She really has the temperament of a bandit.

Xia Yan stepped back a little and glanced at Su Mei. Wow, it was a perfect match.

She was carefree and casual, so this sentence really suited her.

"Are we leaving now?"

Since it had been finalized, Su Mei didn't want to wait for a moment. Now was the time when the sun was shining brightly. Under the sun, no matter what she did, it would go smoothly and without any mistakes.

"Don't you need to prepare anything?"

For example, oxygen tanks, flippers and the like.

"No, we have her here, so we don't need to prepare anything. The guys who eat have them with them."

In this case, Xia Yan didn't say anything.

She looked around and didn't find the holiday door, so she had to open the backstage to control it to appear.

In the blink of an eye, the holiday door appeared silently, Xia Yan walked in first, and the Su Mei team followed behind.

The moment Xia Yan stepped out of the door, she stepped into the air and almost fell directly into the depths of the hall.

Fortunately, she immediately called out the small square, stood in the air, and waited to pick up the people behind.

Like Xia Yan, everyone experienced a free fall.

When everyone sat in the small cube, followed Xia Yan, and lined up to go out to the safe zone, Su Mei and her group were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Dark, empty, no life.

"What on earth is this place?"

"Well, you know the cliff under the sea, this is the bottom."

"Why did you come here? Isn't the sea of ​​Lidai Island enough to see..."

"You don't understand, the cliff is also a kind of scenery. I have to say that this feeling of weightlessness and going into the darkness is still fascinating."

Xia Yan turned his back to them, put his hands behind his back, and looked deep.

Su Mei said that she understood incompetence.

Maybe only people who are full and bored will pursue spiritual stimulation?

The girl pulled away the black cloth covering her eyes as soon as she entered the hall. Here, her eyes looked no different from normal people, but there seemed to be a green light flashing when they were moving.

She looked at Xia Yan first, and then noticed the high-raised corner of the ship opposite. The densely packed containers were neatly stacked. Although faded, the corners were still intact.

After a closer look, you will find that the whole box is like a deflated potato chip bag, but it looks like there is no crack, and it feels very tightly sealed. If so, it is very likely that water has never entered it, although this possibility is very small.

She secretly pulled the corner of Su Mei's clothes and whispered in her ear: "Captain, it's worth it. I can feel that it is very deep here. If it is on the sea, I can't detect it at all."

Su Mei held her fingertips with her backhand, squeezed it and released it, indicating that she knew.

"You go, I will only deliver it here." Xia Yan sat on the small square, and the hotel behind him maintained the tilted angle unchanged.

She just opened the background to check the moving function and found that it can move with one click.

But Xia Yan is not in a hurry to leave now. She still wants to see the excitement and see what Su Mei and others are going to do.

The container is so huge, how many can it accommodate?

Su Mei and the others withdrew their gaze from the top of their heads and turned to the tall ship in front of them. When they saw that it was full of containers, they were so shocked that their jaws dropped.

Just a few containers?

A few?

Too modest, there must be hundreds here, right? !

Just give them like this?

The Su Mei team felt their heads buzzing, as if a huge pie had suddenly hit their heads, and they were so happy that they saw stars in front of their eyes.

It turned out that the person they met was not a liar, but a fortune teller with real talent and knowledge! !

She was destined to have a big windfall, it was true!

After shaking off the huge surprise, Su Mei tried her best to calm down and began to discuss the process.

It was useless to just see it, she had to move it back home and move it under her nose.

Su Mei gathered her teammates and held a brief meeting first. It was impossible for large-sized strange fish to survive here, so the danger of going out was reduced. As long as they stepped out of the safe zone, there would be hard containers under their feet.

The only thing they had to consider was how to transport it, which was actually simple.

A moment later, the Su Mei team set off with weak steps.

At the moment of leaving the protective shield, the little girl's supernatural power was activated, and her body secreted a liquid similar to that when firing a glass container. After everyone was covered with this thing, her eyes suddenly lit up with emerald green light.

(Xia Yan's first reaction was that it was fortunate that Xiao Wan was not there)

The green light swept from head to toe, and the liquid began to shrink inward, as if the air was sucked out, like a body-shaping garment worn on the body.

Not only did it not affect their movements, it also prevented them from floating up.

Xia Yan looked carefully and found that with the help of the "body-shaping garment", they could breathe freely on the seabed - with their noses.

Su Mei and the others walked away like this.

The little girl walked in front, her whole body shining, like a walking light bulb, illuminating the surroundings.

There was no mark on the container, and it was impossible to tell what was inside through the shell. Su Mei couldn't open the blind box on the spot. After gesturing with her teammates, she chose the light red container in the corner and asked her teammates with space abilities to put it away.

The container was not small, 13 meters long, 3 meters wide, and 4 meters high. At most three could be placed in the space.

Seeing three fingers, Su Mei frowned at first, then nodded heavily.

Three is fine. Who would think that picking up something for free is too little? It's just running errands. Just go for it.

After collecting the container, the space psychic disappeared on the spot. Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she had actually teleported back to the villa.

emmm, then her expectations were in vain.

"Su Mei."

Hearing the voice, Su Mei looked back and saw that it was Xia Yan waving at her.

"——What's wrong?"

She wouldn't regret it, right? After all, this was a free pick-up, which was equivalent to money everywhere. As a businessman, she might regret it...

Xia Yan put her hand to her mouth, made a trumpet gesture, and shouted loudly: "Do you want to unbox it when you put it back in the villa? If so, I want to go to your place and open the blind box."

Su Mei:...

Is this really okay?

Boss, do you know what you are talking about?

You are really so polite.

Talking is talking, complaining is complaining, but Su Mei knows in her heart that the other party is really curious, not wanting to see the good things for himself.

If she really regretted it and wanted to keep it for herself, she would never ask questions like this. Instead, she would find an excuse or stab them in the back while they were excited and not paying attention.

"Don't open the box now. If you want," Su Mei was silent for a while, "go to my place to open the box yourself."

"Yes, Boss Xia, go by yourself. We will probably be busy for a long time."

"If you can help us with this, we will be very grateful!"

Seeing the captain speak, the teammates were more excited than each other. Opening this thing is like opening a parcel. Any girl likes it. The only thing is that it is very laborious to open the container, especially this kind of buckled one.

If someone helps, they will be happy too much. How can they refuse?

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