In the past, the crowds of people would have added to the atmosphere and made it fun to play. But now, they could only hear their own footsteps when they entered.

There are traces of human life inside, but that was in the past, and now it is just garbage piled in the corner waiting to be degraded. It only makes me sad to see it.

Not interesting.

Xia Yan planned to move again after eating soon.

After learning the news, the two of them were not surprised. Xiao Wanshi even walked into the vacation door and waited for Xiong Xiong to go in to find her afterwards.

"Boss," Xiong Xiong patted his paws and flashed his sharp nails. The boy lowered his voice and said viciously, "I'm ready! This time I'm going to tear them to pieces!"

They refer to small points of light.

After Xia Yan summoned the passage door, his eyes glanced back and forth between the tiny light spots and the bear's heavy claws.

She thought carefully, if she was bullied again this time, Xiong Xiong would cry and make a fuss, right?

Hey~ She didn't want to see the bear rolling on the ground.

Xia Yan held its paw and stuffed something into it, with an expression that said you were exaggerating.

"There's no need to be so formal. Why use your trump card to deal with them? Be good, listen to the boss, use this, I guarantee it will work!"

Xiong Xiong grabbed the handle and flicked his nails, sizzling.

The bear's eyes lit up.

There was a lot of noise and lightning!

Xia Yan said: "How about it? Not bad. This is a super large milliamp electric shock baton. The arc on it is enough for them to endure."

Xiong Xiong nodded excitedly, put away his paws obediently, and closed the door of the hotel.

Xia Yan looked at the light spot in the door frame and felt uneasy. Who knew if the trick of fighting poison with poison would work...

Xiong Xiong didn't have so many concerns. He picked up a smaller version of the hotel, buttoned up his clothes, put on his hat, pushed the switch with his fingers, and said something to him to open the way first, and then walked into the passage in a swaggering manner.

Xia Yan's heart was aroused, and his eyes followed its movements closely.

The light spots were eager to try, and actually gathered together to look like the hair on the head of Bear Bear was exploding. This made Bear Bear so angry that he thrust an electric rod into the light spots and swung it around.

What Xia Yan didn't expect was that the power of the current actually increased, connecting each light point at a rapid speed to form a lavender network.

The little dots of light can't move at all!

Xiong Xiong said "Oh?", became more energetic, bared his big teeth and rushed in.


Before Xia Yan could finish shouting, Xiong Xiong dived in.

At this time, the electric light was booming...

She turned her head and couldn't bear to look directly, thinking about how to get in and end it later.

This reckless bear!

"Ah ah ah, Kukuden, hey oh hey, I can't run away, ah I can't run away~"

Xia Yan:?

Looking back, I saw that that idiot Xiong Xiong was fine. He was holding an electric baton with a stick in one hand and a pestle in the other, not letting go of any remaining light spots.

Xiong Xiong was almost at the end when he remembered that he had opened the way and forgot about his boss. He put away the electric baton and turned to shout to Xia Yan outside, asking her to come in quickly.

Xia Yan took one last look at the castle and walked in.

The light points without current control were suspended in the air, and the airflow when she passed by picked them up, and she didn't have the strength to struggle.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong walked out like this.

This was the first time they felt so comfortable. Xia Yan regretted, "I should have asked you to shock them with an electric baton earlier."

I was chased so badly the last few times!

The bear also felt the same. It was the worst, its fur had been damaged several times, and this time it finally got out of its mouth!

One person and one bear were filled with emotion in their hearts and faces, and turned around to check the location and environment this time.

"Ah, ah, it's actually a large pine forest!"

This is a world of pine trees, layer upon layer, upward in an orderly manner. The pine trees on both sides are straight and tall, with fruit hanging among the needles, and the air is full of fragrance.

They stood in the middle of the road with thick pine cones and pine needles under their feet. This place was not suitable for rebuilding a hotel.

Xia Yan took out his mountain bike and still planned to walk forward with Xiong Xiong to find a more spacious and beautiful scenery before arranging the location of the hotel.

The two of them rode forward.

The sun was spreading warmth above the head, and Xia Yan felt comfortable smelling the fruity smell of the tall pine forest. He looked through the gaps in the pine needles in the distance and saw the white-capped mountain top.

A few clouds and dumplings hung there so comfortably.

Along the way, they walked along a narrow road through the valley, and a path made of stones appeared in front of them. The double yellow wild flowers were almost at the same level as their waists, blooming in full bloom, and further down were the terraces.

The crops inside have long been occupied by vigorous weeds, and there are obvious faults due to the different heights of the terrain.

Xia Yan knew that there would be a village ahead.

She couldn't hide her happiness.

Walking through this quiet road, at the end, a long stone pillar stood symbolizing that they were about to enter the village.

Just then Xia Yan noticed that something seemed to be stuck on the pillar, and there was a dark mark in it.

She stared at it closely, and her vision became clearer as she got closer.

It turned out to be a piece of plastic-sealed paper. Because of the long time, after being exposed to wind and rain, water mist seeped into the joints, making the contents written on it blend together.

It looked black.

"Stop, I'll go down and take a look." Xia Yan squeezed the brake and walked over to take a closer look.

This piece of paper was wet and dry, and it was already wrinkled together. Fortunately, there was still plastic sealing film on the front and back, and it was barely possible to see that the two black masses on the top were darker than other places.

The rest could not be seen.

"Boss, this village is cleaner than other places I have seen before."

While Xia Yan was studying the paper, Xiong Xiong was also observing the houses in the village.

It pointed to a house without a door and said in confusion: "Boss, look, although the inside is full of dirt due to the wind, the tables, stools, and even the wardrobes are all intact and standing without any signs of damage."

Xia Yan looked at the paper with unknown content again, got on the bike, put this matter aside, and planned to go see the house that Xiongxiong mentioned first.

The road in the village was also paved with stones, and there were a lot of weeds growing in the gaps in the middle. When they passed by, they hit their calves, which were hairy and a little itchy.

Stopped in front of this house, Xia Yan saw the plastic-wrapped paper on the wall again.

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