The names recorded in it are unfamiliar from the perspective of onlookers. They only have three dry words, or two words. But what if there is a relative title in front of it?

Mother, father, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle...

Whenever such a prefix appears, the words will become very strong, and Xia Yan discovered that basically every day, the protagonist's relatives turned into zombies and were hacked to death by him with an axe...

Xiong Xiong sat quietly, looking at the two circular marks on the previous page.

Xia Yan also saw it and gently turned it over with his fingers.

The words in the folds have disappeared, and this page is very long, recording his speculations and fears about infectious diseases, and his accidental discovery that only cutting off the head can completely render the monster incapacitated.

He decided to do it.

Between the lines, there is a line of small words that are difficult to find.

"She is dead. I killed her with my own hands."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

Xiong Xiong suddenly realized, "So these are the traces of his tears!"

Xia Yan hummed slightly and continued to turn forward.

"The village chief decided to use the dirt slope behind as a cemetery and let us bury these monsters in it. He felt that no matter what people became, they still want to be buried in their bones.

“He also asked us to make obituaries overnight and post them on pillars everywhere, hoping that in this way we could transcend the souls imprisoned in their broken bodies and hope that they could rest in peace as soon as possible.

In the process of writing the obituary, I finally found some peace in my heart. "

So that's it.

Xia Yan finally found the answer he wanted.

She began to turn the pages quickly, reading ten lines at a time.

Through the diary, she saw the scene at that time before her eyes. She saw them guarding the entrance of the back village with an ax in a thunderstorm. Lightning split the night sky, and the soil on the new grave on the slope in the distance actually began to squirm!

"Who nailed the coffin lid? How dare you cut corners at this time?!"

"...No, I didn't."

"Village chief, it's not the nails that are the problem, it's the shroud that doesn't hold up. So many people died in the village at once, and the few coffins the shop had have long been used up. The people who went out to order coffins came back and said that the outside world has gone crazy, and everywhere They are all biting things.”

"I can't even buy a coffin. Where are they now?"

"...Buried in the soil."

After the dull thunder, lightning tore the dark clouds apart again.

The world was illuminated in an instant, including the rotten gray-black hands stretching out from the mound in the distance.

Everyone was terrified, and the cold air climbed up their spines, causing shivers wherever they went.

The light only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing, and the eyes were shrouded in darkness, with their climbing movements still remaining on the retina.

"Then, what exactly is-"

"It's a big disaster for people to come back from the dead. It must be a disaster caused by the anger of the ancestors!"

"Everyone, step back. Don't forget that there are your wives, children, and mothers behind you! Hold the ax tightly. If you can control them the first time, there will be a second time!"

The heavy rain is like pouring water on the eyes. After the vision is affected, the hearing becomes sensitive.

Snap, snap.

It was as if there was a lot of mud on the soles of the shoes, making it very difficult to walk. The sound of stumbling footsteps rushed down the hillside.

After a few breaths, the rotten face appeared on the edge of darkness.

The village chief said in a trembling voice: "Watch, watch, they are coming."

The living dead let out ferocious roars and came from all directions, biting the living people.

At this point in the diary, six dots were left. After starting a new line, it said that the monster in the pig pen escaped and came from behind... The process was brutal, the village chief was bitten, and more than half of the old, weak, women and children in the house were killed or injured.

Looking further along the contents of the diary, the protagonist recorded what happened to the first infected person in the village, including his own speculation about the virus infection.

At first, everyone only regarded the infected person as a patient suffering from something similar to rabies, and they chatted casually after dinner. The mutation occurred on the day when the food delivery person was bitten.

One second, he was gasping for breath and saying that he was missing a piece of flesh. The next second, he was twitching and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and his eyes quickly closed with cataract-like eye membranes.

Then he raised his body up in a weird posture and bit the neck of his wife who came over and cried after hearing the news.

Blood spurted out and splashed on the faces and bodies of others, who were stunned on the spot.

The man released his mouth and pounced on other living people.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

At least five or six people who had no time to run were bitten. The village chief arrived late and almost couldn't breathe when he saw the blood on the ground.

"Call, call, call the police! Go quickly!!"

"What a sin! You're so mad! That's your mother!" The village chief picked up the stick and hit him hard on the back.

"He" raised his head from his belly.

The village chief took two steps back, shocked by the human intestines hanging between his lips and teeth.


Before he could finish a word, "he" jumped up from the ground and jumped straight into his face.

It was too late for the village chief to run away, but fortunately the owner of the diary arrived in time and rescued him. Together with several young men, they controlled and tied up the monster that had become inhuman.

In the end, the village chief decided to lock everyone in a pigsty in the village until the hospital sent someone to rescue them.


Seeing this, Xia Yan has already sorted out the general story.

She closed the book and asked the bear to put it back in the closet. Then, one person and one bear accompanied each other, walking along the road and passing every house.

The obituaries posted on the pillars shook with a tiny sound, one by one...Looking around, they were everywhere.

"Boss, where are we going now? How about I find a suitable hotel first? Xiaowan must be waiting anxiously." Xiongxiong's eyes were still clear, completely unaffected by the environment.

Xia Yan waved to let it go.

She sat under the largest banyan tree in the village. Not far away was a stone table. The chess patterns on it had long been worn out and blurred. At this time, it was covered with dust and broken leaves, and it had been desolate for a long time.

At the entrance of the village, she saw her own "rising" hotel building.

Luxurious, brand new, safe, and peaceful, it formed a sharp contrast with this place.

The quiet village ushered in a new breath for the first time. Xia Yan brought good news about the end of the world - even if there were no survivors here.

The village chief failed to wait for a doctor who might save lives, nor did he find a coffin that symbolized decency to send the dead on their last journey.

The person who wrote the diary personally sent off everyone in the village, looked at the obituaries all over the street, suppressed his imminent collapse with great self-control, and cleaned every room carefully and patiently, fixing the beds and chairs.

Perhaps he had sat in front of the boudoir of the person he secretly loved for a long time, his eyes greedily lingering on every object and scene inside, and then buried his head in his palms, sobbing that no one could hear.

Such sadness spread to every unknown corner.

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