Seeing her refusal, Mao Yuanyuan would not persuade her any more.

She turned around and jumped onto the top of the container, pulled the trigger on the chainsaw, and continued to unpack.

The little yellow duck cleaned up at a rapid speed, and the empty box was taken away by the space ability user. The two began to transport the whole box of stationery to a position near the door and poured out the contents.

The notebook was spread out and the wrapping paper was torn off.

A large pile was spread on the ground.

Mao Yuanyuan smelled the fishy smell coming from the gap and immediately put away the chainsaw.

"This box is wrong. Why does it feel like there is a fishy smell inside."

She opened several more boxes in succession and found that most of these boxes had a smell. With the help of sunlight, she looked inside along the gap.

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"What? Fresh grapes? Melons? And bananas?"

Mao Yuanyuan exhaled a pent-up breath, and waited for the space ability user to come and unload the new box, and asked the other party to take all these boxes away.

"Hasn't it been unpacked yet?"

"Don't mention it, there are rotten fish and shrimp inside, and there are rotten fruits. It can't be opened. If it is opened, it will pollute the beach."

The sister sighed and looked back at the stationery drying in the sun. As long as there is a harvest, it will not be in vain.

Mao Yuanyuan placed her hope on the newly delivered container. Unlike the previous ones, there are words on these three boxes.

With the idea of ​​not wasting time, Mao Yuanyuan leaned over to distinguish carefully.

There are numbers written on it, which seems to be...

"31,63? Coding? What does it mean?"

Mao Yuanyuan scratched her head in confusion. She had never come into contact with it before, and now she was even more confused.

But her sixth sense told her that it couldn't be opened. There were bad things inside.

Xia Yan was still waiting for her to move. After a long while, she didn't move, so she asked: "Why don't you open the box."

Mao Yuanyuan hesitated and said: "I always feel that it can't be opened. My intuition is still quite accurate."

After thinking about it, she decided not to open it. Just after she asked her sister to send the box back and told the other party the number on it.

The little sister's face changed on the spot.

"Are you sure it's 3163?"

"Yes, there are three boxes. Do you know the meaning of this number?"

"3163 is a code, specifically for dangerous goods. Through this code, you can find its characteristics and all related information, including emergency disposal methods. Fortunately, you didn't open it. It's too dangerous."

Hearing her say this, Mao Yuanyuan also broke out in a cold sweat.

The sixth sense saved her life again. It was right to believe in her intuition.

The space ability user put the three boxes back into the space and returned to the bottom of the sea in a hurry.

Xia Yan thought she could take out a lot of good things from the container. After looking for a long time, except for stationery, the rest of the things were garbage.

Her passion was gone.

Xia Yan said goodbye to Mao Yuanyuan and returned to the hotel lobby.

Through the French window, she saw that in the raised hull, the container was missing in a ladder. The box she took back was thrown off the ship casually, and a corner of it was stuck in the silt layer and was gradually swallowed.

Xia Yan didn't find the figures of Su Mei and others. Maybe they were behind a layer of containers.

She retracted her gaze, opened the backstage and clicked on one-click moving.

The passage flashed with a faint light and appeared in the safe zone.

At this time, the holiday door appeared in Xiongxiong's head, "Boss, let's move?"

Xia Yan nodded.

Xiongxiong cheered and jumped out from inside, ten nails stretched out, inserted into the floor like cutting into tofu, and learned the movements and postures of sloths to crawl forward easily.

Xiongxiong did not look sideways, and did not care about the environment outside at all. There was only the hotel in its eyes.

At the moment it was about to pack up the hotel, the lights on the top also went out, and the surroundings were suddenly swallowed by darkness.

Xia Yan thought that with the light in the passage, at least he could see the environment clearly, but he did not expect the small light spots to dim as well, as if they were seriously injured and very weak.

"What's wrong with them?" Xiongxiong asked.

"Maybe they were electrocuted." Xia Yan guessed.

Xiongxiong did not speak, and put the shrunken hotel into his pocket.

"Boss, electric baton."

No matter whether they can do it or not, they didn't think of letting me go last time when I couldn't do it!

Xiongxiong was gnashing his teeth in secret. The word "revenge" was its first rule of conduct.

Xia Yan was shocked, "Xiongxiong! This is the bottom of the sea. Water conducts electricity. You don't want us to experience an electric shock, do you?"

Xiongxiong was no less surprised than her, "Ah?! Conductive? I don't feel any water around me."

Water conducts electricity. Wouldn't it be inconductive without water?

Xia Yan shook her head firmly, "No, no, this kind of joke is not allowed. I don't want to be electrocuted at all."

The feeling of half of the body being numb, the body being uncontrollably stiff, the eyes being crooked and the mouth being crooked was not pleasant at all.

Xiongxiong had to give up when he saw the boss insisting on it.

But it held its butt tightly the moment it entered the door, fearing that the small light point would come to harm it.

Xia Yan finally took a look at the dark boat. There was a dazzling white light there. She knew that was the location of Su Mei and the others.

I hope I can get some useful things later, otherwise she will be a little embarrassed.

Although Xia Yan thought so, she didn't have a trace of nostalgia under her feet and ran straight to the end.

Just when she thought she was at a new scenic spot, she slipped and split her leg.


Xia Yan immediately took another step--

Very good, both feet slipped and her head hit the ground.

"Bear!" Xia Yan opened her mouth to shout, but a mouthful of cold wind blew through her, and she felt chilled to the bone. Her heart was not at all excited, woo woo.

What was worse was that the snowflakes blowing in her face were like hail, hitting her face, eyelids, and forehead one after another, which was painful and cold. After just one or two breaths, she felt that her eyeballs were frozen and painful, and her head was frozen.

Not to mention that she was wearing thin clothes, and the wind blew through her, and her body temperature dissipated completely.

Just when Xia Yan was about to curse, she plunged into the protective shield, and the long-lost warmth wrapped her body like a spring breeze.

Xia Yan's momentum did not decrease. She staggered a few times and simply fell on the marble floor tiles, spreading her limbs and feeling the temperature of the geothermal at close range.

The coldness in her body was driven away, and she sighed in comfort.

This side was warm, and she turned over to warm her back.

Then she saw the bear looking at her, standing in front of her head.

But its state was a little wrong.

"Boss," its voice trembled, "It seems that the hotel is skiing."



Xia Yan sat up suddenly, looking sharply at the outer edge of the safe zone.

There, the sky and the earth were covered with white, the wind was howling, the snowflakes were flying, and the outside environment was completely invisible.

The snowflakes were like crystallized salt, hitting the protective shield, and the ears were filled with rustling sounds.

Xia Yan could clearly feel that the hotel was tilted downward, and at a very fast speed.

She was close to the edge of the protective shield, and in the white flying, she saw the hard, transparent and uneven ice layer exposed below.

Just as Xiongxiong said, the hotel was skating.

"You are right," Xia Yan turned back, crying, "We are at the top of the mountain and sliding down the mountain."

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