The hotel was not suspended above the snow, but was close to the ice surface, shoveling snow all the way down.

Sitting in Xia Yan's position, he just witnessed the scene of the snow being pushed to both sides.

Because the newly fallen snow was very thin, it seemed like the finest gravel in the world when it was pushed away, and it was also a bit like cream ice cream.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong didn't know where they would slide to in the end, and they couldn't start moving before they stopped.

Anyway, under the absolute protection of the hotel, they wouldn't get hurt.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

After having a bottom line, Xia Yan took out the sofa bed from the system grid, sat in it with Xiong Xiong, hugged the pillow, covered himself with a small thin blanket, drank hot tea, and enjoyed the rare scenery experience.

I don't know what kind of mountain this is. There was not even a tree blocking the road along the way. It was extremely smooth, and the lower the visibility was, the lower it was.

Sitting on the sofa and looking around, there was nothing else except that the protective cover was deformed by the wind.

Besides, it was white and bright outside, and my eyes would get tired after looking at it for a long time. If I moved to another place, white spots of light would appear.

It looked very interesting at first, but it was actually very boring. Xia Yan couldn't help yawning any longer, and her eyelids kept fighting. She gradually closed her eyes and prepared to sleep.

The safe zone returned to silence, with only the rustling sound of the white wind blowing.

Xia Yan finally fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it had been, but suddenly there was a loud noise in my ears, as if something had broken in and landed heavily.

Xia Yan immediately jumped up from the sofa bed, swept away the sleepiness in her eyes, and looked at the opposite side vigilantly.

Then she froze in place like an icicle.

In the huge safe zone, a house like a yurt suddenly appeared.

There was a rustling sound from the house, and then the metal knocking sound when the bolt was moved. The door was pushed outwards, a corner of the curtain was lifted, and three heads popped out from behind.

From top to bottom, it should be the mother, son and daughter.

A family of three, all with red spots on their cheeks.

Apparently, they were also shocked and stunned by the sudden appearance of the hotel.

Their eyes moved uniformly from the upper floor of the hotel to the lobby, and then fell on Xiong Xiong little by little, and then turned around and looked at Xia Yan.

Their dumbfounded look was no less than seeing the wind blow a wallet and the stream deliver a box of apples.

Both sides stared at each other, with the same look in their eyes, and they both thought the other was fake.

"You, where did you come from?" Xiong Xiong asked Xia Yan's question.

The whole way was thick snow, and there was still ice under the snow. It was impossible for there to be living humans!

The two children with black eyes stared at each other and said in a low voice:

"The bear is talking! I actually understood what it said!"

"I also understood it, brother. Could they be Mongolians? We met compatriots. If Dad knew——"

Before the little girl finished speaking, a big hand hit her face and pushed her into the house.

"Don't talk nonsense. Go back to bed!"

Their mother's eyes were nervous. While observing the expressions of Xiong Xiong and Xia Yan, she hurriedly drove the two children back to the house.

Her heart was pounding. The children had no sense of defense and dared to reveal the news that there was no man in the family in front of strangers. This was too dangerous!

Her hand groped quietly in the dark until her fingertips touched a cold knife handle. She held it tightly in her palm and felt a little safe.

Xia Yan didn't expect to meet a survivor here for a while. Judging from the other party's appearance, it seemed that there was no sense of crisis of life and death threatened by the cold or zombies.

It seems that in the eyes of the other party, he is the biggest danger?

Xia Yan cleared his cough and planned to say hello first.


A long yak suddenly appeared in the wind and snow outside the protective shield, and it was approaching rapidly. The huge cow eyes clearly reflected everything in the safe zone.

With a bang, the cow was immediately shoveled in, with its back on the ground and its four hooves facing the sky.

Mooing anxiously.

The two children in the round house stuck their heads out again, their little faces panicked, "This is our cow!"

"Where's Dad?!"

Before the voice fell, the man who was wrapped tightly was also shoveled in the safe zone and fell on the cow's belly, hitting the cow to the point of being stressed.


The two children recognized the man, opened the curtain and ran out, holding the man's thighs on the left and right and calling for help.

The mother who didn't keep an eye on the man was anxious and angry, and she didn't forget to put her hands behind her back and ran over to stand together.

"Boss, are you okay?"

When she said this, her eyes were fixed on Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong.

The man shook his head, and the snow on the top of his hat fell to the ground like salt, and soon melted into drops of crystal clear water.

The yak struggled to break free, turned over, stood up, flicked its tail, aimed at the round house and walked in.

The little girl saw this and said happily: "Our cow knows home and knows how to find food."

But this time no one responded to her words, even her father who loved her the most showed a serious and nervous expression.

The girl frowned and looked at the place where her father, mother and brother were staring at.

They are people who should not be here.

She pursed her lips and made the most ferocious gesture.

There are many people in my family, so I am not afraid of these two people!

The man took a step forward and stood in front of his wife and children, full of defense.


Xia Yan raised his smiling face and said in a friendly manner: "Welcome to the mobile hotel. Our store provides accommodation and catering.

"Whether you want to experience an absolutely safe accommodation environment or want to eat home-cooked meals, as long as you make a request, we will try our best to meet it."

Xiong Xiong placed his hands on his abdomen, full of the temperament of a store manager.

After Xia Yan finished speaking, he bowed slightly and opened his left hand behind.

"I will lead everyone to visit the store. As for your finances, please rest assured that our store provides free storage services."

Xia Yan added: "The store can also provide fresh five-flower grass for yaks, which is free of charge."

The family of four looked at each other, as if they had heard a fairy tale.

The father waved his hand, and his broad forehead was full of disbelief.

"My mother taught me since I was a child that things from strangers should not be eaten. Now I want to teach my children that things given by others - huh? "

The two children raised their heads, their cheeks puffed up, and a sweet smell wafted out when they smacked their lips.

Xia Yan stood beside them, with two grape-flavored lollipops lying in her open white palms.

She smiled sweetly, "Candy is still delicious, these two lollipops are also yours, take them away and put them in your pockets."

As long as they are children, they can't resist the sweetness of candy. They blinked their eyes, their facial features were full of joy, and their little hands couldn't help but reach out.

They also said obediently: "Thank you, sister!"

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