"Boss, you can't do this, let Xiong Xiong show you!"

A breeze passed by, and the electric baton in Xia Yan's hand was robbed. Xiong Xiong left a residual shadow and ran straight to the light spot.

The light spots suddenly "pear blossoms with rain" ran around, and the "murderer" Xiong Xiong smiled evilly and pressed forward step by step.

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"Little baby, run, you guys run for me, let me see where you can run to!"

Xia Yan couldn't help shouting: "Don't be weird! Hurry up."

When she was about to leave the passage, Xia Yan saw that the light spots had become dim and there was no trace of arrogance at the beginning. She laughed in her heart, but she didn't expect her feet to be empty, and the whole person fell down instantly.

Giao, why is it in the water? !

Realizing this, Xia Yan immediately held her breath and tried to open her eyes to observe the surrounding environment.

The entire area of ​​water was dark blue, and a bright white light flashed far above her head. Xiong Xiong was not far from her, and his clothes were filled with water and floated up.

He first glanced at Xia Yan, and after making sure that she was okay, he took the small hotel out of his pocket and threw it forward, and after finding the air valve, he blew into it.

Xia Yan's eyes were straight. Although she knew that bears could swim, she didn't know that bears had such a large lung capacity!

Just when she thought that it would take some time for the hotel to take shape and she could swim to the top to take a breath, the holiday hotel became bigger, and the protective shield stretched out two large bubbles, pulling Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong in together.

One person and one bear landed slowly like a fallen leaf.

Xia Yan tilted her head and spit out the sea water, her hair stuck to her body wetly, and with the wet clothes, it dripped and gathered into a pool of water at the bottom of her feet.

Xiong Xiong's hair stuck to his body, and he became a drowned bear.

It looks so miserable.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong looked at each other, exchanged the helplessness in their eyes, and turned around and went back to their own homes at the same time - take a shower, change clothes.

The hotel gradually descended in the sea water until it touched the bottom and finally landed on the seabed.

Dense bubbles swayed upwards and disappeared in the sparkling light of the distant sea water.

Suddenly, a huge shadow swam over like a mountain. It seemed to be interested in the huge monster that suddenly appeared on the seabed. It circled around a few times and tried to flick its tail to hit it.

The protective shield was hit and dented inward, and almost at the same time it returned twice. The giant was pushed back more than ten meters, and the sand and stones were disturbed by the sea water, becoming invisible like yellow soup.

The giant was frightened and swam away, and the hotel still stood - but the same force made it move backwards.

Xiong Xiong used a hair dryer to dry his hair bit by bit, and his bear paw kicked off his slippers. At this moment, he was close to the ground. This was an important weapon for him to sense changes in the whole building.

So when the hotel moved, it was keenly aware that something was wrong, turned off the hair dryer, raised its ears, and swayed left and right to search for information.

The next moment, it rushed directly to the safe zone, ran around in a big circle, and when it saw the thick black, it used its feet as brakes, pressed its face against the protective shield, and its eyes widened three times!

That was-


"Boss, something bad is going to happen!!!"


Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong lay on the protective shield together, looking at the dark and deep waters below, and shuddered all over.

Who would have thought that there was a cliff at the bottom of the sea?

If you look up, the cliff edge you just slid down has become far away, and the light on the sea surface is even more ethereal like sand.

If Xia Yan hadn't made a prompt decision to let Xiong Xiong turn on all the lights in the building, they would be trapped in darkness at this moment. What's worse is that the building was tilted when they slid down, and they were really lying on the protective shield.

Below her was a vast expanse of water that even light couldn't penetrate. She couldn't see the edge, and she didn't know what would suddenly jump out. Her fear of the unknown reached an unprecedented height!

The bear's shiny and slippery fur stood up in waves, and then fell down again, like a wave.

"Boss, what on earth is this?"

It seemed to feel insecure and moved closer.

Xia Yan took out a high-efficiency flashlight, put it on the protective cover, turned on the switch, and shot out a concentrated light.

This light penetrated a long distance, revealing a large amount of unknown impurities in the light column, just floating quietly, giving her a feeling that the water was stagnant.

There was no fish, no algae, and no moving plankton here, as if this was a dead sea.

"Didn't I just say that this is an underwater cliff?"

"But it's bottomless..."

"Xiong Xiong, have you ever heard a saying that shallow water is clear, green water is deep, blue water is wide, black water is deep, and yellow water is fast? Do you think it's dark enough here?"

Xiong Xiong felt that he had a fear of the deep sea, and he pulled Xia Yan's sleeves and dared not move.

Xia Yan: "Don't pull me first, go to Lidai Island and call Zhikang and Xiaowan out. They must not miss this beautiful scenery."

Xiong Xiong tried to lift his legs, but found that his knees were sore, and said with a bitter face: "Boss, I can't do it, my legs are weak..."

In fact, it's not Xiong Xiong's fault. No matter who it is, in this absolute dark seabed, feeling free fall, and still can't touch the bottom, watching the light on the sea surface fade to almost non-existent, deep-sea phobia will occur.

"Shall I take you back to the room?" Xia Yan saw that it was really scared, and didn't force it. He propped himself up and supported Xiong Xiong's arm.

This time Xiongxiong was really scared and nodded quickly, not daring to look back.

With the help of the transparent cube, Xia Yan took Xiong Xiong to experience a wave of flying in the air.

Originally, Xia Yan wanted to send it back to the room, but when passing the holiday gate, Xiong Xiong said that he had to stop no matter what.

"I can't do it anymore. I have to go to the sun. I, boss, I'm going to the high-end, no, I'm going to the supermarket to help stock up!"

Xia Yan: ...OK.

"Help me call Zhikang and Xiaowan out."

After sending it away, Xia Yan lay on the protective shield again, feeling the sensory stimulation of the void under him.

Don't blame Xiong Xiong for being scared. The protective shield is so thin that it can be ignored. Anyone would doubt whether it will penetrate the membrane directly in the next moment, and then fall down endlessly. The feeling of weightlessness will be one step ahead of the abyss, which will scare people to death.

The problem is that even if you die, in such a place, there is not even a living creature, and you will be alone when you die.

It's so scary!

It was the first time that Xia Yan saw the hotel about to overturn. With the system's promise of absolute invincibility, she was naturally fearless. While feeling the chill on her back, she used a flashlight to explore the secrets deep inside.

Because Xiong Xiong failed to convey the message, Zhi Kang and Xiao Wan, who were unprepared, felt their center of gravity unstable as soon as they walked out of the resort door. They tilted to one side and rolled out.

Xia Yan was so scared by the noise that she almost cursed.

What was going on? She thought a monster was hitting her from behind!

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