Su Mei operated on the score card and gave Xia Yan a temporary identity, and then sent Mao Yuanyuan, who had no "use", to take Xia Yan back to the villa.

Xia Yan had no objection to this. The house had been rented to a customer. Even as the boss, she couldn't just go to the customer's home.

After returning to the villa, the space superpower unloaded the container on the beach at the door and turned back without saying anything.

Looking at the huge container that was still leaking water on the beach, Mao Yuanyuan rubbed her hands and circled around it, not knowing where to start.

Due to the water pressure, the entire container was dented inwards and the switch was deformed. To open it, it had to be violently removed.

Xia Yan took out the electric saw from the system grid, pressed it with his finger, and buzzed, the saw teeth on the blade rotated at high speed, "Try this."

Mao Yuanyuan slapped her forehead suddenly, "Yes, you can use the electric saw. Boss, can I do it? Don't hurt you."

Before leaving, the captain pulled her aside and said that he had to do the work himself. It was best to let Xia Yan pick up things and watch the excitement. There was no reason for the boss to take risks in such a dangerous matter as opening a box. If something happened, If something went wrong, they couldn't bear the responsibility.

Mao Yuanyuan couldn't help but applaud in her heart. Her boss had grown his brain and could think of this. It seemed that soaking in too much sea water would be beneficial.

After taking over the chainsaw, she asked Xia Yan to stand further away. She concentrated on finding a weak spot and sawed it down.

Sparks flashed like fireworks, and the water in the box spurted out from the cut, carrying a foul smell.

Mao Yuanyuan felt bad when she smelled this smell. What normal good thing would emit such a smell?

Just when she was about to jump down and give up opening it, the dented door actually bulged.


As soon as this thought came to her mind, a huge force hit her face. She felt as if she had been punched hard and her whole body flew backwards.

Xia Yan stood behind and clearly saw the door of the box explode, and the unknown objects inside surged in like waves. She caught Mao Yuanyuan who hit her, called out the small square and ordered it to be lifted into the air, and at the same time, her feet were submerged.

The smell of rotten plastic was like tear gas, and its attack range was so large that I was caught off guard and took a sip straight to my forehead, making my eyes full of physiological tears.

Xia Yan held his breath and put on the gas mask, lowered his head to look, his eyes were bright yellow, each had a protruding red mouth, and on the left and right were two black eyes, large and small, staggering around on the beach.

Isn't this a good bath companion for children, a little yellow duck toy.

Why do we have to transport this thing all the way?

When the ringing in her ears subsided, Mao Yuanyuan reached out and wiped it under her warm nose. Seeing the scarlet red, she rubbed it on her trouser legs very naturally.

She recalled just now and said to Xia Yan, "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have fallen on the beach."

Xia Yan glanced at her and controlled the small cube to stop at an unoccupied place. "You're welcome. Do you still want to open the box?"

Mao Yuanyuan's body swayed as she stood up. She didn't know whether it was because of the ducks on the ground or the sequelae of dizziness. Anyway, she picked up one at random, opened the electric saw and split the little yellow duck in the middle.


No one expected that the seemingly intact little yellow duck was actually filled with parasites and was filled to the brim, making it difficult to deal with at first sight.

"Boss Xia, maybe, you may have to borrow the trash can on the lower island to dispose of the ducks." Mao Yuanyuan's little face was too fair.

If these poisonous little yellow ducks were swept into the sea of ​​Lidai Island and taken away by unsuspecting people to play with their children, the consequences would be serious.

It happened that the sister from the delivery locker came back at this time. Mao Yuanyuan hurriedly told her the situation and asked the captain to bring back a few more people to help clean up the mess.

"Then are you still unpacking it?"

"Open it, I don't believe there's no good stuff in it!"

Mao Yuanyuan picked up the electric saw again. This time she had experience. When she saw water leaking from the incision, she stood directly on the top of the box. When the door of the box exploded with a bang, she squatted down quickly, then stuck her head out and looked at the box. Something that came out.

They were all soaked boxes and tasteless.

Xia Yan put on disposable gloves and tore open the cardboard box that was soft into slices of bread nearby. It was also filled with small boxes with product introductions painted on them.

Mao Yuanyuan shouted from the top: "What is it?"

Xia Yan pulled out a box, took out the contents and waved it at her. The water droplets formed a line in the air, "Noise-cancelling headphones."

It's a pity that it was all flooded.

Mao Yuanyuan sighed, "It's a waste of good things."

She jumped onto the third container in the air, and when she opened the box, two more girls appeared on the scene.

Although I had known about it in advance, I was extremely shocked when I saw this scene.

Xia Yan took out the universal trash can and told them to pay attention to safety and to wear gloves and masks. In case of infection or parasitism, doctors may not be able to do anything.

"Attention, the box is about to be opened!" Mao Yuanyuan reminded loudly.


It's like a popcorn popping machine, very loud and scary.

Similarly, the soft boxes rolled out. Xia Yan opened one of them and actually took out a ruler set, and then opened another box, which was all 2B pencils.

Compared with the first two useless things, this box is a treasure. It can be reused as long as it is dried.

Seeing this, Mao Yuanyuan jumped down to help.

"This is a pencil case. Hey, it even has an art knife. Why does it say 2B eraser? How many B erasers are there? I don't understand, as long as it can be used."

"What is this? Writing pad?!"

"Tsk, tape, good stuff."

"Wow, there are electric erasers and electric pencil sharpeners? They got soaked, let's wait and see after they dry."

Mao Yuanyuan grumbled and cheered, cheering for everything she saw.

In the past, when Xia Yan bought things for free, she was excited and happy, but suddenly someone around her spoke her mind, and her happiness doubled!

This is the value of emotions!

Xia Yan was in high spirits, speeding up the unpacking process, and if she came across a gel pen, fountain pen, etc., she would pick up a box and show it to Mao Yuanyuan.

The other party's reaction was greater than she imagined.

"Wow, great! See if the pen can be used. If it can be used, boss, you can move a few boxes back. And everything here, as long as you like, just take it, the captain will definitely be very happy!"

In Mao Yuanyuan's view, without Xia Yan's generosity, they would not be able to pick up so many things for free, and being stingy is not the usual style of her team.

Nothing to repay, boss, take whatever you like!

Xia Yan naturally wouldn't care about these things. She now had too many points to spend. The original intention of coming here was to open the blind box and experience the free purchase.

Besides, these supplies were useless in her hands. Instead of keeping them in the system grid, she might as well do whatever she wanted and give them to the Su Mei team as a favor.

"Don't worry about me, continue to unpack."

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