Xia Yan sat quietly for a while, feeling the wind, until Xiong Xiong and Xiao Wan came over.

"Boss, did you encounter any danger on the way? I was always worried in Lidai Island." As soon as Xiao Wan approached, the water on her body first tightly wrapped around Xia Yan and flowed slowly.

"The landing point is in a pine forest. It took some time to ride here."

Xia Yan stretched out his hand, and the water flowed through his fingers as if it had no substance.

After receiving the information that the water flow conveyed no harm, Xiao Wan breathed a sigh of relief with her naked eyes.

She looked at the village curiously and sniffed.

"There is a faint floral scent in the air, as if it came from there." Xiao Wan pointed to the end of the house.

"Isn't that the back mountain?" Xiong Xiong tilted his head.

"The back hill?" Xiao Wan stood on tiptoe and looked around. "Is it the white mountain top? Is this village so big?"

"I said it wrong. It's a dirt slope, not a mountain."

"What's there?"


Xiao Wan shut up immediately. Death is not a good word. All intelligent creatures are afraid of the death of their own kind, and the mermaids who have become intelligent are also like this.

Xia Yan patted off the dust on his body and said, "Go and have a look."

The dirt slope is actually a gentle slope slightly higher than the village. The remaining tree stumps indicate that there was once a forest here.

The cemetery is very large, with tombstones standing in rows and countless blue brick paved paths in the middle.

The tombstones are engraved with a brief biography of the tomb owner, and a few lines of words summarize a person's life.

The tributes and photos of the deceased in front of each monument have been swept away by the wind. Xia Yan can only understand a little from the hastily carved words.

Without descendants cleaning regularly, the cemetery is overgrown with weeds, and the pale yellow and pink flowers are taller than the tombstones.

It was quiet all around, and Xia Yan didn't see the diary owner who had turned into a zombie.

It's very likely that it has been attracted by the sound somewhere else.

Just as he was thinking this, he heard Xiong Xiong's exclamation, "It's back!"

Looking back, a tall zombie appeared under the slope, and every step it took, there was a ding-dong sound from its body.

Whenever this sound was heard, it would stop in place, shaking its head and frantically looking for the source of the sound.

So it found Xia Yan and the others.


Xiong Xiong saw with his sharp eyes: "Boss, it's still wearing leather shoes, it runs so stupidly."

This may be the dumbest zombie he has ever met. When he lifted his feet, it seemed as if there was a jack hanging underneath. It looked laborious, but it didn't actually run very far.

Xia Yan and the others stopped and waited for a long time before the zombies came close.

They found out that the ding-dong sound was because it had a bunch of keys hanging around its waist - probably the keys to all the houses in the village, and that it ran so slowly because its leather shoes were specially made, with a thick steel plate on the bottom, which kept tightly around its ankles.

It must have anticipated that it would be infected one day and made preparations in advance.

After it ran to the zombies, the zombies lost their target and continued to repeat their previous actions.

Xia Yan found that it still retained its original appearance to the greatest extent, and its body was not seriously rotten. At least its face was intact. Except for being too gray and covered with blue blood vessels, it could still be seen as a handsome young man.

In its jacket pocket, Xia Yan found a folded paper, which he unfolded and read: If I am still in the village, please kill me and bury me with them.

"This..." Xia Yan had never seen such a request before.

Then... satisfy it!

Xiongxiong and Xiaowan stared, watching their boss take out a big axe and send the zombie to death from behind. Then he used the tip of the axe to search for a long time in the pile of black slag, but returned disappointed.

"There is no crystal core."

Xia Yan pounded her lower back and looked around to find a place for it to stay.

After finding a good place, she took out three shovels and gloves, put them on and started digging.

Xia Yan took out a ruler and customized a coffin for it. Then she flicked away the dust on it, closed her eyes, and put it in with Xiongxiong, pulling up her trouser legs to cover her ankles that had been worn out.

The sunlight gradually disappeared in the closed coffin, and handfuls of wet soil hit it, making a muffled sound.

With the last tombstone erected, the new grave filled the only vacancy in the cemetery.

The white clouds in the sky were fluffy, like pieces of soaked paper.

Xia Yan took out the lawn mower she had bought before. The width was just enough to cover the aisle. The high-speed rotating blades shredded the grass roots and green leaves, and the rich grass fragrance filled her nose.

It was not enough to just mow the grass. The roots had to be removed, and it was best to plant seeds that could bloom more beautiful flowers on them.

For this reason, Xia Yan went to Fu Niang to order a batch of vigorous flower seedlings.

Fu Niang did not say a word and rushed to make a batch of double-petaled flower seedlings with strong roots that could bloom in various colors.

After getting the goods, Xia Yan returned to the village, called away Xiong Xiong and Xiao Wan who were cleaning the streets and houses, and turned into a gardener to plant the vacant land in the cemetery little by little.

Anyway, if you don't plant flowers, they will be covered with weed seeds. In comparison, it is more comfortable to rest in a dense flower bush.

Xia Yan stayed here for several days in a row. Every day, she either planted flowers or wandered around the village.

According to her estimate, within five years, this village will be covered and swallowed by green plants, and nature will reoccupy its own territory.

The day the flowers were planted was the day Xia Yan was ready to leave.

Looking at the slender branches blooming with delicate flowers, Xia Yan was somewhat skeptical whether these flowers could withstand a strong storm.

But Fu Niang patted her chest to make a promise, "Don't worry, these flowers are not only not afraid of wind and rain, but they will become stronger and more dazzling after every experience. I named them Hua Jianqiang!"

Xia Yan:...

"Okay, Hua Jianqiang, I hope you can thrive and live up to the points I spent."

Xia Yan said her final, unanswered goodbye to the cemetery.

At the entrance of the village, Xiongxiong and Xiaowan argued about whether the boss would move or climb the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Xia Yan looked at the distant white peak and felt that Xiaowan trusted her too blindly. It would probably take a day to drive so far, right?

"Be good, professional things should be left to professional moving companies. We won't compete with them for business. Xiaowan, I know you feel sorry for the boss's pocket, but it's okay, spend it, opening blind boxes is also a kind of happiness!"

Xia Yan secretly wiped her sweat. Why didn't she spend so many points? After leaving, wouldn't this little performance belong to the system? She is no longer the same person she used to be. Now she just wants to experience the prodigal son squandering thousands of gold.

After coaxing Xiao Wan away, Xia Yan asked Xiong Xiong to tidy up the hotel as quickly as possible.

At the same time, she took out the electric baton and was ready to harm a group of small light dots.

In the passage, the small light dots seemed to be conscious. When they saw Xia Yan coming with the electric baton, they actually hid behind them collectively.

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