Su Mei felt that there was something wrong with her eyes.

When she rubbed her eyes, she heard Xia Yan say to the little girl in a very gentle voice:

"Do you like the container?"

What is this question? Su Mei thought.

The little girl's eyes were dark, and she could only recognize people by their voices. This strange voice had been chatting with her captain for a long time, so she should be an acquaintance, and her voice was very nice, without any malice.

Before coming here, I heard from the sisters that the captain was chatting with the boss. Could she be the omnipotent boss? Then I have to be more careful in what I say.

She nodded, "I like it."

Xia Yan smiled even more happily, "Then my sister will give you a lot, do you want it?"

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Su Mei was shocked, "That won't work. We can't accept gifts without merit, and we can't take anything from anyone for free."

What's going on? Why did they suddenly talk about the container?

And they have to give it to them. Can the boss's things be taken for free? This favor is too big, I'm afraid I can't pay it back.

The other people behind were also shocked. What era is this? It's been a while since we last met, but the boss has become so generous?

Just give away the container?

You know, there are so many supplies in a box!

Did the boss change his career to become a philanthropist?

Xia Yan smiled lightly, and waited for Su Mei to finish speaking before continuing: "I just sent you to that place. As for whether you can take it, how much you can take, and whether you can come back alive, it depends on how you choose."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet.

I never thought that the container was also linked to life.

Combined with the previous questions, Su Mei suddenly understood why Xia Yan asked that question just now.

Water pressure, there are many containers, can you get ashore alive...

That means she found a ship on the seabed, which is full of containers. If it has not been opened, it means that there may be a large amount of supplies inside.

But there is another question, is this batch of goods food or something else? If it is electronic products, then the risk is not worth it.

Su Mei looked at her teammates, exchanged glances, and saw the eagerness in each other's eyes.

According to a marine expert, the sea has swallowed nearly a million shipwrecks, and the gold can be counted by tons, and all kinds of rare treasures, gold and silver jewelry are countless, not to mention the ferry loaded with supplies was ravaged by the storm and eventually buried in the sea.

If it weren't for the time when she was chased by a wave of zombies and had no way to escape and jumped onto a fishing boat, and was taken into the depths of the sea by the wind and waves, the little girl suddenly looked at the sea surface motionlessly, muttering that there was a shipwreck below.

Naturally, everyone would not believe it. Mao Yuanyuan took her hand and asked her to lie down and rest, saying that if she was unlucky, she would be sent directly back to the hotel and start again.

The little girl suddenly broke free and pounced on Su Mei, hugged her neck and fell out of the boat.

With a splash, the two fell into the sea at lightning speed, which scared everyone. When they hurriedly turned over and prepared to pull people, they saw that the sea was calm, with only circles of ripples left.

Everyone wailed, but they were all landlubbers. No one dared to go into the water just by splashing their hands in the sea.

Those with poor psychological stress resistance burst into tears on the spot, with snot and tears, looking at the vast sea with despair.

How could the boss be pushed into the water...

The sea is all water. Even if they want to stay where they are, there are no coordinates around to distinguish the direction. A group of people's hands are clattering back and forth, and the boat is circling countless circles. In the end, no one knows how far away from the original position.

After more than half an hour of hardship, two heads suddenly emerged from the sea a hundred meters away from the boat.

"Is that the captain?!"

"What the hell? Why is it so dazzling?"

Their eyes were very uncomfortable. The sea was full of reflected light, and the heads that popped up were all golden spots.

Light pollution, dear!

It would probably take only a few seconds to close your eyes. When you open your eyes again, there is only a dazzling spot on the sea, and the head does not exist at all!

"It's over, I'm hallucinating."


"Why didn't anyone respond to you after calling you for most of the time? I told you to stop, stop, but you kept drifting somewhere else?!"

Hearing this familiar voice, everyone lowered their heads and their eyes suddenly turned red.


"You're still alive!!"

Su Mei rubbed her face, shook off the water drops on it, and smiled dazzlingly, "I'm not that easy to die. Let's not talk about anything else. Come, let me broaden your horizons and see what this is--"

She pulled up the heavy golden necklace around her neck, and the corners of her mouth were almost sticking out behind her ears.

Mao Yuanyuan and the others looked closely. Isn't this the dazzling thing just now?

"This is golden gold. It's better than crystal cores. It's perfect for paying rent!" Su Mei laughed with her head raised, and her whole body felt much better.

It's not that the boss's smile is dazzling, but the brilliance of gold!

"Thanks to our girl, there is a sunken ship on the seabed. I don't know what year it was. I searched for a long time and dug out these gold jewelry. You guys get ready and go to the sea together..."

When they were free at night, they stuffed the gold into the recharge port, and the points soared, which made them stare.

After tasting the sweetness of that fight, they had to go to the sea every three or five days.

Because the girl's ability level was low in the early stage and the detection range was limited, they still focused more on killing zombies and helping her improve her ability level.

When the container incident that Xia Yan mentioned happened, the little girl had grown up to the point where she could take all her teammates to the sea at once.

It was just that the sea was too big. First, they didn't know the situation on the seabed, and second, they might be chased by the big monster fish in the sea. Although the Su Mei team had some gains, they were not that big. After all, with this goal, they usually preferred to develop in this direction.

Who let the competition on land be too much, they turned their eyes to the vast sea.

Now that Xia Yan has conveyed such news, it is extremely attractive to them.

"You have to think about it." Xia Yan was actually just on impulse.

Perhaps because he recalled the tragic scene of the little girl's mother at that time, or perhaps he really wanted to help the Su Mei team, Xia Yan felt that this opportunity should really be given to them.

If Su Mei appeared a little later, Xia Yan might have gone to Chu Wanfu to discuss the specific matters of the guide fee.

It can only be said that everything is a coincidence of fate, and it is the Su Mei team that should make a fortune.

Su Mei herself is unwilling to miss it. The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish, and she wants to gamble.

Her eyes moved, and her teammates who had been through life and death many times, what else could they not understand.

"Captain, we listen to you, as long as you decide to do it, we dare to rush!"

The little girl also said: "I will definitely have no problem, I have recovered, captain, don't worry about me."

Su Mei clenched her fist and nodded heavily, "Okay, this vote, do it!"

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