Zhikang and Xiaowan fell badly all the way, facing the safe zone, stumbling, and finally lying flat on the protective shield.

After the dizziness in their heads passed, the two realized something was wrong. They looked carefully and felt a chill on the back of their necks. They immediately supported themselves with their hands and tried to escape.

Don't, don't make a fuss!

Where did you fall in the dark? !

"Welcome to the newest resort - free fall in the cliff under the sea. How do you feel about this experience?"

Xia Yan raised his fist in front of Zhikang and smiled softly.

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Zhikang and Xiaowan are familiar with the seabed. When they heard the words "seabed cliff", they immediately realized where they were. When they looked up, they thought they could see the sunlight on the sea surface, but what they saw was the bright searchlight hanging high in the hotel.

In places where light cannot cover, the horror of black holes.

Xiaowan was surprised and said, "It has fallen so deep?"

Xia Yan nodded, pointed the flashlight at the sea water under him, and said, "It has been a long time, and I don't know when it will reach the bottom."

The beam of light pierced straight into the water, a long line, and no creatures or gray seabed could be seen.

It looks very deep.

Out of Xiaowan's curiosity, Xia Yan handed the flashlight to her and let her play with it, and looked at Zhikang who had been silent since just now.

Zhikang raised his head from the protective shield, his eyes were filled with confusion and puzzlement.

"What's wrong with you?" Xia Yan felt that he was not in the right state.

Zhikang looked down again, the beam of light was randomly waving in the sea water, it seemed that there were a lot of debris in it, and it was so dense that it was suffocating.

"I, I don't know what's going on, I always feel, I always feel..."

After a pause, Zhikang continued: "I always feel a little familiar, as if I have been here before."

It seems that I have lived here for a long time, he added in his heart, but it is a little different, not so deep, and something is missing.

Zhikang's memory is vague, but it is just a touch of emotion. When he saw this scene, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

He didn't see clearly what it was.

Xia Yan didn't think so. When she hired Zhikang, the resume introduction had the position and environment he had worked in. She also remembered that Zhikang used to be a chef at the bottom of the lake.

Although one is at the bottom of the lake and the other is at the bottom of the sea, they are almost the same. He should not be able to tell the difference inside. It is normal for him to have such a reaction now.

Xiaowan is addicted to playing. As a mermaid, they are naturally vigilant and rarely go so deep into the cliff. She remembered the bet she made with her former colleague - whether there is a big monster in the depths of the cliff. At that time, it could not be verified and finally ended.

Now under the protection of the hotel shield, she will not stop until she finds the monster hidden in the sea!

Xia Yan looked at the chaotic and shaking light column and felt that the sea water was muddied. It was a yellow soup everywhere. She was dizzy after following the light column. Finally, she couldn't help but hold her hand and said jokingly:

"Xiaowan, if I didn't know you were a real mermaid, I would have mistaken you for a monkey in mermaid skin."

Xiaowan said "ah", stopped the movement of her hand, and the light column also stopped, illuminating a gray water area.

Zhigang's eyes were straight, and the familiar feeling surged like a tide.

Looking at the increasingly turbid sea water, his eyes suddenly widened and he shouted in panic: "Boss, we can't go down any further! Let's leave quickly!"

"What did you say?"

"We can't go down any further! There's something inside!"

"What is it? Is there really something? What could it be?" Xiao Wan asked three questions excitedly.

Xia Yan shuddered all over, and goose bumps appeared all over her body.

She quickly stood up, opened the backstage and pressed the moving buttonβ€”β€”

[The hotel is being moved, so this function cannot be used temporarily]

Her eyes went dark, but it was raining heavily, and Xiao Wan exhaled exaggeratedly beside her.

"Actually, there is reallyβ€”β€”"

Xia Yan looked back, her scalp was numb, and her hands and feet were cold.

There were densely packed humanoid objects standing near the hotel, and within the range of the light, corpses that looked like giants were floating quietly.

There was still bottomless sea water under their feet, and the hotel was still falling at the original speed, but this movement disturbed the originally quiet sea water, and corpses from all directions followed the waves and began to move and approach the hotel, breaking into the light source range and following the hotel.

Like a spinning top, the higher it went, the more corpses were swept in.

Suddenly, there were several "bang, bang" sounds under her.

Xia Yan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Wan shone the light down, just shining on a huge pale face plate that had been soaked in a floating bag for a long time. The eye sockets were eroded and black, and half of the eyeballs were squeezed out. The gray pupils "looked" at them inorganically and hit them head-on.


The face plate hit the protective shield, and the soft and rotten flesh was instantly scattered. Behind it, there were countless others floating in the sea, approaching at super high speed.

At this time, a warm hand blocked Xia Yan's eyes, and a familiar, apologetic voice sounded in her ears.

"Sorry, boss, the environment here is a little different. I couldn't remember it right away... Don't look at it yet. If I remember correctly, there should be mud underneath. Wait until it stops there, then try to see if you can leave."

Unlike his gentle voice, his expression could almost be described as cold and ruthless.

He just looked at the corpses that were smashed to pieces by the falling hotel with cold eyes, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.

Zhichang did remember at the moment just now that his last job was to be a chef at the bottom of the lake, cutting many rotten fish and serving dishes to customers.

In the picture of memory, those customers never made any sound, and their dead fish-like eyes were always "staring" at a certain place, and they were getting "fatter" day by day, until they couldn't control and floated up.

Zhichang knew that this was the day when customers left with satisfaction.

And those customers were exactly the same as the corpses that were smashed to pieces in front of him.

Zhichang's memories were limited to this.

He looked at the countless corpses densely packed under the protective shield, listening to the endless collision sounds, and a sentence vaguely emerged in his mind:

Is this the way the customers here leave?

Xia Yan was blocked by him, and although he couldn't see, he could sense the number of collisions by hearing and touch.

Especially the impact of the rotten flesh on her palm, she felt numb, and even her mind was scattered with random thoughts.

How many people have died on this cliff? It couldn't have started hundreds of years ago...

Just then, a loud "bang" suddenly came from her ears, and Xia Yan was pushed up along with the sunken protective shield, and Zhigang moved his hand away just in time.

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